Top 1200 Loyal Fans Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular Loyal Fans quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Who then will dare to say I'm weak or timid? No, they'll say I'm loyal as a friend, ruthless as a foe, so much like a hero destined for glory.
The fans in Dallas were hard on me my first year, but after having a great year last year they are now supporting me. It feels great to have my hard work pay off, especially when the fans made it hard for me.
I got to Arizona in 1980, before the Cardinals, Diamondbacks and Coyotes. The sun rose and set with the Phoenix Suns, and it wasn't very spectacular. But I became a loyal fan and went to a lot of games.
The same fans that want to rip you up are the same fans that want to talk you up and want your autograph.
I suggest that ten thousand Negroes march on Washington, D.C., the capital of the Nation, with the slogan, 'We loyal Negro American citizens demand the right to work and fight for our country.'
I don't think that I have much power at all, and I don't think that I'm trying to do anything outside of making my fans happy with the music that I write and record and, of course, I want to branch out and I want to have more fans, so I try to get interviews and I try to talk to different outlets and I try to get my music everywhere it can be.
We've got to get our fans back. We've got to start winning and get our fans excited about the 76ers again... We're selling hope. This is about hope. We have hope that we have a chance to be good.
I'm a very loyal and very private person when it comes to my personal life. But I obviously do have Twitter and Instagram, and I will share some of the things I'm doing. — © Kendall Jenner
I'm a very loyal and very private person when it comes to my personal life. But I obviously do have Twitter and Instagram, and I will share some of the things I'm doing.
Star Trek?” I asked her. “Really?” “What?” she demanded, bending unnaturally black eyebrows together. “There are two kinds of people in the universe, Molly,” I said. “Star Trek fans and Star Wars fans. This is shocking.” She sniffed. “This is the post-nerd-closet world, Harry. It’s okay to like both.” “Blasphemy and lies,” I said.
It was really important to try to reach a whole new audience so we had a lot of people in who not only had not seen the last film but were not Star Trek fans, or thought of themselves as not being Star Trek fans, or they had seen bits and pieces of Star Trek in the past and it was just not for them.
I look into your great brown eyes, where love and loyal homage shine, and wonder where the difference lies between your soul and mine!.
I got a woman I'm loyal to above all things, above my career. She's profound to me. I'm quiet. I live in Kansas City. I work.
I do belong to Jersey. There's no doubt about that in my mind. They have been so loyal and so good to me; how could I possibly belong any place else?
I'm a Texas guy, and the good and bad of that is that I'm always, first and foremost, loyal. If it weren't for 'Supernatural,' I wouldn't have a lot of the blessings that I have today, so I'm going to play it out. I'm going to give it my all.
Because I know you, Percy Jackson. In many ways, you are impulsive, but when it comes to your friends, you are as constant as a compass needle. You are unswervingly loyal, and you inspire loyalty. You are the glue that will unite the seven.
It is a truism to say that the dog is largely what his master makes of him: he can be savage and dangerous, untrustworthy, cringing and fearful; or he can be faithful and loyal, courageous and the best of companions and allies.
Stephen Colbert has such a loyal following; I don't know if it's the same with Jay Leno; he really inspires love in people, and there can be a lucky ricochet of that for some people.
Gowdy had a love affair with the microphone and the fans had a love affair with him. American sports fans truly lost an icon, a legend who never felt he was bigger than anyone else. He had that humility that made him special, and he made everyone feel like they were so important.
Each letter of the alphabet is a steadfast loyal soldier in a great army of words, sentences, paragraphs, and stories. One letter falls, and the entire language falters.
They [gorillas] are brave and loyal. They help each other. They rival elephants as parents and whales for gentleness. They play and have humor and they harm nothing. They are what we should be. I don't know if we'll ever get there.
I do get a kick out of the fact that this 'Wrestling With Whiskey' thing has become known enough both amongst whiskey fans, but also amongst the wrestling fans that when something like that pops up then that's kind of the immediate reaction so I get a kick out of that.
My philosophy is if you're going to work 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for not a whole lot of money, why work for someone you're not gonna be loyal to? — © Stephanie Cutter
My philosophy is if you're going to work 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for not a whole lot of money, why work for someone you're not gonna be loyal to?
Giving builds loyal customers and turns those customers into supporters...You can find passion and profit and meaning all at once, right now.
I can't betray anyone. I don't know what it's like to really betray someone. I'm very loyal to my circle, my family, and those I hold close to me.
I go to work, and I work very hard. I'm loyal, generous, true, kind, fair - all those boxes are ticked. I'm going to Heaven.
I wrote about drugs, and I didn't think I was being unsafe or careless by writing about them. I didn't want fans to think heroin was cool. But then I've had fans come up to me and give me the thumbs up, telling me they're high. That's exactly what I didn't want to happen.
I do belong to Jersey. There's no doubt about that in my mind. They have been so loyal and so good to me, how could I possibly belong any place else?
We need an ally of Mydogg's or Gentian's pretending to be among the most loyal allies of the king,' Brigan said. 'Shouldn't be so hard, really. If I shot an arrow out the window I'd probably hit on.
I tried not to get too addicted to reading the Whedonesque website, because it could become obsessive. They were a charming and loyal bunch of people to whom I'm eternally grateful.
As long as you set yourself up as a little god to which you must be loyal there will be those who will delight to offer affront to your idol.
I don't play music very well, so I've always surrounded myself with people who played a lot better than I did. I'm a loyal person, and I just tend to leave it to the experts.
I want to make an album my grandma and my fans are going to like. I want to make my grandma understand a drop and make club fans understand a song.
I am a serious man, a loyal man. — © Claudio Ranieri
I am a serious man, a loyal man.
Yeah, um, I do twitter because I want people to, you know, get to know me, my fans, or my fans to get to know me, you know, just see what type of person I am. You know, hopefully be more on an intimate level with me as opposed to a distant level.
It's our job to put a good product out there, and fans will come. If they see a good product, a good style, fans will come.
[My mom told me] to always be loyal and treat someone how you want to be treated. Find someone that you can love and that's going to be your best friend.
I am extremely proud of my accomplishments at 'Fox News' and for keeping our loyal viewers engaged and informed on events and news topics of the day.
There won't be a law with sanctions, but Mexicans and Mexican consumers will know how to value those companies that are loyal to our national identity and those that are not.
Ryan Giggs pretty much won everything there is to win in the game. He made over 900 appearances for the club and always stayed loyal to Manchester United, which is really impressive.
I know that any fan of 'Veronica Mars' is hardcore and loyal, so I give them the time; we spend time talking about it because it warrants that.
"God does not play games with His loyal servants," said the Metatron, but in a worried tone of voice. "Whooo-eee," said Crowley. "Where have you been?"
A man's man is respectful, he's honorable, he's loyal, he's sensitive, he's strong, he's tough, he's well-groomed, he has a sense of humor - and he takes care of himself and his lady.
Senator [Bob] Corker has been, first of all, discreet and loyal. He has not signaled the internal mechanisms. He`s been pretty honestly saying, I wasn`t a real insider in the campaign.
Do not forget that a traitor within our ranks, known to us, can do more harm to the enemy than a loyal man can do good to us. — © Isaac Asimov
Do not forget that a traitor within our ranks, known to us, can do more harm to the enemy than a loyal man can do good to us.
Nothing can be done about it: every master has but a single pupil--and he will not stay loyal to him--for he is also destined to become a master.
Giving builds loyal customers and turns those customers into supporters... You can find passion and profit and meaning all at once, right now.
When I do things, like, with Josh Grobin, or he has so many fans, and I get people after my concerts, classical concerts, all the time coming back and saying, 'Never heard of you until I heard the song with Josh Grobin.' Then they're now classical music fans, which is something I think we need to reach a wider audience.
Seriously, our nation is never going to be on the same page on issues like gun control, welfare, the economy, the environment, etc. I doubt we'll ever come to terms on tastes great or less filling and hybrids versus Hummers, and there will always be Yankees fans and Red Sox fans, and never the 'twain shall meet. Fortunately, all it takes for us to be of one mind is some buttercream frosting.
I think that we had a really loyal, great audience on Tuesdays and we were hoping that with the move, they would come with us. It looks like they have, so things are good and we are going to keep building.
Without doubt, the Queen's personal acceptance of her role as a loyal E.U. servant was one of the great symbolic moments of our history. A bit like Magna Carta, but backwards.
I definitely work pretty hard to stay present and focused. I've also tried to create a life for myself where I'm surrounded by honest, loyal, and funny people, because I like to laugh.
Being a part of a political party is something like being a partner in a marriage - work at it and stay loyal to it, and when you can't stomach it any longer, leave it.
If it was in my control, Id still be wearing a Red Sox uniform, because its the place I know, I love. All of those fans, Ill always remember. But Im also going to another great place. Im going to a phenomenal city with great tradition as well, phenomenal fans, great organization.
I never been a fighter that goes in thinking of defeat. I always go in thinking about winning. I prepare myself to win every time I step in the ring and to give the fans what they want. The results, sometimes don't matter to me. But as long as the fans are entertained with a good fight and enjoy watching me fight, that's all I can do. Just doing the best I can and have the results be what they are.
I stand today on this floor to appeal for protection from the strong arm of the government for her loyal children, irrespective of color and race, who are citizens of the southern states, and particularly of the State of Georgia.
The thing about science-fiction fans and "Star Wars" fans is they're very independent-thinking people. They all think outside the box, but they all have very strong ideas about what should happen, and they think it should be their way. Which is fine, except I'm making the movies, so I should have it my way.
If you are a Scot living outside of Scotland but still in the UK, you are not allowed to vote in the referendum. This leaves over a million of loyal, proud Scots disenfranchised. It gives me the rage.
I didn't quite understand for a little while just how loyal and rabid that fan base is for 'Gilmore Girls' until I started to get out there and see people all over the country.
The good news is that the ownership team and the rest of the hard-working, loyal, and driven staff over here at your hometown Cavaliers have not betrayed you nor never will betray you.
If there is anything in life in which I take a pardonable pride, it is my friendship for certain old woodsmen and hunters; obscure men, as far as the world is concerned, but faithful friends, loyal comrades.
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