Top 1200 Means Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Means quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
[This upset] means that means Donald Trump now has to transition to governance.
In North Korea, when there is an alarm, it means that there is a war drill. It means that you need to run.
Just honest. To me, being 'politically incorrect' means the opposite of being political -- which means to spin everything. That's all it's ever meant to me. It's never meant liberal or conservative. It means honest.
Nature...does not act by means of many things when it can do so by means of a few. — © Galileo Galilei
Nature...does not act by means of many things when it can do so by means of a few.
Means are not to be distinguished from ends. If violent means are used, there will be bad results.
The end is what you want, the means is how you get it. Whenever we think about social change, the question of means and ends arises. The man of action views the issue of means and ends in pragmatic and strategic terms. He has no other problem; he thinks only of his actual resources and the possibilities of various choices of action. He asks of ends only whether they are achievable and worth the cost; of means, only whether they will work. ... The real arena is corrupt and bloody.
Obama means to erase the Second Amendment by any means possible.
Excellence means that you're prospering spiritually, mentally, physically and in every area of life. What does it mean to prosper? It means to do well, to have over and above, to walk in a high level with God. It means to be in a high class with God, where you can think like God and live like Him.
But the nature of the universe is such that ends can never justify means. On the contrary, the means always determine the end.
Commitment to the truth...means a relentless willingness to root out the ways we limit or deceive ourselves from seeing what is, and to continually challenge our theories of why things are the way they are. It means continually broadening our awareness. It also means continually deepening our understanding of the structures underlying current events.
Content means a film that makes a difference, it means it says something.
I want us to organize, to tell the personal stories that create empathy, which is the most revolutionary emotion. The truth of the mater is that hierarchy and violence can't be remedied by more hierarchy and violence. The end doesn't justify the means, the means we choose decide the end we get. The means are the end.
I don't really know what 'starchitect' means. I take it as a pejorative because it means that you're sought-after.
Is this what it means to die? Lucas thought. Because I’m not scared of it anymore. Not if it means I finally get this close to you. — © Claudia Gray
Is this what it means to die? Lucas thought. Because I’m not scared of it anymore. Not if it means I finally get this close to you.
The political object is the goal, war is the means of reaching it, and the means can never be considered in isolation from their purposes.
Education means to bring out wisdom. Indoctrination means to push in knowledge.
Excellence means representing the reputation of Christ well. It means doing all things as best as you can...
Positive health means becoming whole-heartedly engaged with our own health care. It means not outsourcing our health to the health care system. It means getting rid of the fear and paralysis we too often feel, and instead cultivating a sense of agency.
I’ve learned what ‘classical’ means. It means something that sings and dances through sheer joy of existence.
Making art now means working in the face of uncertainty; it means living with doubt and contradiction, doing something no one much cares whether you do, and for which there may be neither an audience nor reward. Making the work you want to make means setting aside these doubts so that you may see clearly what you have done, and thereby see where to go next. Making the work you want to make means finding nourishment within the work itself.
Walter Mercado means love, peace and understanding, means compassion.
So what it means is when you don't believe in the inevitable, it means you don't expect that that's how things have to turn out. You can change them.
Now it is usual-but not to say normal-for people to interest themselves primarily in means, without noticing that means exist only in relation to ends and that, in accepting certain means, they unconsciously accept the ends that make them so. In other words, they accept whatever philosophy happens to be embodied in the values and institutions of a particular civilation.
'Vote Love' means vote equality. It means vote change. It means vote what's right for humanity.
Courage is a terribly important value. It means you don’t run away when things are tough. It means you don’t turn away from a friend when he or she is in trouble. It means standing up against the majority opinion... There’s a lot of people who won’t wear it on their sleeve, or display it through some heroic act. But courage is having the strength to do what’s honorable and decent.
Oh, I get it, it's simple. PG means the hero gets the girl, 15 means that the villain gets the girl, and 18 means everybody gets the girl.
To be sincere means to be the same person when one is with oneself; that is to say, alone - but that is all it means.
Having rules means that sometimes people break them, and that means punishment.
If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
I guess we're really brothers, aren't we? Don't know what that means, except it means that some of the same things we remember.
I really don't know what "I love you" means. I think it means "Don't leave me here alone.
Coming close to death you begin to know what life means, and what it means is gratitude.
Grace means that God does something for me; law means that I do something for God. God has certain holy and righteous demands which he places upon me: that is law. Now if law means that God requires something of me for their fulfillment, then deliverance from law means he no longer requires that from me, but himself provides it.
Being a child of God means confidence, but it never means complacency.
If love means anything at all it means extending your hand to the unlovable.
The third rule of ethics of means and ends is that in war the end justifies almost any means.
That we have the vote means nothing. That we use it in the right way means everything.
With regard to the idea of whether you have a right to health care, you have to realize what that implies. It’s not an abstraction. I’m a physician. That means you have a right to come to my house and conscript me. It means you believe in slavery. It means that you’re going to enslave not only me, but the janitor at my hospital, the person who cleans my office, the assistants who work in my office, the nurses.
...talent means nothing, while experience, acquired in humility and with hard work, means everything. — © Patrick Süskind
...talent means nothing, while experience, acquired in humility and with hard work, means everything.
For me, architecture is the means, not the end. It's a means of making different life forms possible.
Every nation should wrestle with the question of what it means to defend itself, what it means to take revenge.
Neurotic means he is not as sensible as I am, and psychotic means he's even worse than my brother-in-law.
Status in itself is criminal for those with the means to move, and the means to weave communion between people.
Whenever anyone accuses some person of being 'unfeeling,' he means that that person is just. He means that that person has no causeless emotions and will not grant him a feeling which he does not deserve. He means that 'to feel' is to go against reason, against moral values, against reality.
This, I thought, is what is meant by 'thy will be done' in the Lord's Prayer, which I had prayed time and again without thinking about it. It means that your will and God's will may not be the same. It means there's a good possibility that you won't get what you pray for. It means that in spite of your prayers you are going to suffer.
The Atonement is an event that enables us to be reconciled to God. The word atonement, or 'at-one-ment,' means to restore or to come back. In terms of family, it means to be reunited with one another and with God and His Son, Jesus Christ. It means sadness through separation will become happiness through reuniting.
The State is a poor, good beast who means the best: it means friendly.
To be justified means more than to be declared "not guilty." It actually means to be declared righteous before God. It means God has imputed or charged the guilt of our sin to His Son, Jesus Christ, and has imputed or credited Christ's righteousness to us.
Words can't say this. The one word love means too little for what it is. It means everything and that is still not enough. — © James Frey
Words can't say this. The one word love means too little for what it is. It means everything and that is still not enough.
[S]exual intercourse remains a means or the means of psychologically making a woman inferior.
Winning means fame and fortune. Losing means certain death. The Hunger Games have begun.
Internal security means something. It means war against your own population.
I conceive of God, in fact, as a means of liberation and not a means to control others.
Populism, literally, means speaking for 'the people.' In practice it means demagoguery.
The Gospels and the rest of the New Testament reflect the life of Jesus, what it means for us & what it means for the world.
True discernment means not only distinguishing the right from the wrong; it means distinguishing the primary from the secondary, the essential from the indifferent, and the permanent from the transient. And, yes, it means distinguishing between the good and the better, and even between the better and the best.
Meditation means conscious self-expansion. Meditation means one's conscious awareness of the transcendental Reality. Meditation means the recognition or the discovery of one's own true self. It is through meditation that we transcend limitation, bondage and imperfection.
Love means never having to say you're sorry. Marriage means apologizing when you know you're right.
Force is not inevitable. Diplomacy is still the desired means. Pressure is an element of the means.
In this decisive hour of our national history, union means life and division means death.
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