Top 1200 Meaningful Things Quotes & Sayings - Page 12

Explore popular Meaningful Things quotes.
Last updated on December 19, 2024.
[M]ost of our daily news is inert, consisting of information that gives us something to talk about but cannot lead to any meaningful action. (68).
Life is not inherently meaningful. We make meaning happen through the attention and care we express through our actions.
We cannot effect meaningful change if we become complacent, if we become comfortable with our own positions in the status quo. — © Cyril Ramaphosa
We cannot effect meaningful change if we become complacent, if we become comfortable with our own positions in the status quo.
In much of computer science, I can easily 'auto-grade' your work and give you an instant meaningful feedback. I can't do this when it comes to the subtlety of human thought, language, poetry, philosophy.
I just want to do something meaningful in the world. I want to contribute positively. That means the roles I get to play as well.
Triple H and I have wrestled many, many times, but never on a real meaningful stage. I would really enjoy that.
I genuinely do want the world to change in a positive way, but I wouldn't call myself an activist, you know? I'm an entertainer who engages with activism because it feels really meaningful for me.
I just wanted to make a record that wasn't escapism. Like, I didn't want to write another record that was devoid of meaningful content.
The great benefit of slowing down is reclaiming the time and tranquility to make meaningful connections--with people, with culture, with work, with nature, with our own bodies and minds
We're all making castles in the sand, wonderful tapestries, an exquisite corpse. But is it meaningful? No. It's dogs barking. It doesn't mean anything beyond our yelping, at the pain of being alive.
I am happy that I could collaborate with poets like O.N.V. Kurup and Yusufali Kechery in my career; they wrote meaningful lyrics, which made my songs last longer.
One of the most meaningful things that's happened to me since I've been the governor - the president - governor - president. Oops. Ex-governor. I went to Bethesda Naval Hospital to give a fellow a Purple Heart, and at the same moment I watched him-get a Purple Heart for action in Iraq - and at that same - right after I gave him the Purple Heart, he was sworn in as a citizen of the United States - a Mexican citizen, now a United States citizen.
I think that not criticizing my successor is a statement unto itself, in terms of trying to create an environment where people are able to have a meaningful discussion or debate without trash talk.
I have never seen a person grow or change in a self - constructive meaningful way when motivated by guilt, shame, or self hate. — © Herb Goldberg
I have never seen a person grow or change in a self - constructive meaningful way when motivated by guilt, shame, or self hate.
Baltimore residents deserve a commitment from leaders to deliver meaningful changes and the possibility of a better future, and so does every Marylander who loves our great state.
For me, a story has to have characters, and my role should be meaningful. At the end of the day, people should say that they like my performance.
We have the capacity to create a remarkably different economy: one that can restore ecosystems and protect the environment while bringing forth innovation, prosperity, meaningful work, and true security.
I find I am constantly being encouraged to pluck out some one aspect of myself and present this as the meaningful whole, eclipsing or denying the other parts of self.
Every musical phrase has a purpose. It's like talking. If you talk with a particular purpose, people listen to you, but if you just recite, it's not as meaningful.
There is nothing wrong with the love of Beauty. But Beauty-unless she is wed to something more meaningful-is always superficial
One of the most watched - and least meaningful - financial metrics each quarter is the number of 'earnings surprises,' or instances in which companies' profits beat analysts' expectations.
In terms of leadership, you've got to allow for people to be amazing and to contribute in a way that's meaningful. You can't hold on so tight that people don't get a chance to do what they do best.
A good writer can simulate a page torn out of somebody's diary, and give you every little voyeuristic thrill you might get from that, but actually tell you a broader story. I think it's a noble idea that it's cathartic to open a vein for everybody to see, but ultimately, you're just getting blood everywhere and making a mess. I like the idea that there are deeper and more meaningful things to talk about than your own misery. But at the same time, there's something really interesting about skirting that line and making it seem like you're doing that.
I think e-mail petitions are an illusion. It gives people the illusion that they're participating in some meaningful political action.
Could we take anxiety to be something that may be of importance, may even be meaningful? And it says something about your history, and could we learn to sort of hold it in a way that's more compassionate, to sort of bring the frightened part of you close and treat it with some dignity, and keep focused instead on what kind of life you want to live connected to what kind of meaning and purpose. That's going to be a quicker, more self-compassionate and more certain journey forward inside things like panic disorder.
Learning to earn a living is only half the job. The other half is to make life worthwhile and meaningful.
Productivity is the deliberate, strategic investment of your time, talent, intelligence, energy, resources, and opportunities in a manner calculated to move you measurably closer to meaningful goals.
If you don't pursue what you think will be most meaningful, you will regret it. Life is long. There is always time for Plan B. But don't begin with it.
I need those meaningful fights, the fights that everyone wants to see. That would help my legacy a long way.
Now we're in a very different economy. Throughout the late 1980s and 1990s American management started to do the right things. There was extraordinary investment in technology. The dominant questions now are less how to do it better, how to manage better, how to make the economy better, than how to have fuller and more meaningful lives. Because the irony is, now that we've come through this great transition, even though our organizations and our people are extraordinarily productive, many feel that the nonwork side of life is very thin.
There is a tension between parliamentary and popular sovereignty. A lively, meaningful democracy would achieve a balance between the two.
Average. It was the worst, most disgusting word in the English language. Nothing meaningful or worthwhile ever came from that word.
The senses don't just make sense of life in bold or subtle acts of clarity, they tear reality apart into vibrant morsels and reassemble them into a meaningful pattern.
I'm thinking about the idea of poetic license. People say that about certain writers: "Oh, the grammar sucks, but it's just the poetic license." We accept it as being an art form of sorts: the incorrect rearrangement of meaningful things. Unlike sciences, literature as art relies on societal acceptance of a certain vocabulary. We're just making sounds out of our mouths if we don't both accept that what I'm saying has very significant meanings, and I'm accurately targeting what vocabulary I use and how I arrange each word.
Music is the love of my life. It’s a total escape from reality. Music transports you to another place, someplace unexpecet and meaningful.
I knew I wanted to be a fashion writer but didn't want to contribute to the over-saturated market unless I could contribute in a meaningful way.
In Boulder entrepreneurship circles, there is a genuine desire to see others succeed and a general belief that karma matters. There's a sense that together we're building something here, and that we're all a meaningful part of it.
Patients with fatal diseases are fighting for their lives every day while real, meaningful, life-extending treatments sit on the shelf just beyond their reach. — © Mike Braun
Patients with fatal diseases are fighting for their lives every day while real, meaningful, life-extending treatments sit on the shelf just beyond their reach.
I have such a profound respect for what they do day in and day out. This USO tour is especially meaningful because of the friends I have met and I am honored to be apart of it.
Of course if you are launching a new business you can thinking about revenues, profits, and so on, but metrics such as customer satisfaction or employee retention might be meaningful if you are focusing more internally.
I want to do something that is meaningful. After working for all these years, I want to do better as an actor now and choose roles that are challenging and satisfying.
No one voted for a Brexit that will tie us to the E.U.'s customs rules and prevent us striking meaningful trade deals of our own.
But basically, at the end of the day, I want to do meaningful work that I'm proud of - whether only 3 people see it or 300,000,000.
The struggle for existence is a struggle 'for' something; it is purposeful and only in so being is it meaningful and able to bring meaning into life.
I trust the symbol that is arrived at in the making of the painting. Meaningful symbols aren't invented as such, they are made or discovered as symbol later.
We need to discuss the basis of a new form of trust built on a meaningful form of citizenship appropriate for a republic.
Nothing is more endangered in the modern world than the powerful combination of hard work toward meaningful goals joined with an exuberant embrace of the present moment.
Make gifts meaningful by putting the time in creating them, whether baking and cooking, or in making arts and craft. It will all have more meaning for the giver and receiver.
Faith is not about finding meaning in the world, there may be no such thing -- faith is the belief in our capacity to create meaningful lives. — © Terry Tempest Williams
Faith is not about finding meaning in the world, there may be no such thing -- faith is the belief in our capacity to create meaningful lives.
Energy is our most precious resource, for it is the means by which we transform our creative potential into meaningful action.
Stories are the creative conversion of life itself into a more powerful, clearer, more meaningful experience. They are the currency of human contact.
There has been nothing more impactful on my life and meaningful to me than the introduction of Christ. That, hands down, blows away every joke I've ever written.
To know that the people who are singing along at your show actually have something in common with you and can identify with what you've gone through, makes the songs that much more meaningful to sing.
The search for a meaningful painting subject is a search for ourselves.
In the financial world it tends to be misleading to state, "There is no free lunch." Rather the more meaningful comment is, "Somebody has to pay for lunch."
Most people I know that have work that is very meaningful to them pay the price of having to work all the time.
I have conservative relatives. I maintain some relationships with some conservatives going back to the 1990s... Not in any meaningful way.
As people become multisensory, they begin to realize that their lives are meaningful, that there's a purpose to all of their experiences - to the people that they meet, to the challenges that they have, that nothing is random.
I don't feel I have to write deep and meaningful songs; they can be light and meaningless. It has to do with the place I am in my life, a really good place.
I think virtually everyone wants to do good and be good and be decent to each other and pursue something that is valuable to them and meaningful.
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