Top 1200 Making The Same Mistakes Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Making The Same Mistakes quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes. Because if you are making're Doing Something.
We're making the same mistakes we made 1,000 years ago. So they must be the right ones. So relax.
Success does not consist in never making mistakes but in never making the same one a second time. — © George Bernard Shaw
Success does not consist in never making mistakes but in never making the same one a second time.
I hope you'll make mistakes. If you're making mistakes, it means you're out there doing something.
If I am awarded a pardon for my philanthropic work, great; if not, I will continue to be involved in the community and to work just as hard, if not harder, to prevent kids from going down the same road and making the same mistakes.
You have to have the kind of personality where you're resilient and you can get up and keep moving and learn what there is. What I tell my employees is, 'I want you to make mistakes. If you're not making mistakes, you're not trying hard enough. But, when we make a mistake, let's all study it. Let's all learn from it. After that, we want to make different mistakes. We don't want to keep making the same mistakes.'
If you're not making mistakes, then you're not doing anything. I'm positive that a doer makes mistakes.
The measure of a man cannot be whether he ever makes mistakes, because he will make mistakes. It's what he does in response to his mistakes. The same is true of companies. We have to apologize, we have to fix the problem, and we have to learn from our mistakes.
If all human beings understood history, they might cease making the same stupid mistakes over and over.
I made two mistakes at the beginning of the season. But I saw Manuel Almunia making mistakes as well, so sometimes you don't know what the thoughts of the coach are.'
Making mistakes is the privilege of the active - of those who can correct their mistakes and put them right.
... don't be afraid to screw up !... one of the key issues to learning is making mistakes ... if you're not making mistakes, you're probably not having a very good time
What happens during recessions, is you have less windfalls just helping you cover mistakes. You have to be more careful about not making mistakes. — © Reid Hoffman
What happens during recessions, is you have less windfalls just helping you cover mistakes. You have to be more careful about not making mistakes.
Formerly well-respected news organizations and experienced national journalists are making the sorts of mistakes that aren't tolerated in journalism schools. When their mistakes are corrected at all, it's with little seeming regret.
Life is just the same as learning to swim. Do not be afraid of making mistakes, for there is no other way of learning how to live!
A realist is a man who insists on making the same mistakes his grandfather did.
There is nothing wrong with making mistakes, but one should always make new ones. Repeating mistakes is a hallmark of dim consciousness.
We keep making the same mistakes as a species, and you can usually draw it back to the fact that we are all terrified of dying. We also all think that we are going to escape it until we get to 65!
Even the mistakes, even everything bad that happened, I wouldn’t change because then I wouldn’t be the person that I am today. The past is the past. I just want to focus on the future, and getting better, not making the same mistakes and just becoming a better person, a better artist. Just a better everything.
Critics hang around and wait for others to make mistakes. But the real doers of the world have not time for criticizing others. They are too busy doing, making mistakes, improving, making progress.
So fear helps me from making mistakes, but I make lot of mistakes.
In school we learn that mistakes are bad, and we are punished for making them. Yet, if you look at the way humans are designed to learn, we learn by making mistakes. We learn to walk by falling down. If we never fell down, we would never walk.
Wise is the one who learns from another´s mistakes. Less wise is the one who learns only from his own mistakes. The fool keeps making the same mistakes again and again and never learns from them.
What do you first do when you learn to swim? You make mistakes, do you not? And what happens? You make other mistakes, and when you have made all the mistakes you possibly can without drowning - and some of them many times over - what do you find? That you can swim? Well - life is just the same as learning to swim! Do not be afraid of making mistakes, for there is no other way of learning how to live!
One should never learn from one's mistakes. Making the same mistakes, over and over again, is a source of unremitting pleasure.
If you aren't making any mistakes, you aren't innovating. If you're making the same mistakes, you aren't learning.
Don't worry about mistakes. Making things out of mistakes, that's creativity.
You have to have a cultural ethic that allows for making mistakes. It cannot be that just because you make mistakes, you're out. You have to make mistakes in order to innovate.
If those people in power never made any mistakes, we'd be done for as a democracy. But people keep making mistakes. History is a series of mistakes.
They say you can't study Kabbalah until you are at least 40 years old. You know why? You have to have experienced at least one generation making the same mistakes as the previous one.
Of course I make mistakes. I'm human. If I didn't make mistakes, I'd never learn. You can only go forward by making mistakes.
You allow a horse to make mistakes, the horse will learn from mistakes no different than the human. But you can't get him to where he dreads making mistakes for fear of what's going to happen after he does.
Pay attention, people! There's no excuse for making the same mistakes that others have made. If you do, it's your own fault and you should expect no sympathy, no compassion.
It is my fervent hope and prayer that by exposing my mistakes and by pointing out the things that were a part of my early life, some who might be following the same paths might not make those same mistakes.
I am not afraid of making mistakes. But my mistakes were those that I could afford. That's very important: mistakes will happen but you must ensure that you keep them within limits you can afford.
CIA Director George Tenet has now testified before the 9/11 commission and he said we are still making the same dumb mistakes, like leaving memos on the President's desk.
I'm very good at making mistakes, so I realized that I should embrace mistakes and learn from them.
One of the great things about education is that it should stop you making mistakes - and I have made a lot of mistakes. — © Peter Hook
One of the great things about education is that it should stop you making mistakes - and I have made a lot of mistakes.
I think making mistakes and discovering them for yourself is of great value, but to have someone else to point out your mistakes is a shortcut of the process.
If you're an honest person, you'll make mistakes, but it'll be okay. The most interesting things happen after making mistakes.
The French word for wanderlust or wandering is 'errance.' The etymology is the same as 'error.' So to wander is to make mistakes. In other words, to make mistakes, to make errors is sort of the idea of learning through trial and error, allowing the mistakes to be part of the process.
People think computers will keep them from making mistakes. They're wrong. With computers you make mistakes faster.
Maybe the books can get us half out of the cave. They just might stop us from making the same damm insane mistakes!
Learn from your mistakes. The number one reason I see entrepreneurs failing isn’t because they make mistakes, but they keep on making the same ones over and over again. Learn from them and avoid making the same ones over again.
People believe practice makes perfect, but it doesn't. If you're making a tremendous amount of mistakes, all you're doing is deeply ingraining the same mistakes.
Both teams are making mistakes. Florida's making these itsy-bitsy little ones, and Tennessee is making huge, gigantic mistakes.
The soul of rock 'n' roll is mistakes, and making mistakes work for you. The people who shy away from mistakes and play it safe have no business playing rock 'n' roll.
We can make mistakes about what we ought to do, and these are not the same as making bad decisions about what to do. — © Allen W. Wood
We can make mistakes about what we ought to do, and these are not the same as making bad decisions about what to do.
Just as we may learn from our successes (how to do it) so also can we learn from our mistakes (how not to do it). It just isn't in the cards that anybody should get by forever without making mistakes and perhaps sometimes making costly ones.
Making mistakes is natural. Making mistakes is how we learn.
I've made so many mistakes that if I don't make the same mistakes over, we're going to come pretty close to winning.
I have found that I always learn more from my mistakes than from my successes. If you aren't making some mistakes, you aren't taking enough chances.
Those who make no mistakes are making the biggest mistakes of all - they are attempting nothing new.
People who are unwilling to make mistakes or have made mistakes and have not yet learned from them are those who wake up each morning and continue to make the same mistakes
We follow the rules and some guys make some mistakes and we gotta correct those mistakes. We follow the rules and we do it the right way at Florida and we have to do a better job of correcting some of the people making mistakes.
Don't worry about making mistakes. In fact, the more mistakes you make, the more progress you are making. Just don't repeat the same mistakes.
The fear of making a decision is the result of fearing to make a mistake - the truth is, the fear of mistakes has a greater impact on you than making the mistakes.
We are personalities in the making, limited, and grappling with things too high for us. Obviously we, at very best, will make many mistakes, but these mistakes need not be sins.
There's nothing wrong with making mistakes, just don't make the same ones. We don't want to duplicate them.
Perhaps because my relationship with my father went through such a long, bumpy time, it's been very important for me to work to try to keep lines of communication open between my sons and myself to try to avoid my father's mistakes. At least if you're making mistakes, make different mistakes.
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