Top 345 Mandate Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Mandate quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
It's a mandate for you to do in office what you said you would do on the campaign trail.
The mandate given to me was one of change.
Donald Trump had probably the biggest mandate to do things of any recent president because of the specifics of his agenda and his campaign. So many times a day he announced what he was gonna do. So he was elected, he won; therefore, he's got a mandate. And his party is not assisting and not helping, and they're even violating promises they made for seven years on the repeal and replace Obamacare.
The IMF acts on the mandate of the international community. — © Antonio Guterres
The IMF acts on the mandate of the international community.
We're not gonna misread our mandate.
The mandate you go with is intimidating and also is a source of respect that you gain, because you have come with this mandate from the United Nations.
If I don't deliver a majority mandate in 2019, fire me.
There could be some compromise, but I think we have to stick to the provisions of the treaty, and the provisions of the treaty are saying that the president is appointed for a mandate of eight years time. I think it would be very damaging for the European Central Bank if there would be a splitting of this mandate.
The Palestinian election is something that was really a turning point. It's a mandate for peace.
The mandate we have as Jews is for the story of the Exodus from Egypt to be retold every generation.
Nasscom has a big mandate - a lot of things come under their umbrella.
Obamacare is a private mandate that will drive billions to the insurance industry, much like the auto insurance mandate. Hardly socialism. In fact, it was a Republican plan to begin with.
I support COVID-19 vaccine education and not a statewide mandate.
[Donald] Trump has more of a mandate than any president since Ronald Reagan. — © Rush Limbaugh
[Donald] Trump has more of a mandate than any president since Ronald Reagan.
[Donald Trump] has a huge mandate and they're still in denial and do not even know it yet.
I have a mandate to win and that's what I want to do.
In a democracy, nothing is more sacred than the mandate given by the people.
You cannot mandate philanthropy. It has to come from within, and when it does, it is deeply satisfying.
The Federal Reserve is committed to fulfilling our statutory mandate of stable prices and maximum employment.
There is no endeavor more noble than the attempt to achieve a collective dream. When a city accepts as a mandate its quality of life, when it respects the people who live in it, when it respects the environment, when it prepares for future generations, the people share the responsibility for that mandate. This shared cause is the only way to achieve that collective dream.
My priority is my economy minister mandate and to create momentum.
If I'm president, we're not going to have people dying on the streets. I don't call it a mandate, I just say it's common sense.
From the point of view of legislation of the Constitution, my mandate has been given by my constituency. So it's only my constituency that can revoke my mandate. So until the next election, nobody is supposed to do anything.
Well the first thing I want to say is mandate, my ass... We've been convinced that 26% of the registered voters is actually a mandate. We're all actors in this I suppose.
When I was campaigning, I told the people if nothing happens under my mandate it will still be a positive thing because my mandate will be used as a rupture between the past and the future.
The health care law's individual mandate forces nearly all individuals to buy health insurance or pay a penalty. The mandate cannot be severed from the rest of the law because it is the primary mechanism through which the law's changes are supported. Without the mandate, the law collapses.
My to promote the protection, rights and welfare of children.
We as Christians have a mandate to be nonconformists.
If you live in Tishomingo County and there's a statewide mask mandate you can't help but say, 'Well, that's probably for those folks in Hancock County.' If you put a statewide mandate, the folks in Hancock County are going to say, 'That's for the folks up in Tishomingo County, they can't possibly be talking about me.'
It is a myth, not a mandate, a fable not a logic, a symbol rather than reason by which men are moved.
The mandate entails a generous synthesis of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights. The title requires the expert to be truly independent, keep an open mind, conduct his/her research objectively and without ideological prejudices, listen to all sides of an argument and seek the opinion of all stakeholders. The essence of an independent expert is not merely his/her expertise - which must be considered a given - but the faculty of thinking outside the box, while rigorously respecting the terms of reference laid down in the resolution establishing the mandate, and observing the code of conduct of rapporteurs.
I felt a mandate to go on TV.
We have to enforce the individual mandate. We're losing a lot of money that is not coming into the system.
You cannot speak on behalf of a nation when you have no mandate to do so.
My self-imposed mandate is to be the voice for the voiceless.
We must ever mandate the principle that the people of this continent alone have the right to decide their own destiny.
Obama had a mandate for change and Trump clearly does not.
The best organizations regard the nurturing of their employees as a spiritual mandate.
You cannot mandate productivity, you must provide the tools to let people become their best. — © Steve Jobs
You cannot mandate productivity, you must provide the tools to let people become their best.
It is not for the people to give laws to the prince, but to obey his mandate.
Too often, we see people who are prevented from practicing their religion because of a government mandate.
The skeptical relativist attempt to mandate a naked public square is undemocratic. It is also a danger to democracy.
The Congress has tasked the Federal Reserve with achieving stable prices and maximum employment - the dual mandate.
The states ought to be the ones making the decisions about the individual mandate, the employer mandate, all of the different requirements of what kind of insurance people have to have.
[The Democrats] are sitting there thinking they really won. They won the popular vote. "We're only talking about this election Kellyanne [Conway]. You don't have a mandate, you don't have a mandate."
Democrats misinterpreted the mandate for change in 2008 as an ideological mandate to move the country sharply to the left. They rammed through policies like ObamaCare and Dodd-Frank with little, if any, bipartisan support.
Are the Democrats going to dance the mandate Macarena?
When you run on something definitive and then win by a significant margin, you have a mandate.
The mandate of financial fair play in Europe is for clubs to live within their means. — © John W. Henry
The mandate of financial fair play in Europe is for clubs to live within their means.
I think we have a Tea Party mandate, and that Tea Party mandate is for good-government type of things, things like term limits, things like a balanced budget amendment, things like read the bills for goodness sakes, things like that maybe Congress should only pass legislation that they apply to themselves as well.
Kill or be killed, eat or be eaten, was the law; and this mandate, down out of the depths of Time.
In my district, I have a very clear mandate to work across the aisle.
There is a mandate to impose a voluntary return to traditional values.
I'd be happy if, during my mandate, the Palestinian state existed.
To rebuild this country will take a long time but we have the mandate and the people support us.
Keeping demons from this world is your mandate, a mandate from heaven. And a mandate from heaven isn't something you can just ignore.
Hamas played the negative opposition, in a sense, because it formed an alternative source of power without any mandate from the people. Now, Hamas has that mandate and it wants to form a national unity government. I say, let them form a government and let them accept the fact that they will have opposition.
I've been grateful that 'Time's' reach and mandate is so broad; anything you're interested in, you can usually write about.
Some people have a mandate that you can't change.
Ottawa - a sub-arctic lumber-village converted by royal mandate into a political cockpit.
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