Top 1200 Market Leaders Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Market Leaders quotes.
Last updated on October 6, 2024.
I mistrust anyone... if they're saying, 'Well, that market wants this,' and you're not part of that market.
Business leaders should provide expertise in service of our country. My predecessors at GE have done so, as have leaders of many other great American companies.
Mounting a campaign against plutocracy makes as much sense to the typical Washington liberal as would circulating a petition against gravity. What our modernized liberal leaders offer is not confrontation but a kind of therapy for those flattened by the free-market hurricane: they counsel us to accept the inevitability of the situation.
They say Formula One is a market which it can't be, obviously. Our market is independent, it's a sport. — © Bernie Ecclestone
They say Formula One is a market which it can't be, obviously. Our market is independent, it's a sport.
Why do leaders fail? Isolation and inability to learn. They are afraid to express doubt, admit vulnerability or seek advice from subordinates. Leaders must actively work to seek feedback and a reality check. They must be open to asking questions and framing issues. As the world becomes more complex and global, the risk of isolation becomes greater. The need for leaders to be open to learning becomes greater. Great leaders will need to ask the right questions and balance inquiry with advocacy.
We need to elect leaders who have a strong moral compass. Leaders who are honest, straightforward, and tough - with a love of justice and fair play.
If there was a market in mass-produced portable nuclear weapons, we'd market them, too.
From the very first inkling of a concept, founders need to gather a target group of five to ten potential users to begin the feedback loop. We all think we know how the market will react to new ideas, but actual users live with the pros and cons of the existing market conditions every day. They are the market experts.
The Single Market and Customs Union is not a true 'free' market. It is designed to suit the E.U. insiders, not the U.K.
In Reno, there is always a bull market, never a bear market, for the stocks and bonds of happiness.
The United States stock market, the most iconic market in global capitalism, is rigged.
Authorities act with themselves in mind. Leaders act with others in mind. Authorities take. Leaders give. Authorities die. Leaders live on.
India is an important market for Ericsson, not only as a telecom market but also as a global hub for R&D.
There's a great vibe in Vancouver, and there's a market. If there's a market, then there's an opportunity. — © Alvin Leung
There's a great vibe in Vancouver, and there's a market. If there's a market, then there's an opportunity.
I think that there is clearly an understanding that the women's market is an important market. It's still often perceived as separate when it's not.
It takes leaders to grow other leaders.
There's nothing that would keep Apple out of the Android market as a secondary phone market.
When a product is market driven, it should be able to pay for all its raw materials at market prices.
Football's like a big market place and people go to the market every day to buy their vegetables.
I think a lot of people try to time the market when it comes to buying or selling a property or investing in real estate, but the real secret to real estate is not timing the market, but time in the market.
The wellness and prevention market will outgrow the health care market.
The average investor's return is significantly lower than market indices due primarily to market timing.
People say, 'Oh, you don't like China?' No, I love them. But their leaders are much smarter than our leaders, and we can't sustain ourself with that.
Most political leaders acquire their position by causing large numbers of people to believe that these leaders are actuated by altruistic desires
Leaders who led their organizations quietly and humbly, were much more effective than flashy, charismatic high profile leaders.
I actually worked in the general market for many years writing steamy historical romance, and I had more freedom in the Christian market than I ever did in the general market to write about any issue that I needed to write about.
The atheist market is a very overlooked and powerful market, it turns out.
It is vital that government leaders and financial leaders take heed and broaden their horizons, working to ensure that all citizens have dignified work, education, and healthcare.
..leaders should be looked upon as being 'in front', 'sharing' rather than 'showing' the way... it is the followers who save leaders and therefore make them.
It is the professed goal [of U.S. multinational corporations] to control as large a share of the world market as they do of the United States market.
You can keep raising it, but at some point, everybody who believes in a minimum wage will say, "No, wait a minute. That's too much," and at that point, you have demonstrated that that there's no market relationship. You're just talking emotion. You're just talking "fairness." You're just talking being nice, and that's not how the market works. People aren't paid a wage because they're being nice to, or because it's fair. In the market, the market rules.
It is always great to see technology leaders like Ginni Rometty, Marissa Mayer, and Meg Whitman breaking through as a new generation of leaders.
A nontraditional hockey market is turning into more of a traditional market. We're now a fabric of Nashville.
A good trader loves an active market, you don't make money when the market is static.
Talented performers flock to the best and brightest leaders, and these leaders in turn lift the lids off their people and uncork the latent talent inside of them.
The model I like to sort of simplify the notion of what goes on in a market for common stocks is the pari-mutuel system at the racetrack. If you stop to think about it, a pari-mutuel system is a market. Everybody goes there and bets and the odds change based on what's bet. That's what happens in the stock market.
The moment that government appears at market, the principles of the market will be subverted.
Until the L.A. market is settled, I don't think there's any other market out there that stands a chance.
He who puts a product upon the market as it demands, controls that market, regardless of color. It is simply a survival of the fittest. — © George Washington Carver
He who puts a product upon the market as it demands, controls that market, regardless of color. It is simply a survival of the fittest.
To anticipate the market is to gamble. To be patient and react only when the market gives the signal is to speculate.
The Islamic world is obsessed with the notion of strong leaders. This is a mistake. We don't need powerful leaders, but rather unconventional, progressive thinkers with the courage to open our minds.
A crash really occurs when you suddenly have a violent downturn in the market that then heralds a long bull market.
For years when we went into companies to discuss how we could help their leaders be most effective, we heard people say, "Our leaders need to develop executive presence."
All leaders make mistakes. They are a part of life. Successful leaders recognize their errors, learn from them, and work to correct their faults.
Negro leaders sought to negotiate with the city fathers. But the political leaders consistently refused to engage in good-faith negotiation.
Kids raised to be pampered and spoiled don't really end up being good leaders. Leaders need to be independent minded and confident.
An emerging market is a country where politics matters at least as much as economics to the market.
My favourite Nice restaurant is in the market. It's open mainly for the market people, and shuts in August.
So it was flawed in that it didn't require California to have a first claim on the power plants. It deregulated part of the market, but not all of the market. — © Gray Davis
So it was flawed in that it didn't require California to have a first claim on the power plants. It deregulated part of the market, but not all of the market.
It should be said that we are presently, and I believe unfairly, constrained from directly promoting cigarettes to the youth market...Realistically, if our Company is to survive and prosper, over the long term, we must get our share of the youth market. In my opinion, this will require new brands tailored to the youth market.
Fortunes are built during the down market and collected in the up market.
There's always a booming market somewhere in tech - you just have to find a good idea for that market.
When you look at a commodities market you need hedgers and speculators. If you don't have one, you don't have a market. That's how it works.
Weak leaders of churches blame people and circumstances. Breakout church leaders accept responsibility and see God's possibilities in even difficult situations.
Marketing should focus on market creation, not market sharing
All companies of any size have to continue to push to make sure you get the right leaders, the right team, the right people to be fast acting, and fast moving in the marketplace. We've got great leaders, and we continue to attract and promote great new leaders.
You can't expect to be on MTV and critique George Bush. You can't expect to be on BET or the cover of 'The Source' advocating Jesus Christ or Buddha or Hindu Krishna or Moses. As a conscious rap artist, you have to play in the arena that you're supposed to be in. What is that arena? That arena is the college market. The conscious rap artist woos the college market, even though the college market is the wildest, most sexed-out, drug-driven market in the country, possibly the world.
The free market is not a god; we have to do everything we can to make the market competitive.
The latest trade of a security creates a dangerous illusion that its market price approximates its true value. This mirage is especially dangerous during periods of market exuberance. The concept of "private market value" as an anchor to the proper valuation of a business can also be greatly skewed during ebullient times and should always be considered with a healthy degree of skepticism.
Timing the market is a fools game, whereas time in the market is your greatest natural advantage.
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