Top 1200 Lucky To Be Alive Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Lucky To Be Alive quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
I'm lucky to be alive. I'm one of only 40 people who have survived the surgery I had, and when you've been that close to dying, you re-evaluate what's really important to you - and it's nothing to do with fame and money.
I have lucky boots for military embeds, a lucky scarf for road trips, a lucky handbag, and lucky days of the week. I tap into my gut for 'right' or 'wrong' feelings about such simple things as whether I should go grocery shopping.
And I'm part of the generation of South Africans who feel we're lucky to be alive. — © John Kani
And I'm part of the generation of South Africans who feel we're lucky to be alive.
I guess I'm lucky to have been blindsided. I'm lucky to have gotten into fistfights, in a way. I'm lucky I learned how to stop them.
I'm lucky. Usually you're dead to get your own museum, but I'm still alive to see mine.
I feel now, in my impending old age, very lucky. I just can't tell you how lucky I feel, that I've managed to first of all, stay alive this long, in reasonably good health, and that I've been able to do what I want to do.
These days I love to take in the sunset because every time I do so I remember how lucky I am to be alive. That's a great relationship to have with the setting sun.
There are so many things to be lucky for. Lucky to be healthy, lucky to be, like, beautiful. Lucky to be living in America.
We all have such stories. It is a brutal arithmetic. But I - I am alive. You are alive. As long as we breathe, we can see and hear. As long as we can remember, all those gone before are alive inside us.
Plus he was naturally lucky at cards. As Mam had always said, lucky at cards, or lucky at life. One or the other. Not both.
I don't have any regrets whatsoever because it has been my life. I've been very privileged, I'm lucky and I'm still alive.
I'm lucky to be alive. It's a blessing to tell my story, you know.
Roles came to me. I was very, very lucky in that respect. Great directors, great writers, great producers - they saw something in me that they wanted for their picture or their play or whatever it was, whether it was Edward Albee or whether it was - or Peter Hall, directors. They would come to me, thank God. I was lucky. Lucky, lucky, lucky.
You is born lucky, and it's better to be born lucky than born rich, cause if you is lucky you can git rich, but if you is born rich and you ain't lucky you is liables to lose all you got.
Spirituality does not mean going away from life. Spirituality means becoming alive in the fullest possible way so you are not just alive on the surface, you are alive to the core.
If you really have something to say, sooner or later it will be heard. And if you're lucky you'll still be alive. — © Marilyn Minter
If you really have something to say, sooner or later it will be heard. And if you're lucky you'll still be alive.
I feel like I have just been really, really lucky to meet some of the most successful and great actors alive today.
The ensouled is distinguished from the unsouled by its being alive. Now since being alive is spoken of in many ways, even if only one of these is present, we say that the thing is alive, if, for instance, there is intellect or perception or spatial movement and rest or indeed movement connected with nourishment and growth and decay. It is for this reason that all the plants are also held to be alive . . .
The body is never more alive than when it is dead; but it is alive in its units, and dead in its totality; alive as a congeries, dead as an organism.
It's a funny old world. A man's lucky if he gets out of it alive.
It is an error to divide people into the living and the dead: there are people who are dead-alive, and people who are alive-alive. The dead-alive also write, walk, speak, act. But they make no mistakes; only machines make no mistakes, and they produce only dead things. The alive-alive are constantly in error, in search, in questions, in torment.
If you're lucky enough to have a parent or two alive, call them. Don't text, don't email. Call them. Listen to them for as long as they want to talk to you.
I'm so lucky to be alive. That's always in the back of my mind.
As I'm getting older a lot of my friends I used to go out and party with, they're all dead. The fact that I've been through that, I'm not proud of the fact that I've been through all that, but it's part of my journey. I'm lucky to be alive. I'm lucky to be playing music.
We're so lucky to take being alive for granted.
I'm lucky on so many counts - I'm lucky to be alive.
I have been lucky in that I've been alive at times when the things that I wanted to do were capable of being done.
The world is getting to be such a dangerous place, a man is lucky to get out of it alive.
I am incredibly lucky to be alive because one in three people who have strokes don't make it.
Yes, alive,” said Fudge. “That is — I don’t know — is a man alive if he can’t be killed? I don’t really understand it, and Dumbledore won’t explain properly — but anyway, he’s certainly got a body and is walking and talking and killing, so I suppose, for the purposes of our discussion, yes, he’s alive.
I had a really scary pregnancy and a very difficult delivery. My daughter and I are lucky to be alive.
I decided if you're lucky enough to be alive, you should use each birthday to celebrate what your life is about.
I am lucky to be a film director. I can create, express. It proves that I am still alive and the Khmer Rouge did not succeed in destroying me.
All my life, books have felt alive; some more so than people, or rather, some people. Alive - this has to do with me, I know, and not the books - in a way that some people aren't. Alive as teachers, alive as minds, alive as imaginative triggers.
When we die to something, something comes alive within us. If we die to self, charity comes alive; if we die to pride, service comes alive; if we die to lust, reverence for personality comes alive; if we die to anger, love comes alive.
The core for everything is to be grateful. It's literally as simple as that... I've always known that I'm lucky to be an actress, and I'm lucky to be a working actress. I'm lucky to have garnered attention for certain roles, and I'm grateful for it.
As I get older... I start to realize that life ain't half bad. Each year, I'm amazed that I'm still alive. I don't take any of this for granted, I'm a lucky dude.
When I was 15, I had lucky underwear. When that failed, I had a lucky hairdo, then a lucky race number, even lucky race days. After 15 years, I've found the secret to success is hard work.
If you are lucky enough to have a parent or two alive on this planet, call them. Don't text; don't e-mail. Call them on the phone. — © J. K. Simmons
If you are lucky enough to have a parent or two alive on this planet, call them. Don't text; don't e-mail. Call them on the phone.
I felt alive when I read a script and acted out a scene, or sang a song. It was my dream. I'm just very lucky that I'm still doing it and able to earn a living from it.
I was very lucky to have a father who read to us when we were children. And he didn't just read books - he brought them alive. We couldn't wait for the next chapter. So my love of reading started early and has stayed with me all my life.
We are going to die, and that makes us the lucky ones. Most people are never going to die, because they are never going to be born. The number of people who could be here, in my place, out number the sand grains in the Sahara. If you think about all the different ways in which our genes could be permuted, you and I are quite grotesquely lucky to be here. The number of events that had to happen in order for you to exist, in order for me to exist... we are privileged to be alive and nd we should make the most of our time on this world.
[on Osama bin Laden] He is either alive and well or alive and not too well or not alive.
I'm lucky to be alive.
I feel lucky to be alive.
If you stand for peace in the USA, you're lucky to be alive.
I've done a lot of things in a business where you're lucky to stay alive, so when the time comes, I'll be happy to pass my knowledge along and help someone else.
I come from under the hill, and under the hills and over the hills my paths led. And through the air. I am he that walks unseen. I am the clue-finder, the web-cutter, the stinging fly. I was chosen for the lucky number. I am he that buries his friends alive and drowns them and draws them alive again from the water. I came from the end of a bag, but no bag went over me. I am the friend of bears and the guest of eagles. I am Ringwinner and Luckwearer; and I am Barrel-rider.
I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend Lucky to have been where I have been Lucky to be coming home again
I'm lucky to be alive. It took three years of therapy to recover but I did it.
At times I am very self-critical and disappointed with my appearance, and there are other times I think, 'How lucky I am to be alive.' — © Lesley Sharp
At times I am very self-critical and disappointed with my appearance, and there are other times I think, 'How lucky I am to be alive.'
I know that I'm very lucky to be alive. For 35 or 40 years I've spilt my blood and broke my bones and spent years in hospitals.
Everyone gets lucky for some amount in their life. And the question is, are you alert enough to know you're being lucky or you're becoming lucky?
As writers, we can do whatever we want to. We're only limited by our imaginations. What an amazing, incredible time to be alive. How lucky we all are.
People need meaning as much as they need air. Lucky for us, we can give meaning to each other for free. Just by being alive.
I felt him there with me. The real David. My David. David, you are still here. Alive. Alive in me.Alive in the galaxy.Alive in the stars.Alive in the sky.Alive in the sea.Alive in the palm trees.Alive in feathers.Alive in birds.Alive in the mountains.Alive in the coyotes.Alive in books.Alive in sound.Alive in mom.Alive in dad.Alive in Bobby.Alive in me.Alive in soil.Alive in branches.Alive in fossils.Alive in tongues.Alive in eyes.Alive in cries.Alive in bodies.Alive in past, present and future. Alive forever.
I know I am lucky to be alive - but I will race again.
I was born lucky, and I have lived lucky. What I had was used. What I still have is being used. Lucky.
The way I see it, I am lucky to be alive and well, and I only wish the same for others.
You think you are alive because you breathe air? Shame on you, that you are alive in such a limited way. Don't be without Love, so you won't feel dead. Die in Love and stay alive forever.
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