Top 1200 Manage Quotes & Sayings - Page 19

Explore popular Manage quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Easytrak is no guarantee against mismanagement. But you cannot manage a large program without software like it today. It is a project information management system that helps people develop a solution to a problem with many parts to track.
Medicaid is essentially bankrupt, Medicare is essentially bankrupt, why the heck would we give the federal government another entitlement program to manage?
The way that I prepare, the way that I play, the way that I like to speak to the lads or manage situations is the way that I do things. — © Gary Cahill
The way that I prepare, the way that I play, the way that I like to speak to the lads or manage situations is the way that I do things.
I have remained true to my deepest convictions. I mean the courage of those who are born to be defeated, the weaknesses of the strong, and the tragedy of misunderstandings and missed opportunities, which I have done my best to treat as comedy—for otherwise how can we manage to bear it?
During a very busy life I have often been asked, "How did you manage to do it all?" The answer is very simple. It is because I did everything promptly.
A big book is a hard thing to manage - I find the computer makes it easier to keep it in order, and to keep the old drafts (which I sometimes go back to) without drowning in paper.
We should manage our thoughts as shepherds do their flowers in making a garland: first, select the choicest, and then dispose them in the most proper places, that every one may reflect a part of its color and brightness on the next.
No work is stressful. It is your inability to manage your body, mind, and emotions that makes it stressful.
A noble soul is not the one that can manage the highest flights but the one that rises very little and falls very little but always dwells in a free, resplendent atmosphere and altitude.
You have the right to not have to constantly manage how you look for other people's sake. You aren't here to decorate the world for other people. You're here to live in it for yourself, no matter what that looks like.
I know how hard it will be to follow the best manager ever, but the opportunity to manage Manchester United isn't something that comes around very often and I'm really looking forward to taking up the post next season.
I learned how to play golf over in Europe; I learned how to manage being on the road.
Funny, when i was a little boy I wanted to be good. But I could never seem to manage it somehow. And if you're not good, the good people will throw you to the wolves. So you might as well just be bad
I only have disdain for New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg. He raised taxes and has increased regulations. What else is new? He's a bully who wants to micro-manage people's lives by mandate, not persuasion.
One day, she’d find a way to live her life to the fullest. She was sure of it. She just had no idea how she would manage it. — © Ilona Andrews
One day, she’d find a way to live her life to the fullest. She was sure of it. She just had no idea how she would manage it.
When you respond to an unreasonable person by getting emotional, you give them victory. How do you manage unreasonable people? You dismiss them. Like shadows
I do try to speak of positive things. I still try to, like, present two sides of the story, and I do try to relate to life in a 360 degree and not be one-dimensional. But by all means, manage expectations.
Leave the President's family business to him. You will have plenty to do without trying to manage the First Family. They are likely to do fine without your help.
There are a large number of people who can and do manage to lead decent upright lives with no use for a belief in God as a guide. Atheists do not care whether others believe as they do. They do ask, however, for the right to believe as they wish.
Depressed people cannot lead a revolution because depressed people can barely manage to get out of bed and put on their shoes and socks.
If we are to ensure that healthcare remains affordable and widely available for future generations, we need to radically rethink how we provide and manage it - in collaboration with key health system partners - and apply the technology that can help achieve these changes.
[Donald Trump] doesn't deal well with criticism and blame and I don't think he could competently manage the office of the presidency given the criticism and challenge that you face every single day as the President of the United States.
Most people manage pain by eating, drinking, smoking, distracting themselves, working harder. That's just managing pain, the pain that comes from not feeling fully alive from not growing.
I don't think of myself as having a particular role. I'm lucky enough to be able to make my living essentially by expressing my opinions. But, you know, I think the world would manage quite well if I weren't doing it.
I think it's awesome when a woman is in control of everything she's doing, especially in an industry like this where people think that doesn't happen often, but it really does - well, from my knowledge and how I manage my own project.
Government bonds have basically been sold in the domestic market, so there is some sense of stability, but the amount of public debt is really severe... Japan must manage its finances with a sense of urgency.
I taught principally German language and literature at Eton. But any master with private pupils must be prepared to teach anything they ask for. That can be as diverse as the early paintings of Salvador Dali or how bumblebees manage to fly.
The fact that I went back to New Zealand, a country where you are legally allowed to date, and I couldn't manage to get one - I was like, I'm done with this country. I'm fleeing back to London.
Just as the Russians and the Soviets didn't manage to wipe out languages in Lithuania, neither have they managed to wipe out religion to the extent that we had feared.
I didn't have to do too much "research" or acting to play this guy. (laughs) It is actually very difficult to manage all the time. The Community schedule is crushing and it kills me because I don't get to be with my family as much as I'd like.
Whores have the ability to put up with behaviors other women would never manage to put up with. That's why we deserve to be generously compensated.
I have seen the president and Secretary Tillerson work together. They work very well together. They talk through things. And then they manage it properly.
Manage the remarkable balance between acting from your heart and close to your gifts with completing the obligations that your labor and tasks require of you. Leverage opportunity AND seize joy.
I first went on YouTube aged 15, and people were saying, 'Why not do this cover?' Then they wanted to hear my own stuff live, and it escalated from there. Selena Gomez's parents found my videos and manage me to this day.
At any level I'm not built with complacency. I think you see that in the way I play. The people that manage me know that, my teammates know that. I'm not built like that.
There's no private side to acting, which some people find hard. I've drawn inspiration from athletes. They manage to be themselves under the pressure of public scrutiny, and they have it much harder - they have to perform with people yelling at them.
I have always been very diversified, so I have never suffered a catastrophic loss. I spread my money around the way a large institutional investor does. I use different brokerage firms. I manage some of my accounts myself.
I’d been part, albeit unwillingly, of making millions of women feel that they are to blame if they cannot manage to rise up the ladder as fast as men and also have a family and an active home life (and be thin and beautiful to boot).
To manage one must lead. To lead, one must understand the work that he and his people are responsible for — © W. Edwards Deming
To manage one must lead. To lead, one must understand the work that he and his people are responsible for
Women manage, quite brilliantly, on the whole, and to stunning and unforeseeable effect, to survive and surmount being defined by others. They dismiss the definition, however dangerous or wounding it may be-- or even, sometimes, find a way to utilize it.
We are following Allah's word. We believe that humanity's only duty is to honor Allah and his prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. We are implementing what is written in the Koran. If we manage to do so, then of course it will be a success.
Celebrity hits like a bomb. So you have to find what makes you stable in the storm. Then, no matter what's happening around you, no matter what the hype or the publicity, you can still manage to make leaps in your work as an artist.
But in a turbulent environment the change is so widespread that it just routes around any kind of central authority. So it is best to manage the bottom-up change rather than try to institute it from the top down.
Am I the only one who can't seem to reconcile the grand canyon of cognitive dissonance I feel when people with much more important jobs than I have manage to score much lengthier times off?
Few believe Democrats will control both houses of Congress in 2021, and even if they manage to, Republicans will still be around to play spoiler on plenty of big agenda items.
I felt I had to work even harder in order to help two sets of parents. Most of my money I send home to let my parents manage. The rest I use for living expenses in America.
My job will be to transmit - using my experience, my knowledge - with the intention of making the player more professional. I want to be a 'life-coach' who helps them to think, to make decisions, to manage their emotions with intelligence in difficult situations.
We have vastly different hopes and expectations, as far as the U.S.-Russia relationship is concerned, in Moscow and Washington. What we need, however, is to manage this troubled relationship - we don't want this relationship to go out of control.
One of the first rules in fishing is that there are few rules in fishing that resourceful trout do not manage to break.
They [people from the Donald Trump cabinet] haven't had experience in the areas that they're being asked to manage in a very complicated world and a very complicated government.
We women manage to do many things at the same time. Men, no. Men do one thing at a time. — © Carolina Herrera
We women manage to do many things at the same time. Men, no. Men do one thing at a time.
And I also serve on a caucus that addresses financial literacy for young people in this country. And it is so hypocritical that we want to talk to these kids about how to better manage their money when we are not doing a good job with our Nation's resources.
A lot of people tell me, 'You are from North; how do you manage to get along in the South?' I don't know what to say to them. I've always felt at home here, and by learning to speak Telugu, my connection with the place has gotten that much stronger.
To live is to hurt others, and through others, to hurt oneself. Cruel earth! How can we manage not to touch anything? To find what ultimate exile?
It is not the individual's right to buy that is being protected. Rather, it is the seller's right to manage the individual.
If I were somebody dealing with chronic pain, I would see it as a challenge to manage my mind; even knowing that the effect of my thoughts is not only affecting my experience, but it is absolutely affecting the state of my health.
Most couples manage to cooperate on child raising - for us, our brain project is our third child, so nothing different, really.
I think the world should unite and focus on strong health systems to prepare the whole world to prevent epidemics - or if there is an outbreak, to manage it quickly - because viruses don't respect borders, and they don't need visas.
When you have endless time, you take all day to go to the grocery store. But, if you have to be at work for 14 hours a day, you manage your time better. I know I do.
People ask me how I manage without a man in the same tone they might ask someone how they're doing with just one lung, but it's not like that at all.
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