Top 1200 Mean Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Mean quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Prayer must mean something to us, if it is to mean anything to God.
I mean we cant even rock them shoes if it dont got a comma on the price tag ya know. I mean.. I mean but then again who looks at the price tag ya know?
There are, then, three states of mind ... two vices--that of excess, and that of defect; and one virtue--the mean; and all these are in a certain sense opposed to one another; for the extremes are not only opposed to the mean, but also to one another; and the mean is opposed to the extremes.
I think it's unnecessary to be mean for the sake of being mean, but I do believe you have to be truthful, but with love. — © Geri Halliwell
I think it's unnecessary to be mean for the sake of being mean, but I do believe you have to be truthful, but with love.
When you say you don't think we should have public schools, they can't believe you mean that. You must mean that they should be smaller. But you can't really mean no public schools.
I don't know what compassionate conservative means. Does it mean cutting kids out of after school programs, Does it mean drilling in the arctic wildlife refuge? Does it mean sending kids to Iraq without body armor that's state of the art?
Say just what you mean to do on every occasion, and take it for granted you mean to do right.
I have just learned a delicious French usage. On wedding invitations when they say the mass is at noon they mean one o'clock -when they say at noon precise they mean half after twelve - and when they say at very precisely noon they mean noon.
What does it mean to a successful woman today? Does it mean you have to be a mother? If you are a mother, does it mean you have to be a mother with a husband? If you don't have a husband, what is the role that the man plays? I think there are a lot of confusing things that we're all really still sorting out.
Like Humpty Dumpty, we can make words mean anything we want them to mean.
Saying sorry doesn't mean there isn't guilt & forgiving doesn't mean that the pain is gone.
Age doesn't mean anything. Age doesn't mean I can't work as hard. Age doesn't mean I can't do as well as everyone else. It's just a factor. It's just there.
being with someone for over a year can mean that you love them … but it can also mean you’re trapped.
Real integrity means an answer. It doesn't just mean - it doesn't mean riding the anger. And this is very difficult to do.
I mean the most important thing you can have as an actor, writer, director, or whatever you are, poet or whatever it is, is life experience. Life experience doesn't mean you have to live 50 years to have it. I mean you know a lot of people have huge life experience by the time they're in college.
The object of this competition is not to be mean to the losers but to find a winner. The process makes you mean because you get frustrated. Kids turn up unrehearsed, wearing the wrong clothes, singing out of tune and you can either say, "Good job" and patronize them or tell them the truth, and sometimes the truth is perceived as mean.
I love a finished speaker, I really, truly do I don't mean one who's polished, I just mean one who's through. — © Richard Armour
I love a finished speaker, I really, truly do I don't mean one who's polished, I just mean one who's through.
Collaboration and collegiality does not mean bowing down. It doesn't mean being brought to heel.
If what was said in the Ethics is true, that the happy life is the life according to virtue lived without impediment, and that virtue is a mean, then the life which is in a mean, and in a mean attainable by every one, must be the best. And the same principles of virtue and vice are characteristic of cities and of constitutions; for the constitution is in a figure the life of the city.
When politicians talk about immigration reform, they usually mean the following, amnesty, open borders, lower wages. Immigration reform should mean something else entirely. It should mean improvements to our laws and policies to make life better for American citizens.
Awkwardness is when there's a risk of a perception gap between what you mean and what you appear to mean.
If you are emotionally honest, you should mean what you say but also mean what you do.
You’re going to tell me that last night shouldn’t have happened.” No. I’m glad it happened. For too long, I’ve been telling myself that I could spend all this time with yo and flirt with you and not have it mean anything. It does mean something. You mean something to me. But I’m not in love with you.
This is essential that we have a resurgence in democratic participation. And I don't mean big-D Democrat, I mean small-D democrat. I mean getting involved in your neighborhood, your community. This is no time to say, "I'm not into politics." This is a time to go headlong into the welfare of this nation.
There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters
People say 'what do you mean' when you talk about 'bringing down civilization.' What I really mean is depriving the rich of the ability to steal from the poor and depriving the powerful of the ability to destroy the planet. That's what I really mean.
I don't mean to brag, I don't mean to boast, But I'm intercontinental when I eat French toast.
I just think people have a lot of fiction. But, you know, I mean, the real story of Facebook is just that we've worked so hard for all this time. I mean, the real story is actually probably pretty boring, right? I mean, we just sat at our computers for six years and coded.
When I say, "Be my lover", I don't mean, "Let's have an affair." I don't mean "Sleep with me." I don't mean, "Be my secret." I want us to go back down to that root. I want you to be the one who loves me. I want to be the one who loves you.
Minks are mean little critters. Vicous, horrible little animals who eat their own. They're not beavers. I wouldn't wear beavers. I'd rather have a mink coat made of mean little critters that are killed in a very nice way and treated nicely for their short, mean lives so that I could keep warm.
Detachment, lack of sentimentality, originality, a lot of things that sound rather empty. I know what they mean. Let's say, "visual impact" may not mean much to anybody. I could point it out though. I mean it's a quality that something has or does not have. Coherence. Well, some things are weak, some things are strong.
Christianity must mean everything to us before it can mean anything to others.
If you don't listen to theology, that won't mean you have no ideas about God, it will mean you have a lot of wrong ones.
You're saying something with your appearance whether you mean to or not, so you may as well mean to.
There is a downside to affordable technology, and that's mediocrity. I mean, just 'cause you can afford it don't mean you can do it.
Awards mean a lot, but they don't say it all. The people in baseball mean more to me than statistics.
I'm not a mean person, so it kind of hurts when people are mean to me, but that's life.
Organization and method mean much, but contagious human characters mean more in a university.
Life has taught me that you can’t control someone’s loyalty. No matter how good you are to them, doesn’t mean they’ll treat you the same. No matter how much they mean to you, doesn’t mean they’ll value you the same. Sometimes the people you love the most, turn out to be the people you can trust the least.
There are times where you don't think you can be one of those strong women. You're not one of the leaders right? But that doesn't mean you're not. And that doesn't mean you're not a trailblazer.
Giving honest and well-intended feedback is often confused with being mean. It's not mean; it's nice. — © Robert Kiyosaki
Giving honest and well-intended feedback is often confused with being mean. It's not mean; it's nice.
There are so many books I mean to read, and things I mean to see.
No man with any sense assumes that a woman's words mean to her exactly what they mean to him.
Giving my life to you may mean leading a very ordinary life or it may mean leading an extraordinary life. It may mean having a family and a career or it may mean going beyond all that to just work for others. It's hard to say. Rather than making a decision myself, I'm going to give my life to you, to do with as you will, because I know that you are my self, you are my very being.
We cannot define anything precisely. If we attempt to, we get into the paralysis of thought that comes to philosophers, who sit opposite each other, one saying to the other, "You don't know what you are talking about!" The second one says, "What do you mean by know? What do you mean by talking? What do you mean by you?"
I'm grateful to intelligent people. That doesn't mean educated. That doesn't mean intellectual. I mean really intelligent. What black old people used to call 'mother wit' means intelligence that you had in your mother's womb. That's what you rely on. You know what's right to do.
When NASA says they're going into space, they don't mean up and back. They mean orbit.
My Dad always told me ‘Flowers mean I’m sorry, chocolates mean I love you.’
You can't get much more liberal than John Kerry is. I mean, he's my candidate, but, I mean, come on.
If then, as we say, good craftsmen look to the mean as they work, and if virtue, like nature, is more accurate and better than any form of art, it will follow that virtue has the quality of hitting the mean. I refer to moral virtue [not intellectual], for this is concerned with emotions and actions, in which one can have excess or deficiency or a due mean.
'Elitist' doesn't need to mean wealthy and conservative; it can also mean specialised and rarefied, and that's no bad thing.
I mean, just because you weren't raped doesn't mean that rape culture doesn't exist or that rapes don't happen. — © Jwala Gutta
I mean, just because you weren't raped doesn't mean that rape culture doesn't exist or that rapes don't happen.
Some women are like elephants. I don't mean size, I mean they never forget.
If I cannot sing, I have the impression that I no longer exist. I mean it. I mean that I am not physically there.
I mean it’s never a problem making out with Nina Dobrev, I mean that’s always really cool!
If I stand alone, It does not mean, I am any less a Human, If my arms do not hold another, It does not mean, They are incapable of holding, If my tongue is silent, And never speaks the words of Love, It does not mean, That it will be mute, When the time comes, That the words can sincerely be spoken. And just because the World, Has not yet introduced, The one that will share my Life, It certainly does not mean, That I am incapable, Of Loving.
Being 'contented' ought to mean in English, as it does in French, being pleased. Being content with an attic ought not to mean being unable to move from it and resigned to living in it; it ought to mean appreciating all there is in such a position.
When I talk about success I don't mean music business, I just mean the people around me.
Giving up everything must mean giving over everything to kingdom purposes, surrendering everything to further the one central cause, loosening our grip on everything. For some of us, this may mean ridding ourselves of most of our possessions. But for all of us it should mean dedicating everything we retain to further the kingdom. (For true disciples, however, it cannot mean hoarding or using kingdom assets self-indulgently.)
If the mean thing is being said with a person who abused malice, then something sounds mean. If something that is considered mean is being said by somebody who has good intentions and has maybe a comedic lack of awareness, then you can get away with a little bit more.
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