Top 1200 Luck And Hard Work Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular Luck And Hard Work quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
We work super hard to not have to work
Being independent isn't as flashy as a lot of people may think. It's a lot of hard work; its a lot of investing your own money. And to creatively time to make your day work - it's on you to make it work, and no one else.
I find writing really hard, but then, every author I know finds writing really hard work. — © Nicola Cornick
I find writing really hard, but then, every author I know finds writing really hard work.
You don't need an introduction to succeed in life. You need to have good work. Work hard. Believe in yourself
I'm just curious how it'd look like if someone tried to remake my work. But I really believe that it's hard to remake of any of my work.
Nobody's a natural. You work to get good and then work to get better. It's hard to stay on top.
Which of us?is to do the hard and dirty work for the restand for what pay? Who is to do the pleasant and clean work, and for what pay?
It's taken me 30 years to get this way, and I don't intend to let go. I work hard, but I play hard, too, and that's the one part of me that nobody sees. But I intend to be around for a long time yet.
Hearing that people read my books when they were sick, or that the books helped them find an escape when they were having a hard time... stuff like that makes all the hard work pay off.
Well, when you're on the television you constantly get asked to work with charities and it's really hard to work with all of the charities that ask you, and of course we all want to give back.
I don't want to give people the wrong advice to follow their dreams no matter what, because it's not fun to be a starving artist. But on the other hand, life is short, and if you are burning with a passion to do something, then do it. Work hard, study hard at it, and don't give up.
Watching Mum work hard made me do the same. I've watched her since I was little, and I've picked up on how hard she works and the fire she has in her belly.
I've always really enjoyed sharing my work with others. I find it really hard if I don't think the work will exist outside of my own apartment.
I never went into it [the business] thinking 'I'm a female sports reporter'. I just went into it thinking 'I'm a sports reporter'. No chip on the shoulder, no feeling like a victim when you walk in, no feeling entitled when you walk in. You've just got to do your job and work extremely hard. I think it's very basic. There's no magic to it. I think honestly it comes down to how badly do you want it. How hard are you willing to work?
Knowing that things are going to slow down in the future, no matter what, that allows me to work hard now, make hay while the sun is shining and knowing that - while momentum is rolling - we have to hit it hard.
If I'm going somewhere to work, I'm there to work as hard as I can, put out the best product possible, and help any way I can along the way. — © Matt Hardy
If I'm going somewhere to work, I'm there to work as hard as I can, put out the best product possible, and help any way I can along the way.
I tell people that it's one thing to have the gift and the talent and work hard but another thing to have the favor of God in making it all work, and I think all those are factors.
I've not been a decisively re-elected city councilor and top vote-getter three times because I haven't done the work and because I don't work hard.
I used to think hard work made me come alive, honestly. I used to have a daily work schedule with millions of things on it and I thought, "This is wonderful!"
When I'm working, I have a hard time switching off, and when I'm not working, I have a hard time thinking of ever wanting to work again.
Film work is hard work. It's long days, and quite often quite dismaying locations you have to be in.
Anxiety and conscience are a powerful pair of dynamos. Between them, they have ensured that I shall work hard, but they cannot ensure that one shall work at anything worthwhile.
Responsibility has to be shared between all the players. It's more about doing your job and working hard. I try not to focus on me. My focus is on the team. I just work hard to try and improve.
Work hard, work passionately, but apply your most precious asset—time—to what is most meaningful to you.
Live Free or Die Hard may work better for an audience that doesn't know much about the series is than it will for Die Hard die hards, who will be wondering who that impersonator is and what he did with the real John McClane. The original Die Hard came out of nowhere to blitz the 1988 summer box office. The fourth installment arrives with a weight of expectations that Atlas would have trouble shouldering and, when the dust settles in September, it's unlikely that Live Free or Die Hard will be one of this year's big success stories.
We humans can work hard for each other, and we should and we must work. But it is God, and only God, who heals.
If you work for it, you'll deserve what comes. Hard work.
I'm fully aware of how lucky I am to do the work I do. I work really, really hard, and there are a lot of privileges and perks that come with the job.
I don't take my work ever for granted. I still work very hard on every song and try to outdo myself every time.
I try not to have expectations because they can tend to tear you apart. I expect to work as hard as I can possibly work and I expect to give every ounce of a hundred percent.
Fame will go away; people will not have interest in your work anymore. That has to happen. To overcome, all you can do is reinvent and work hard.
Its big men are mostly little men with fancy offices and a lot of money. A great many of them are stupid little men, with reach-me-down brains, small-town arrogance and a sort of animal knack of smelling out the taste of the stupidest part of the public. They have played in luck so long that they have come to mistake luck for enlightenment." - on Hollywood
The next generation did not seem to be smart enough to realise that you have to work to be at the top and to stay at the top. You can have talent, but if you do not work hard it's not going to happen.
Success in science and scientific work come not through the provision of unlimited or big resources, but in the wise and careful selection of problems and objectives. Above all, what is required is hard sustained work and dedication.
I enjoy singing the songs a certain way, but I don't even know how the writing even began. To me, it's work that is kind of invisible; it's a weird kind of work to have because you're not working, but it's not not work. Formulating your thoughts and making a melody that's catchy enough for people to listen to what you're saying is really hard!
Art or no Art, 2015 was already going to be the busiest year of my life. I'm not sure how I'll make it all work yet but I'm feeling like a warrior and I'm prepared to work hard.
I've worked really hard. I've made three pieces of seminal art in my life. If I died tomorrow, I'd be remembered for making them. There are a lot of artists who, no matter how hard they work in their lives, will never make anything seminal.
I am telling you now: I might be young, but I am good. I work hard, and I'm a good person. I know what's right. I know what's wrong. And if you give me this chance-- if you just give me one shot to show you how good I can be, how hard I work, how much I believe in doing the right thing -- I won't let you down. I promise.
I may say that this is the greatest factor: the way in which the expedition is equipped, the way in which every difficulty is foreseen, and precautions taken for meeting or avoiding it. Victory awaits him who has everything in order, luck, people call it. Defeat is certain for him who has neglected to take the necessary precautions in time, this is called bad luck.
You seem to have no real purpose in life and won't realize at the age of twenty-two that for a man life means work, and hard work if you mean to succeed. — © Lady Randolph Churchill
You seem to have no real purpose in life and won't realize at the age of twenty-two that for a man life means work, and hard work if you mean to succeed.
I find it hard to act unprofessionally because I can't do drama at school, it's hard for me to do drama out of school, I don't have time any more. I dance as well. I don't have time to work and dance and still have a good social life. I miss that security but I'm hoping that this is a good time for me. I'm trying to do as much as possible to get myself out there and hopefully it will work out.
There's a lot of people that have great ideas and dreams and whatnot, but unless you're willing to work really, really hard, and work for what you want, it's never going to happen.
People mistakenly believe that if you do nothing but train you can only get better. You've got to work hard, but the harder you work the harder you must rest and relax.
I am very happy for the kind of response I am getting for my work, but there was a lot of hard work that has gone into it.
You just put yourself into your work, and you can do anything you want, depending on how hard you want to work for it.
People are not the best because they work hard. They work hard because they are the best.
Turnin' nothin' into somethin' is God work, and you get nothin' without struggle and hard work
Acting is something I work really, really hard on that I throw myself into a situation where I do work 18 hours a day. And I do hope to see longevity.
Providence creates an unfolding situation that is exactly what the person needs, although not always what he may think he wants or desires. This is called luck by those who are unaware of the workings of higher Worlds. Providence also creates very difficult circumstances to reveal or dissolve a fixed situation ... This is called bad luck or later, A Blessing in Disguise.
It's really hard to write about art in general. But it's exceptionally hard to fictionalize art and make work that isn't a parody, or is something that could withstand critique and exist in the art world as a valuable object, or a true piece.
Everyone thinks that having a talent is a matter of luck; no one thinks that luck could be a matter of talent. — © Jacinto Benavente
Everyone thinks that having a talent is a matter of luck; no one thinks that luck could be a matter of talent.
You have to love your work. You have to save money instead of spending all of it. Look for areas you can compete in. Work damn hard. Most importantly, you have to love it.
You don't work as hard to watch a movie. You work harder to watch a play, so what the audience puts into it is interesting.
I can't even really tell a joke. I find being funny very hard work. I am always asked about it and I feel guilty saying that, but it's the truth. I love my work but it ain't easy.
My career is the sum of the decisions I have made. Everyone can work hard, but I work on my own terms. I stand my ground, and once I have committed to anything, I give my 150 per cent. I don't take my work for granted, ever. I know that, forget me, no matter where anyone is, everyone is dispensable. Why would I think I am indispensable then?
It is first and foremost very hard work! But I have a wonderful part and I do have fun. The company, cast and crew of 'Passions' are wonderful to work with.
I don't think about those things, really. I work hard on everything I do. Everything is a struggle, everything is hard, everything is difficult.
All these freshmen have come in here and worked hard from the beginning. I can't say enough good things about them. They were the No. 1 recruiting class in the country and they're confidant. They know they are the best. That doesn't mean they slack off. They work really hard. Now it's time to go out there and compete.
Baseball players have such a bad rap of, like, 'We don't work out or we're not strong or this or that.' Guys work so hard in baseball, it's incredible. But people don't know that.
The most trusted way to keep moving up that value chain is to keep investing in individuals - to help them grow in knowledge and skills. Education is hard. It takes individuals to do the hard work.
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