Top 1200 Marketing Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Marketing quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
I was a VP of marketing, I was regional sales manager in fashion, and marketing director in communications and product development. I was always a corporate Fortune 500 girl.
Marketing is not selling. Marketing is building a brand in the mind of the prospect.
One thing the humanitarian world doesn't do well is marketing. As a journalist, I get pitched every day by companies that have new products. Meanwhile, you have issues like clean water, literacy for girls, female empowerment. People flinch at the idea of marketing these because marketing sounds like something only companies do.
Marketing that works is marketing that people choose to notice. — © Seth
Marketing that works is marketing that people choose to notice.
Marketing is such a key issue; in fact, the marketing department is often involved in the approval of scripts now.
Networking is marketing. Marketing yourself, marketing your uniqueness, marketing what you stand for.
Marketing is too important to be left to the marketing department.
Permission marketing turns strangers into friends and friends into loyal customers. It's not just about entertainment - it's about education. Permission marketing is curriculum marketing.
Content Marketing is all the Marketing that's left.
I think the internet is a great marketing tool--but marketing is not my job. I'm a writer. My job is to write novels.
Content marketing is the only marketing left
I am the CMO (Chief Marketing Officer) of Marathon Agency, a new venture with my business partner Steve Carless. It's a management, branding, marketing, and business strategy. I'm in charge of marketing and branding clients like Nick Cannon, Nicki Minaj, and more.
Companies like Nike already use Graffiti as a standard variety in their marketing campaigns and the first people who read Naomi Klein's 'No Logo' were marketing gurus who wanted to know what they shouldn't do.
Hotmail went from zero to 12 million users with zero marketing steps. Not a penny was spent on sales and marketing, which was astounding. It showed us the power of the network effect.
When you have no money for marketing, everything you do is marketing. — © Robert Stephens
When you have no money for marketing, everything you do is marketing.
Five Minute Marketing is entertaining and thought provoking marketing advice by a Canadian for Canadians.
The best kind of marketing messages are the ones that don't seem like marketing messages. Because it means that the viewers' defenses are down.
Marketing used to be what you say Now, marketing is what you do. What you make. How you act. The choices you make when you are sure no one is looking.
The world of the consumer, the sheer innovation and dynamism of our culture has never been easy for marketing to keep up with, but now these are suddenly faster and much more powerful. We need a new idea and practice of marketing and of the brand.
I don't know marketing... clearly in engineering school you don't get much marketing training.
The Internet is going to change marketing before it changes almost anything else, and old marketing will die in its path.
Our platform is a one-stop shop, from marketing and promotion through to ticketing. But even in the early days, in 2006-07, when we were mostly carrying shortform video, we became the premier movie marketing platform.
There is something about video marketing that helps it stay apart from the other online marketing tactics. When done correctly, all you need is one video marketing campaign to build up highly targeted traffic for a really long time.
Over the past 60 years, marketing has moved from being product-centric (Marketing 1.0) to being consumer-centric (Marketing 2.0). Today we see marketing as transforming once again in response to the new dynamics in the environment. We see companies expanding their focus from products to consumers to humankind issues. Marketing 3.0 is the stage when companies shift from consumer-centricity to human-centricity and where profitability is balanced with corporate responsibility.
Arthur Hughes is one of the pioneers of modern database marketing. His new book, Strategic Database Marketing, Third Edition, contains the wisdom of twenty years of database marketing experience from scores of companies throughout the US. I can heartily endorse Arthur's book for anyone who wants to know the state of the art in database marketing today.
I found marketing to be highly descriptive and prescriptive, without much of a foundation in deep research. I brought in economics, organization theory, mathematics, and social psychology in my first edition of Marketing Management in 1967. Today Marketing Management is in its 15th edition and remains the world's leading textbook on marketing in MBA programs. Subsequently, I wrote two more textbooks, Principles of Marketing and Marketing: an Introduction.
Content marketing is more than a buzzword. It is the hottest trend in marketing because it is the biggest gap between what buyers want and brands produce.
The theory of marketing is solid but the practice of marketing leaves much to be desired.
Real time is a new mindset in marketing, and that's what inbound marketing is all about.
We have not had a ton of innovation and marketing in the concert industry, much like the record industry. We have been a fairly old-school business compared to Coca-Cola and the big packaging/marketing companies.
Nike is a marketing-oriented company, and the product is our most important marketing tool.
Marketing is not a nice word, but the world is about marketing now.
The distinctions between advertising and marketing are blurring, requiring new roles and new forms of consumer-centric marketing.
Network marketing itself is always one-on-one. It's also called relationship marketing. You can't recruit en masse through thousands of e-mails.
Always try to turn a marketing disaster into a marketing opportunity.
I believe in cinema! Unfortunately, 90 per cent of Hindi cinema is non-cinema. Only marketing works here. Even the item songs in these films are an extension of marketing.
You can't say there shouldn't be marketing and (that) marketing is a bad thing.
Permission marketing is marketing without interruptions.
I am making use of social media as a marketing tool. It's a great way to market yourself and your projects. It's a free marketing tool. — © CeCe Peniston
I am making use of social media as a marketing tool. It's a great way to market yourself and your projects. It's a free marketing tool.
On the movie side of things, the difficulties come with so few movies being made, and when they are, it seems that it's a marketing game. Story sometimes takes a backseat to that one grand marketing idea.
There's a difference between publicity and marketing. A lot of writers don't realize how much marketing goes on beyond the scenes, with sales reps and advanced reading copies, all that stuff that happens months before a book is published.
I was making commercials. That's how I learned the craft. That was the marketing part of it: directing commercial for TV. It wasn't the most common thing to become a filmmaker in Greece. I started by saying I was interested in marketing and have a proper job in advertising and commercials. Basically, I studied film to learn how to do marketing, and commercials. As I studied film I learned I'd be interested in making films instead of commercials.
The food industry is spending almost $2 billion a year marketing directly to children and teens. We know that those ads lead to children demanding certain brands, and we know that food and drink marketing gets all of us to consume more calories. If we're going to address diet-related illnesses, talking about marketing to kids is a key step. There should be places like schools that are protected sanctuaries from commercialization and from advertising, especially when it comes to kids' health.
Advertising has to be contextual, as the potential in 'push' marketing is fairly limited and is largely viewed as spam. Thus there is a need to get into 'permission' marketing and 'pull' marketing to deliver value to marketers.
Marketing is fundamental to what makes us human. Marketing is not solely about selling chewing gum, cars, cellphones, and tourist packages. Everything in life involves the process of marketing something to someone.
Guerrilla marketing requires you to comprehend every facet of marketing, experiment with many of them, winnow out the losers, double up on the winners, and then use the marketing tactics that prove themselves to you in the battleground of real life.
I'm a marketing guy at my core. If I wasn't doing music, I would still be introducing ideas on how I like branding and marketing.
Any change in form produces a fear of change, and that has accelerated. Marketing is the death of invention, because marketing deals with the familiar.
I like sincerely talking about market analysis and how marketing is ahead of design and design needs to catch up to fulfill the promise of the marketing.
I was always curious why certain marketing worked and some marketing did not. — © Simon Sinek
I was always curious why certain marketing worked and some marketing did not.
We're looking to have the ability to come in and be able to capitalize on the marketing in order to grow the top-line. We basically leverage what has worked with our other successful acquisitions - investment in marketing, retention and student services.
I believe that conventional marketing techniques are increasingly ineffective. Customers are hyped out. They have been overmarketed. They are becoming more cynical about the whole advertising and marketing process.
Targeted marketing has existed for as long as there's been marketing.
This is not your father's marketing. Instead of "do it right no matter what", search marketing demands that you "do it wrong quickly and then fix it".
The marketing of my movies is something I have no control over! I usually am shown things to give input beforehand. Some directors get really involved with that, but it's not what I do. I don't know anything about marketing; it's not my skill set!
The best system I've ever seen for intellectual distribution is the direct selling business-also known as one-to-one marketing, network marketing, referral marketing or relationship marketing.
There are two kinds of marketing: expensive and inexpensive. Expensive marketing is the kind that doesn't work. Inexpensive marketing is the kind that works—regardless of cost.
I would say my whole universe is probably categorized as guerilla marketing. For a long time, I had a line which was, 'Whenever I hear the word 'marketing,' it makes me throw up a little bit in my mouth.'
Integrated marketing communications is a way of looking at the whole marketing process from the view point of the customer.
If you could distill this down to a single principle its that the best marketers in the world know MARKETS first and foremost, and secondly they're students of MARKETING. It's more important to know a MARKET than to know MARKETING, and I teach people MARKETING! And so, as far as this seminar is concerned, it's all about knowing a market, and it's so thorough that even if you don't have personal experience in that market you can still go into it and find out, what are the things that people will pay money for!
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