Top 1200 Lucky Breaks Quotes & Sayings - Page 15

Explore popular Lucky Breaks quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
There are surprising turning points; there is the straw that breaks the camel's back, and you never know if your action could be the straw.
Since changing interfaces breaks clients you should consider them as immutable once you've published them.
If you work all the time, you lose the intermittence of reflection and thought at every stage. Take breaks - for you and your work. — © Peter Megargee Brown
If you work all the time, you lose the intermittence of reflection and thought at every stage. Take breaks - for you and your work.
Life is simply better when we are with others, and worse when we are isolated. God designed us to be connected, and life breaks down when we are not.
The green reed which bends in the wind is stronger than the mighty oak which breaks in a storm.
My friend Madea has "attitude" that comes with wisdom. Back in our teens and twenties, we thought we knew everything and made all those foolish mistakes. Then, when we got a little older, at thirty, we started getting these flashes of light, revelations of what a great and lucky thing it is that we didn't get caught doing those stupid things back then. Around forty, if we are lucky, we stop lying to ourselves. Fifty and above, we've run out of patience for foolishness. Take me to the bottom line.
The evil done by oneself, self-begotten, self-bred, crushes the foolish, as a diamond breaks a precious stone.
I'm a real common sense guy who caught a lot of good breaks and who has been very, very fortunate.
Who breaks his faith, no faith is held with him.
Breaks your heart when your son doesn't love you.
Government is not being honest with taxpayers when it renews existing tax breaks and calls them new tax cuts.
Virtue, which breaks through opposition and all temptation can remove, most shines, and most is acceptable above.
Design principle: Take things away until the design breaks, then put that last thing back in. — © Alan Cooper
Design principle: Take things away until the design breaks, then put that last thing back in.
Being Captain of the Dodgers meant representing an organization committed to winning and trying to keep it going. We could have won every year if the breaks had gone right.
Our stories are not meant for everyone. Hearing them is a privilege, and we should always ask ourselves this before we share: "Who has earned the right to hear my story?" If we have one or two people in our lives who can sit with us and hold space for our shame stories, and love us for our strengths and struggles, we are incredibly lucky. If we have a friend, or small group of friends, or family who embraces our imperfections, vulnerabilities, and power, and fills us with a sense of belonging, we are incredibly lucky.
True repentance includes sorrow for sin and contrition of heart. It breaks the heart with sighs and sobs and groans.
When torrential water tosses boulders, it is because of its momentum. When the strike of a hawk breaks the body of its prey, it is because of timing.
Donald Trump was sharp; he was very perceptive. He was engaging. He had this expansive vocabulary, and he very seldom took breaks.
Before the mind snaps, or the heart breaks, it gather itself like a clock about to strike. It might even be said one pulls himself together to disintegrate.
You have to grab life by the throat and squeeze before it grabs you by your neck and breaks it. Own your destiny.
Nothing is so fragile as thought in its infancy; an interruption breaks it: nothing is so powerful, even to overturning empires, when it reaches its maturity.
If you can reach people in their pockets, on their lunch breaks, on their commutes to and from work, on recess at school, and make things they want to see, that's an amazing thing for a show like ours.
Since I loathe the tedium of gym workouts, I take breaks for tennis with my eclectic group of tennis pals.
Why should 'big sports' get tax breaks that businesses and families across America don't get?
Between a high, solid wall and an egg that breaks against it, I will always stand on the side of the egg.
People will tell you for years whatever you have to say isn't important at all. So when you have someone who breaks the mold and speaks up - and you see and identify with that - they become your hero.
It brings me back to reality. The combine doesn't care if you're a senator or not. It breaks down whenever it wants to break down.
A boy sent by his father to steal does not go stealthily but breaks the door with his feet.
The most terrible thing about it is not that it breaks one’s heart—hearts are made to be broken—but that it turns one’s heart to stone.
The strategy is obviously a business decision to have limited advertising on the WWE Network. We want subscribers to know that there won't be commercial breaks during scheduled programming, so your shows won't be interrupted.
You know I can handle the pressure. There ain't no sleep, there ain't no breaks and that's what I love about this business. That's what I love - I'm always on the go, baby!
If God made this world, then i would not want to be the God. It is full of misery and distress that it breaks my heart.
There are three signs of a hypocrite: when he speaks he speaks lies, when he makes a promise he breaks it, and when he is trusted he betrays his trust.
Kind are her answers, But her performance keeps no day; Breaks time, as dancers. From their own Music when they stray.
It can be difficult to find investment for a new business, particularly one which is highly innovative or breaks new ground.
Persistent calling upon the name of the Lord breaks through every stronghold of the devil, for nothing is impossible with God. For Christians in these troubled times there is simply no other way.
Art curates compassion. Art to me breaks down walls and allows us to step into somebody else's shoes.
There is a right to protest in our country, but at times the manner in which the protest is done breaks all permissible levels. I don't agree with it at all. — © Balachandra Menon
There is a right to protest in our country, but at times the manner in which the protest is done breaks all permissible levels. I don't agree with it at all.
Once there was a gypsy queen who wore on her wrist a chain of six lucky charms - a golden crown, a silver horse, a butterfly caught in amber, a cat's eye shell, a bolt of lightning forged from the heart of a falling star, and the flower of the rue plant, herb of grace. The queen gave each of her six children one of the charms as their lucky talisman, but ever since the chain of charms was broken, the gypsies had been dogged with misfortune.
When a culture simply shrugs about what happens to people in war, it breaks the fragile sequence, the bond between all people.
If someone breaks into your home when you're there - that is, they don't wait to be sure that the house is empty - it's a bad situation. Honor doesn't come into it at all. Anything you need to do to survive at that point becomes A-OK.
What a joy is there in a good book, writ by some great master of thought, who breaks into beauty as in summer the meadow into grass and dandelions and violets, with geraniums and manifold sweetness.
Nothing breaks down barriers and preconceived ideas about 'Christians and Christianity' more than when we treat people the way Jesus treated His enemies.
I tend to be the one that breaks the mold most often, and thus, I tend to be the one with a lot of outtakes, songs that don't make the record.
There is a limit where the intellect fails and breaks down, and this limit is where the questions concerning God and freewill and immortality arise.
You ever dip your biscuit in your tea and it breaks. I swear now, you never get used to that.
Love is the victor in every case. Love breaks down the iron bars of thought, and sets the captive free.
It doesn't matter what blood or race or creed or color. Love is love and it breaks all boundaries and you just see it right away. — © Michael Jackson
It doesn't matter what blood or race or creed or color. Love is love and it breaks all boundaries and you just see it right away.
Then I think the sense of it being one community breaks down; but if you know instantly and respond within twenty-four hours, it's a very different sort of situation.
I would support eliminating certain tax breaks that are not economically justifiable if they are offset with reductions in tax rates.
Yesterday the IRS announced that obese Americans are entitled to certain tax breaks. Apparently, under the new rules, you're allowed to claim two or more chins as dependents.
You know in acting you have those moments in a movie where a character yells or breaks down crying and you're like, wow, that's acting?
No doubt there is a Scandinavian wave. I guess everybody is just surfing their wave until it breaks and hoping it won't be too soon.
If you're a person and care about other people - I don't think I have any sort of special understanding or anything, I think any feeling person would experience similar things if given the same opportunities to see the things I've been lucky enough to see and meet the people I've been lucky enough to meet.
It usually takes me about three years to research and write one of my historical sagas; this is one reason why I take medieval mystery breaks, for they can be completed in only a year.
When we were on breaks from recording and touring, I was kind of moping around, like not knowing what to do. It was hard to adjust back to normal life after being so busy.
What breaks capitalism, all that will ever break capitalism, is capitalists. The faster they run the more strain on their heart.
If a war breaks out with the United States, the navy will have to put all its strength into interceptive operations, so... massive sea-borne supplies might be momentarily interrupted.
Serving others breaks you free from the shackles of self and self-absorption that choke out the joy of living.
Pedro's Almodovar different - very unique, very particular and difficult to compare to anyone else. But I've been lucky with many of the people that I've worked with. I think I've been very lucky with great opportunities - directors like Stephen Frears, Cameron Crowe and Fernando Trueba, as well as Bigas Luna, who gave me my first opportunity. There are a lot of people I would love to work with again. But, of course, I have a special relationship with Pedro and I don't think it's good to hide that.
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