Top 324 Maps Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Maps quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
So, if I looked him up on google maps-
Once there were brook trout in the streams in the mountains. You could see them standing in the amber current where the white edges of their fins wimpled softly in the flow. They smelled of moss in your hand. Polished and muscular and torsional. On their backs were vermiculate patterns that were maps of the world in its becoming. Maps and mazes. Of a thing which could not be put back. Not be made right again. In the deep glens where they lived all things were older than man and they hummed of mystery.
A location-aware tablet will let us use what's called geodesign to compose participatory, what-if scenarios onsite, using maps that several people can share - something we could always do with paper but that's been a challenge with digital maps in the field.
Principles are the territory. Values are maps. — © Stephen Covey
Principles are the territory. Values are maps.
Pinkville was called Pinkville because in the military maps, it was shaded a bright kind of shimmering pink, which signified what was called on the maps a 'built up' area, which was extremely misleading - 'built up' only meant there were little villages and it wasn't just desolate paddy land or unpopulated.
The earliest maps were 'story' maps. Cartographers were artists who mingled knowledge with supposition, memory and fears. Their maps described both landscape and the events, which had taken place within it, enabling travellers to plot a route as well as to experience a story.
True places are not found on maps.
War on nations changes maps. War on poverty maps change.
Burn all the maps to your body. I'm not here of my own choosing.
The asanas are useful maps to explore yourself, but they are not the territory.
Thought maps existence; fantasy colors it.
At the core of One Spirit Medicine is the idea that how we perceive the world 'out there' is a projection of internal maps that shape our beliefs and guide how we think, feel and behave. These maps are the unconscious programs that drive our experience of life and the state of our health. The key to optimum health is to upgrade these unconscious maps and limiting beliefs that have been driving us to a toxic lifestyle and relationships.
The world is not in your books and maps, it's out there.
Even before you understand them, your brain is drawn to maps. — © Ken Jennings
Even before you understand them, your brain is drawn to maps.
Google Maps are phenomenal. Yep, ask an Apple user.
Maps help us in tracking our cabs - if they're idle, headed for a booking, or in the midst of a trip. With custom systems built atop maps using available APIs, we are able to manage our inventory extremely well, predict ETAs for customers, and optimally allocate the nearest cab to a booking request.
There's just something hypnotic about maps.
I have always preferred maps to books. They don't answer you back.
You'll learn more about a road by traveling it than by consulting all the maps in the world.
He lunged for the maps. I grabbed the chair and hit him with it. He went down. I hit him again to make sure he stayed that way, stepped over him, and picked up the maps. "I win.
All I ever wanted was a world without maps.
An explorer cannot stay at home reading maps other men have made.
Google Earth has become a little bit of an icon in our society. You get on maps and you wanna see what the quality of the road's like, you go on Google Maps.
I suspect losing paper maps but gaining GPS and online maps is a similar step function: maps still exist, but they're vastly more useful, not to say permanently up to date, in their new form. Again, I won't be shedding any tears, but I'll keep a paper road atlas in the back of my car for another few years, I think, Just In Case.
A map is the dead body of where you've been. A map is the unborn baby of where you're going. There are no maps. Maps are pictures of what isn't.
I resolve to venture into the city on my own. I look at maps in the library—subway maps, bus maps, and regular maps—and try to memorize them. I’m afraid of getting lost; no, I’m afraid of sinking into the city as in a quicksand, afraid of getting sucked into something I can never escape.
All I desired was to walk upon such an earth that had no maps.
Regular maps have few surprises: their contour lines reveal where the Andes are, and are reasonably clear. More precious, though, are the unpublished maps we make ourselves, of our city, our place, our daily world, our life; those maps of our private world we use every day; here I was happy, in that place I left my coat behind after a party, that is where I met my love; I cried there once, I was heartsore; but felt better round the corner..., things of that sort, our personal memories, that make the private tapestry of our lives.
I use maps in my phone a great deal because I can't tell left from right. Having easy access to maps has given me a completely different life. When I first moved to London, I couldn't get anywhere and spent so much money on cabs because I couldn't figure it out.
For the execution of the voyage to the Indies, I did not make use of intelligence, mathematics or maps.
What is it about maps and globes that seems to require our undivided attention? I've spent hours looking at maps of places I will never see and maps so old that they are a record of nothing but the faintest glow of the past. Perhaps they turn us into gods, letting us look down at the insignificant drones that occupy the earth. Or maybe they simply feed off our hunger to go off into the unknown. Venturing off to places where people don't chain themselves to tedious jobs and financial debts but places of imagination, mystery and freedom Perhaps they're just trying to tell us something.
I have always loved maps.
Begin to look at maps with the narcotic tingle of possibility.
Maps are a way of organizing wonder.
What search is for the Web, maps are for mobile.
Even with the best of maps and instruments, we can never fully chart our journeys.
I would stare at maps of Delaware for hours.
Why are old maps always burnt?
On the maps provided by science, we find everything except ourselves. — © Bryan Appleyard
On the maps provided by science, we find everything except ourselves.
There’s just something hypnotic about maps.
The reinvention of daily life means marching off the edge of our maps
The reinvention of daily life means marching off the edge of our maps.
The virtue of maps, they show what can be done with limited space, they foresee that everything can happen therein.
Gravitational waves will bring us exquisitely accurate maps of black holes - maps of their space-time. Those maps will make it crystal clear whether or not what we're dealing with are black holes as described by general relativity.
Gravitational waves will bring us exquisitely accurate maps of black holes - maps of their space-time. Those maps will make it crystal clear whether or not what were dealing with are black holes as described by general relativity.
Foursquare makes maps special. We take maps that are blank and put dots on them to help you figure out what to do.
If geography is prose, maps are iconography.
Sometimes it is safer to read maps with your feet.
Writing a novel resembles a journey with only the sketchiest of maps. — © Ian Mcewan
Writing a novel resembles a journey with only the sketchiest of maps.
For novelists, the imagination is everything. The trick is to guide one's imagination using research. I love using old maps. When I wrote my novels on London and New York, I found wonderful historical atlases. Paris has the most lavish maps of all.
Our mental maps are distorted by who are the 'winners' of history and who are the powers of today.
I carried recipes in my head like maps.
We were just looking at maps.
All maps are distorted, they are not literal fact.
I am told there are people who do not care for maps, and I find it hard to believe.
They were maps that lived, maps that one could study, frown over, and add to; maps, in short, that really meant something.
Unhappy endings are just as important as happy endings. They’re an efficient way of transmitting vital Darwinian information. Your brain needs them to make maps of the world, maps that let you know what sorts of people and situations to avoid.
I've got stories untold & maps to unfold, but everyday I get where I'm going
It's stupid. There are maps to show you how to get to the place where you want to be but no maps that show you how to get to the time when you want to be.
The National Bank at profit sells road maps for the soul.
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