Top 1200 Luck And Hard Work Quotes & Sayings - Page 17

Explore popular Luck And Hard Work quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Hard work and togetherness. They go hand in hand. You need the hard work because it's such a tough atmosphere... to win week in and week out. You need togetherness because you don't always win, and you gotta hang though together.
I am not the greatest actor in the world, but the reason I keep working is that I work hard and show up every day and be easy to work with.
When I find those actors who are going to work that hard and collaborate that deeply, my role is to make sure there's a whole lot there for them to work with. — © Debra Granik
When I find those actors who are going to work that hard and collaborate that deeply, my role is to make sure there's a whole lot there for them to work with.
I feel that opiates - I include opium and all its derivatives, such as morphine, heroin, pantopon, etc. - are quite useless for any sort of creative work, useful though they may be for routine work. Much of the hard physical work in the Far East is done by opium addicts.
If I come to work every day and do my job, work as hard as I can, be a great teammate, the rest of that stuff will take care of itself.
I can't tell you how hard I worked the last year. In fact, I worked so hard that I know I can't maintain that same work level in 2001, so I've got to quit something.
If I have to work hard or think hard or just copy somebody else that's doing it better - whatever it takes, I'm going to find that solution. That's the drive that keeps me going.
At a certain point, if you work really hard and you get good and people like your work, you do deserve the fame - but you shouldn't take it for granted.
You get out of life what you put into it. I think you need a bit of luck but you also make a bit of luck. I think that if you're a pretty decent person you'll get back what you put in.
Hope and faith. You have to have hope and faith... Long ways to go. Grateful to survive. I's frustrating. Mentally hard. Hard work. I'm trying. Trying so hard to get better. Regain what I've lost... I will get stronger. I will return.
O, once in each man's life, at least, Good luck knocks at his door; And wit to seize the flitting guest Need never hunger more. But while the loitering idler waits. Good luck beside his fire, The bold heart storms at fortune's gates, And conquers its desire.
I taught for a semester, but couldn't work out my teaching schedule with my acting schedule because they just didn't jive. So, I had to make a decision. And by sheer luck, I'm sure, I have not stopped working as an actor.
You work really hard on something, and you know you can't always make great work. It just doesn't happen like that, I don't think, at least not for most people, anyways. — © Andrew Haigh
You work really hard on something, and you know you can't always make great work. It just doesn't happen like that, I don't think, at least not for most people, anyways.
Love your work. Work hard for it.
Fortunately, I had the luck to be able to begin to work and realize my potential in something that I like to do, and in something I had wanted to do, which was acting.
What I look for are guys that work hard, have a great work ethic and embrace that underdog mentality a little bit. And certainly there is no substitute for toughness.
I always remind my kids that hard work pays off. That's how I got to where I am right now because of sacrifice and the work I put into it.
My favorite work is The Full Monty because I got an Oscar for it. But it was really hard work at the time. Sometimes comedy is not a bundle of laughs to actually do.
I didn't work hard to sit down and not work.
Those who would attain to any marked degree of excellence in a chosen pursuit must work, and work hard for it, prince or peasant.
My respect for Westerns have gone way, way up. It's hard and treacherous work. It's hard to find people these days who can ride horses like that and jump onto trains.
There's always some extent of luck going into getting a job. I try not to think too much about my own looks or how I work. There's a danger in becoming too self-aware.
I grew up with comic books and cartoons and action movies. To find myself in the position to do work in these mediums is just an opportunity I couldn't have even asked for. It's just pure luck, really.
There is something wrong with our system when I can leave here and make billions of dollars in 10 years while millions of students can't even afford to pay off their loans, let alone start a business. We all know you don't get successful just by having a good idea or working hard. You get successful by being lucky too. If I had to support my family growing up, instead of having the time to learn how to code. If I didn't know that I was gonna be fine if Facebook didn't work out, then I wouldn't be standing up here today. And if we're honest, we all know how much luck we've had.
When I stopped playing hockey and started acting, the last person I was going to ask for help was my dad. He's the king of being like, 'I don't know. It's good work if you can get it. Good luck.'
I was a second-division B player, and I've had to work very hard. I tell the players, 'The moment we stop working hard on this, as soon as we stop dedicating hours to this, we'll fall.'
Regardless of what dreams you have, work very hard, play very hard, and have fun.
I'm a hard worker and love my work. I have felt pulled toward work. And it's a pull I have ferociously had to counter to make room for my family.
The thing about football is when you've got guys that work hard and do things the right way, it'll come together... it's supposed to if you put the work in.
Work hard at work worth doing.
I go to work, and I work very hard. I'm loyal, generous, true, kind, fair - all those boxes are ticked. I'm going to Heaven.
I wish you good writing and good luck. Even if you've already done the good writing, you'll still need the good luck. It's a shark-filled lagoon out there. Cross your fingers and watch your back.
All I do is work hard. Try and work on my bowling and keep improving every day. That's the key to success at the international level and in tournaments like the IPL.
I think most people have a general sense that when you're released from prison, life is hard, but, you know, if you work hard and apply self-discipline and stay out of trouble, you can make it. But that's true only for a relative few.
Luck was with me. I saw no spiders. Luck was against me. I saw no specters.
I work hard, but I work from a position of rest.
It's hard work. It's really hard work, but it's really interesting. We have this camera, I think it's called a SimulCam, and when you play it back, you can see the giant in the scene you just shot. It's incredible. You're reacting to a tennis ball that's way up there, then when you watch it, it's this huge giant's face on it. Wow. That's cool. I just can't wait to see it when it's all edited together and the special effects are all crystal clear. It's going to be, hopefully, amazing.
I work really hard not to have a kitsch tone to any of my work, particularly radio stuff, which sometimes goes in that direction on certain programs. — © Meghan Daum
I work really hard not to have a kitsch tone to any of my work, particularly radio stuff, which sometimes goes in that direction on certain programs.
It's tremendously hard work. Yes, I love arranging the words and having them fall on the ear the right way and you know you're not quite there and you're redoing it and redoing it and there's a wonderful thrill to it. But it is hard.
If you want to be successful in the gym, in the classroom, in college or when you get out and go into the world of work, that is going to be determined by how hard you are willing to work.
I work hard because I love my work.
I saw ten thousand talkers whose tongues were all broken, I saw guns and sharp swords in the hands of young children, And it's a hard, it's a hard, it's a hard, it's a hard, It's a hard rain's a-gonna fall.
It is not hard work that is dreary; it is superficial work.
My mission is to raise incomes for hard working middle class families. If you work hard and do your part you should be able to get ahead and stay ahead.
My parents are hard workers and they showed me what it means to work hard. I would give a lot of the credit to my parents for where I'm at and who I am. They both worked multiple jobs to make sure me and my siblings were able to play sports and have a home. I'll never forget how hard they worked and that always motivates me.
I believe you make your own luck. My motto is ‘It’s always a mistake not to go.’ So I jump on the airplane, try new things—sometimes I get in way over my head, but then I think, I’ll work my way out of this somehow. A big part of making your own luck is just charging out of the gate every morning…The thing I love about living in New York is that I never fail to get up in the morning and think, Something adventurous is going to happen today. The energy is operating at full throttle all the time. And if you want to be lucky you’ve got to go out and take advantage of it.
People who believe they have bad luck create bad luck. Those who believe they are very fortunate, that the world is a generous place filled with trustworthy people, live in exactly that kind of world.
I was lucky. I grew up knowing that hard work and smart work has a greater impact on results than being passionate about something. — © Mark Cuban
I was lucky. I grew up knowing that hard work and smart work has a greater impact on results than being passionate about something.
Jose Mourinho has been really clear about what he expects from me, saying he wants me working hard rather than just scoring. Hard work is what he values.
Making cartoons means very hard work at every step of the way, but creating a successful cartoon character is the hardest work of all.
It was incredible being on tour with Taylor Swift: she was the epitome of a professional, and she works so hard. For someone as successful as her to work that hard every night - truly inspirational.
To green our country, regular people will have to put on hard hats and work boots, roll up their sleeves - and get to work.
Put your head down and work hard. Never wait for things to happen, make them happen for yourself through hard graft and not giving up.
All my friends are always telling me how hard it is to have kids. 'Oh, David, it's so hard.' That's not hard. I'll tell you what hard is. Try talking your girlfriend into her third consecutive abortion. Yeah, that's hard, that takes finesse. You're just inconvenienced.
I don't think there is anything wrong in earning money from the sport you love. If you work hard and get benefits from it, there is no harm. The day you feel that you are not working hard and are only looking at the benefits, that's where the problem is.
I work really hard - that doesn't mean I deserve anything, but it's really cool to see the positive reaction people give to something you worked so hard on. It's one of the best feelings.
I think it's the strength of the idea that's made Donors Choose work, not me. I mean, I'm determined, and I work hard, but so does everyone else.
Those who work much do not work hard.
My purpose in life always has been to avoid work. And I hear these people saying, "I work hard and I pay my taxes." Well, you're an asshole.
'American Idol' was just really a platform. What you do after that is what separates you from the show. And I've been working really hard, touring constantly, and building those fans. You've got to work hard.
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