Top 1200 Meaningful Things Quotes & Sayings - Page 7

Explore popular Meaningful Things quotes.
Last updated on December 19, 2024.
We believe in saying no to thousands of projects so that we can really focus on the few that are truly important and meaningful to us.
The internet could be a very positive step towards education, organisation and participation in a meaningful society.
...I am afraid that education is conceived more in terms of indoctrination by most school officials than in terms of enlightenment. My own belief is that education must be subversive if it is to be meaningful. By this I mean that it must challenge all the things we take for granted, examine all accepted assumptions, tamper with every sacred cow, and instill a desire to question and doubt. Without this the mere instruction to memorise data is empty. The attempt to enforce conventional mediocrity on the young is criminal.
I want to highlight this, that to make meaningful cinema, we really need an enabling environment and freedom to express. — © Sharmila Tagore
I want to highlight this, that to make meaningful cinema, we really need an enabling environment and freedom to express.
You need to be a good screen partner. It's very meaningful to me to be a part of great acting performances.
Instead of telling the world what you're eating for breakfast, you can use social networking to do something that's meaningful.
The artist makes his living by pretending, by putting it in a meaningful hole though no such holes exist.
We had pathetically simple dreams: to do meaningful work that we could be proud of, to be together, and to be happy.
We were created for meaningful work, and one of life's greatest pleasures is the satisfaction of a job well done.
True 'joy' is the difference between just amusing ourselves to death and creating 'meaningful' pleasure.
Tell me it's forbidden, unthinkable, and that's where I want to go. Because the chances are it's complicated, and the complications are meaningful.
Meaningful ethics reform is vital to restoring public confidence in Missouri's political system.
I've always wanted to be part of stories about social justice - urgent, meaningful, substantial dramas.
Shawn Michaels I just think the world of. I would love the opportunity to be in a meaningful match with him. — © John Layfield
Shawn Michaels I just think the world of. I would love the opportunity to be in a meaningful match with him.
Simply being with other people who are also seekers and who are involved in the same quest you are is very meaningful.
Communicative skills develop when there's something meaningful for children to communicate about-when they are taking an active role.
The goal of forecasting is not to predict the future but to tell you what you need to know to take meaningful action in the present
Wealth is the progressive realization of worthy goals, the ability to love and have compassion, meaningful and caring relationships.
The simple act of saying 'thank you' is a demonstration of gratitude in response to an experience that was meaningful to a customer or citizen.
Unless your aim is to deceive, there's not a meaningful distinction between memoir and fiction. They're marketing categories.
Good writing is really meaningful, and it's one of the - it's still one of the best tools we have to get and capture people's attention.
It's a beautiful idea to focus on how everything is temporary and always in flux. It may feel bad now, but it will feel good later, and vice versa. To write about those things brings this satisfying feeling as a creative person. There's a lot of music out there that's like, "I'm so mad! I'm sad! I'm into skulls and crossbones and the color black," and that's just meaningless and shallow. So much of metal is about that and it's hard to find metal that is substantial and meaningful in terms of its content.
I care not where my body may take me as long as my soul is embarked on a meaningful journey.
The first condition of education is being able to put someone to wholesome and meaningful work.
What we believe at Quantic Dream is that there is a space for adult games: meaningful experiences for a mature audience.
I think if you can create a meaningful thing that is also an advertisement that's a pretty cool option for brands.
After you run, there's a sense of accomplishment; you feel like your life is meaningful. It's a moment of clarity.
As long as you believe what you’re doing is meaningful, you can cut through fear and exhaustion and take the next step.
Nine different people gathered and became like a family. To me, it is a very meaningful tie.
Doing mathematics should always mean finding patterns and crafting beautiful and meaningful explanations.
I've learned to take jobs as an actress that is meaningful to me because I've never taken a job for the money.
In cooperative learning, you have a purposeful, meaningful, and authentic context in which children can sharpen their communicative skills.
Tarzan is direct; he doesn't ask Jane if they might have a meaningful relationship or if they can get together for lunch sometime.
Telling the truth is the slow, mundane, difficult route to a meaningful life. Anything else is cheating.
Starting with the values that feel authentic to who you are can serve as a compass to find more meaningful, fulfilling work.
People are afraid of their own lives. Shouldn't your goal be to have a meaningful life? Unknown, mysterious, thrilling?
At some moment I did answer "Yes" to someone or something. And from that hour on I was certain that existence is meaningful.
A meaningful conceptual basis is always more important than vivid photographs, and vice versa.
No matter what techniques I use, I still want to go after the eternal, meaningful aspects of painting. — © Dan Thompson
No matter what techniques I use, I still want to go after the eternal, meaningful aspects of painting.
Greatness and nearsightedness are incompatible. Meaningful achievement depends on lifting one's sights and pushing toward the horizon.
I have a lot of cultural references that have amassed in my brain like shrapnel over the years that are meaningful to me.
We all know of people who thought they could to it (whatever “it” is) tomorrow. We have all procrastinated on such a way, and often to our personal regret. It happens time and again, putting off things that we convince ourselves might be better, more meaningful, more appropriate for another time. So often that better time either never comes or really isn’t better or more appropriate after all. And then, sadly, the window of opportunity -to do something great- closes.
The single most important thing that sports fans want is competition building to a meaningful championship.
The relationships I've had with my girl friends are so powerful and meaningful. Without them I truly don't know what I'd do.
Life becomes meaningful and all activities are purposeful only on the basis of faith in the enduring reality.
I think the thing that is meaningful is when I can tell that someone's been affected by the movie or by anything I made.
A meaningful life - this is what we look for in art, in its smallest dewdrops as in its unleashing of the tempest. We are at peace when we have found it and uneasy when we have not.
A meaningful relationship between two people cannot sustain itself only in the present tense.
If you can't be psyched about your own thoughts, then how are you supposed to have a meaningful interaction with anyone? — © Angel Olsen
If you can't be psyched about your own thoughts, then how are you supposed to have a meaningful interaction with anyone?
[Wellesley College] is about as meaningful to the educational process in America as a perfume factory is to the national economy.
the world is neither meaningful, nor absurd. it quite simply is, and that, in any case, is what is so remarkable about it.
Having the chance to be able to fight for something really meaningful - races, championships - that's the absolute priority.
My conscious decision has always been to do work that's meaningful and play characters that give something to the film.
I think every actor worth his or her salt wants to do good, meaningful cinema.
Social media provides a constant platform on which to feature what we deem beautiful, meaningful, and worthy.
Real meaningful endeavours, the biggies in human existence, often require the sacrifice of others.
Where there is a lack of other connections, of meaningful moments, in our lives, music can often full the gap.
I'm so honored to have been a part of something so meaningful that helped to keep so many families and loved ones connected.
Meaningful innovation can be an important catalyst in encouraging resilience in seniors, keeping them independent and engaged.
Just in a professional world, sometimes a phone call is definitely more meaningful than a text.
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