Top 747 Maturity Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Maturity quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
The dreams of youth are the regrets of maturity.
Listen to your being. It is continuously giving you hints; it is a still, small voice. It does not shout at you, that is true. And if you are a little silent you will start feeling your way. Be the person you are. Never try to be another, and you will become mature. Maturity is accepting the responsibility of being oneself, whatsoever the cost. Risking all to be oneself, that's what maturity is all about.
Some people should have more levels of maturity than others, but you know to have a show that's grounded, tethered to reality, if you follow a group of people for six years and you show no maturity, I think that would be inaccurate.
Maturity is highly overrated. — © Kelley Armstrong
Maturity is highly overrated.
A man's age is something impressive, it sums up his life: maturity reached slowly and against many obstacles, illnesses cured, griefs and despairs overcome, and unconscious risks taken; maturity formed through so many desires, hopes, regrets, forgotten things, loves. A man's age represents a fine cargo of experience and memories.
Yes, maturity in life brings maturity to the music I make.
Maturity comes with experience, not age.
Maturity is the ability to think, speak and act your feelings within the bounds of dignity. The measure of your maturity is how spiritual you become during the midst of your frustrations.
I've always had a maturity within my writing.
Maturity, one discovers, has everything to do with the acceptance of ‘not knowing.
Maturity is the ability to postpone gratification.
Physical maturity is bound to time. Spiritual maturity is bound to obedience.
Maturity comes from obedience, not necessarily from age.
I went from adolescence to senility, trying to bypass maturity. — © Tom Lehrer
I went from adolescence to senility, trying to bypass maturity.
Maturity is the slowness in which a man believes.
there is no gateway to maturity; there is no line that is crossed. Maturity is like a maze, one path leading to another; it is like a great building full of corridors, one turning into another. Did anybody ever reach the end, so there was a clear way ahead, so he could say, now I am rich with knowledge, now I know all the answers?
Maturity is a series of shattered illusions.
Youth condemns; maturity condones.
I'm not ready to own a place yet. I have the money, but I don't have the maturity.
Spiritual maturity does not mean that we will never make wrong plans. In fact, spiritual maturity often means having the courage to admit we've made the wrong plans.
Everyone underestimates the maturity of kids.
Maturity is only a short break in adolescence.
As you grow older, maturity naturally comes to you. And it shows on your face. It's true not only about looks, but your maturity should also reflect in your performances.
The nobler and more perfect a thing is, the later and slower it is in arriving at maturity. A man reaches the maturity of his reasoning powers and mental faculties hardly before the age of twenty-eight; a woman at eighteen.
You, oh mature ones, keep company solely with other mature ones, and your maturity is so mature that it can only chum up with maturity!
With maturity comes the wish to economize - to be more simple. Maturity is the period when one finds the just measure.
Vibrato is the badge of tonal maturity.
There is no such thing as maturity. There is instead an ever-evolving process of maturing. Because when there is a maturity, there is a conclusion and a cessation. That’s the end. That’s when the coffin is closed. You might be deteriorating physically in the long process of aging, but your personal process of daily discovery is ongoing. You continue to learn more and more about yourself every day.
When what has been created in time according to the temporal order has reached maturity, it ceases from natural growth. But when what has been brought about by the knowledge of God through the practice of the virtues has reached maturity, it starts to grow anew. For the end of one stage constitutes the starting point of the next.
Maturity is when all of your mirrors turn into windows.
Today, maturity is a word I associate with spirituality. It's one of those words that cause people to change their voice. When your voice gets higher because of what you're saying, there's a problem. To me, the conflict of life is part of the joy of life. There's got to be a recognition of the friction that exists. Maturity seems somehow about getting careful. I don't want to be careful.
Maturity is achieved when a person accepts life as full of tension; when he does not torment himself with childish guilt feelings, but avoids tragic adult sins; when he postpones immediate pleasures for the sake of long-term values.... Our generation must be inspired to search for that maturity which will manifest itself in the qualities of tenacity, dependability, co-operativeness and the inner drive to work and sacrifice for a nobler future of mankind.
Youth condemns; maturity condones
Maturity is everything.
Spiritual maturity is a lifelong pursuit. We grow in spiritual maturity moment by moment, day by day, year by year.
When did you suddenly become Mister Maturity?
I think part of maturity is knowing who you are.
maturity ... is letting things happen.
When emotions dominate, maturity and wisdom deteriorate — © Dennis Prager
When emotions dominate, maturity and wisdom deteriorate
Maturity is the capacity to endure uncertainty.
One definition of maturity is learning to delay pleasure.
Self-knowledge is the first step to maturity.
Age is just a number, maturity is a choice.
We do not ignore maturity. Maturity consists in not losing the past while fully living in the present with a prudent awareness of the possibilities of the future.
While personal maturity may mean being able to see beyond yourself, leadership maturity means considering others before yourself.
The children's writer not only makes a satisfactory connection between [the writer's] present maturity and his past childhood, he also does the same for his child-characters in reverse - makes the connection between their present childhood and their future maturity. That their maturity is never visibly achieved makes no difference; the promise of it is there.
Sexiness comes with maturity.
Maturity and experience are part of my liberation.
You cannot be a winner without maturity and consistency. — © Marco Silva
You cannot be a winner without maturity and consistency.
I have never been a fan of bond funds. Unlike a direct investment in an individual bond that you can hold to maturity and be assured you will get your principal back (assuming no default), a fund has no finite maturity date and most funds are actively traded.
Rebel is just as bad a word as maturity.
Gifts are free, but maturity is expensive.
Age is no guarantee of maturity.
We belong to that order of mammals, the primates, distinguished by its propensity for repeated single litters, intense parental care, long life-spans, late sexual maturity, and a complex and extensive social existence... Our protracted biological and psychological helplessness, which extends well into the third year of life, intensifies the bond between infant and parents, making possible a sense of generational continuity. In contrast to other primates these bonds are not obliterated after sexual maturity.
You have attained maturity; display it for us, if you please.
In Christ we see a maturity of love that flowers in self-sacrifice and forgiveness; a maturity of power that never swerves from the ideal of service; a maturity of goodness that overcomes every temptation, and, of course, we see the ultimate victory of life over death itself.
You don't measure your maturity by comparing yourself with others. You judge maturity by comparing yourself to Jesus.
The Christian views trials as a pathway to maturity.
When your maturity is derived from circumstantial factors other than faith, your level of maturity would continue to fluctuate rather than being stable. This is why I am enabled to maintain a balance and stable approach to the challenges that come my way every day. I am not moved by what people say or do concerning my relationship with God.
One sign of maturity is knowing when to ask for help.
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