Top 1200 Make Someone Happy Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Make Someone Happy quotes.
Last updated on December 21, 2024.
As long as we require someone else to make us happy, we are slaves.
One of the things that surprised me the most is how often we assume that because something's fun for someone else, it makes somebody else happy, it will make us happy.
Well, I got into the business to make people laugh and to entertain people. I've always loved the idea that I could make someone happy and help someone really enjoy their day.
[As a kid] I did enjoy making people laugh but I was also attracted to funny people. I'm [still] quite happy to not be the one trying to make other people laugh. I'm happy laughing at someone else. I enjoy laughing and I'll happily be the one just laughing all night if you can make me laugh.
I try to make myself happy, no, because I know that if I'm not happy, my colleagues are not happy and my shareholders are not happy and my customers are not happy. — © Jack Ma
I try to make myself happy, no, because I know that if I'm not happy, my colleagues are not happy and my shareholders are not happy and my customers are not happy.
The ultimate goal of all goals is to be happy. If you want to be happy make someone else happy.
If someone has something you want, they can wrap you - they can make you think that they've got something that you have to get from them. They're the exclusive source. They are the only one who can make you happy.
You have to accept who you are in order to make someone happy and be happy.
To those out of work, it may seem unfair for someone to complain that they aren't happy with the type of work they are doing, but the more we like our jobs, the better we do them. In the long run, this doesn't just make us happy - it makes businesses more successful and increases employment even further.
I like to try to keep my music happy because it can make other people happy. And that's the way I feel when I listen to Avicii's songs. I get happy because his melodies are so happy.
Back in the '80s, if someone's happy, someone's doing well, someone's getting hardships, you cheered for that person.
If I can share something that is helpful, enlightening, make someone laugh, and maybe even make someone laugh at themselves, then I am happy.
All I can say is that you make me... you make me into someone I couldn't even imagine. You make me happy, even when you're awful. I would rather be with you - even the you that you seem to think is diminished - than with anyone else in the world.
I think that taking night trains or meeting someone on the road is pretty romantic. I've done a couple of things like that. I've surprised someone in Paris. And hopefully, when you surprise someone, they're happy to see you.
If you want to make an ordinary man happy, or think that he is happy, give him money, power, flattery, gifts, honours. If you want to make a wise man happy - improve yourself!
When I was a kid, I was a combination of Elvis, Richard Pryor, and Harrison Ford from Indiana Jones. I didn't know the value of being able to make someone happy. What kid really understands that? It wasn't until I got into professional wrestling that I felt like, "Oh, it's not only incredibly gratifying to achieve something but also to make people happy".
When someone does something good, applaud! You will make two people happy. — © Samuel Goldwyn
When someone does something good, applaud! You will make two people happy.
One of the most crippling things we can do to ourselves is expect someone else to make us happy
If you want to be sad, no one in the world can make you happy. But if you make up your mind to be happy, no one and nothing on earth can take that happiness from you.
Someone once wrote that musicians are touched on the shoulder by God, and I think it's true. You can make other people happy with music, but you can make yourself happy too. Because of my music, I have never known loneliness and never been depressed.
Obviously, you're always happy when you can tell a story completely from beginning to end and tell it in a satisfying way, where you're able to make yourself happy and make the audience happy.
If you make children happy now, you will make them happy twenty years hence by the memory of it.
If something's gonna make you happy, and you know it's gonna make you happy, and it's what you want more than anything in the world, don't let someone else discourage you and talk you out of doing it just because they're doubters.
Happy people make people happy, but I can’t make someone be happy, and no one else can make me happy.
Best advice that I ever got is to do whatever it takes to make myself happy, so that I'll be able to make others happy. If I'm not happy, I can't make other people happy.
Make someone happy, Make just one someone happy, And you will be happy, too.
I’d always heard that when you truly love someone, you’re happy for them as long they’re happy. But that’s a lie. That’s higher-road bullshit. If you love someone so much, why the hell would you be happy to see them with anyone else? I didn’t want the easy kind of love. I wanted the crazy love, the kind of love that created and destroyed all at the same time.
Be independent and don't try to think someone is going to save you or look to someone else to make you happy or look to someone else to complete you.
It's never as easy to keep your own spouse happy as it is to make someone else's spouse happy.
Having all that - the fame and adulation and women and all that stuff they talk about - doesn't make you happy. You have to make yourself happy.
It's safe to assume that no matter where you stand, someone would be happy to be in your shoes, just as you'd be happy to be in someone else's.
Someone with inborn talent isn't happy. It's those who have worked hard for someone precious to them and who can be hot-blooded that are happy." -Gai Sensei: Naruto Episode 196
When I played football I wanted to make people happy. This is the way I am. I can't be someone else.
Just be happy, and if you can't be happy, do things that make you happy. Or do nothing with the people that make you happy.
If you're trying to make someone happy, you gotta try and make them happy. If you're trying to have a normal conversation, you've got to have a normal conversation. If you're trying to make them sad, you've got to make them sad. I think that's how you get real performances out of people.
I love to be happy. I think you are happy if you make somebody else happy around you.
For me, when I go to bed at night, I am happy that I haven't hurt someone. And if I think I have, I will rectify it. I now refuse to give someone permission to make me feel bad about myself. They can't make me feel bad about myself if I don't allow it.
Robbing someone of their smile and putting it on your own face doesn't make you happy.
If I have a good dream and I wake up happy. When I have an idea, I feel happy. Sometimes achievement and relationships can make me happy. I have a son and to see him grow - he's 22 now - that makes me happy.
Happiness is a choice, not a result. Nothing will make you happy until you choose to be happy. No person will make you happy unless you decide to be happy. Your happiness will not come to you. It can only come from you.
Throughout my life, I've learned to make choices that make me happy and make sense for me. Even my husband is happier when I'm happy. — © Michelle Obama
Throughout my life, I've learned to make choices that make me happy and make sense for me. Even my husband is happier when I'm happy.
That is the best government which desires to make the people happy, and knows how to make them happy.
Stop looking to everyone else to make you happy and start finding ways that you can make other people happy.
Allowing someone else to make us happy will make them happy too.
If you're trying to make someone happy, you gotta try and make them happy.
Sometimes when I'm not feeling so happy, I do something to make someone else happy then I find I'm suddenly feeling happy again.
It is not the smallest use to try to make people good, unless you try at the same time - and they feel that you are trying - to make them happy. And you rarely can make another happy, unless you are happy yourself.
Be yourself. If you try to be someone else, it won't work. Whatever you do, you are not going to make everyone happy.
You can't please everyone. There's always going to be someone disappointed, so you might as well make yourself happy and Be You.
The sad thing is most people have to check with someone before they do the things that make them happy. We're all passing through; the least we can do is be happy, and the only way to do that is by being selfish.
As we get older, we get better at choosing in ways that will make us happy. We do a better job at picking activities that make us happy, and at spending time with people who make us happy. We're also better at letting things go.
I'd be happy to play anyone's girlfriend. I'm happy to be working, ever. It's not an intentional thing to play these messed up, crazy characters, but I'm happy to do it 'cause someone's got to.
It takes very little effort to make someone happy. — © Jonathan Agnew
It takes very little effort to make someone happy.
I've been really happy just traveling and being Mrs. Johnny Cash all these years. But I'm also really happy and surprised that someone wanted me to make another album, and I'm real proud of what I've done.
I'd rather work with someone who likes what I do than create something for the red carpet that won't make me happy.
You deserve someone who loves you with every single beat of his heart, someone who thinks about you constantly, someone who spends every minute of every day just wondering what you’re doing, where you are, who you’re with, and if you’re OK. You need someone who can help you reach your dreams and protect you from your fears. You need someone who will treat you with respect, love every part of you, especially your flaws. You should be with someone who could make you happy, really happy, dancing on air happy.
When someone loves you, and when you make someone happy, you suddenly start to feel the most beautiful person in the world.
Happiness is the only good. The time to be happy is now. The place to be happy is here. The way to be happy is to make others so.
I try to make myself happy ... because I know that if I'm not happy, my colleagues are not happy, and my shareholders are not happy, and my customers are not happy.
There are very few films or plays or anything about really happy people with perfect lives. Everyone is usually screwed up in some way and that is usually where the work comes in - figuring out how to make it believable and make it real to present someone.
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