Top 300 Meanwhile Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Meanwhile quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
The consequences of our actions take hold of us, quite indifferent to our claim that meanwhile we have 'improved.
I began by doing book reviews on the typewriter and then went over to short stories on the machine, meanwhile sticking to pencil for poetry.
Meanwhile, fears of universal disaster sank to an all time low over the world. — © Isaac Asimov
Meanwhile, fears of universal disaster sank to an all time low over the world.
Meanwhile,” Simon added, “I wanted to tell you that lately I‘ve been cross-dressing. Also, I‘m sleeping with your mom. I thought you should know.
Meanwhile after failing the bar twice, I knew some people in New York and moved here in August '71.
I was looking for a husband, but meanwhile to survive, I had to work.
Who killed Chivalry? They need to get their sentencing Meanwhile we arguing and I can't get a sentence in
Anger would inflict punishment on another; meanwhile, it tortures itself.
Meanwhile, our young men and women whose economic circumstances make military service a viable career choice are dying bravely in a war with no end in sight.
Meanwhile, Will had begun cutting his toast into strips and was making rude pictographs out of them. Oh, that looks rather like a ...- , Jem began.
The danger from computers is not that they will eventually get as smart as men, but that we will meanwhile agree to meet them halfway.
Meanwhile with the help of an anecdote I fell in love. Words caravaggio. They have a power.
Meanwhile the Church more and more provided for the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, by practically chaining His influence to the hierarchy and the sacraments. — © Robert Rainy
Meanwhile the Church more and more provided for the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, by practically chaining His influence to the hierarchy and the sacraments.
Meanwhile, the poor Babel fish, by effectively removing all barriers to communication between different races and cultures, has caused more and bloodier wars than anything else in the history of creation.
Meanwhile, some people are dying of sad laughter at the absurdity of man, who kills so easily and so violently, and once a year sends out cards praying for "Peace on Earth."
One of my assistants, a British man, says I should find a platform for [cosmetic industry]. Meanwhile I wear make-up.
I miss having someone to cuddle up and have an early night with. But I'm looking. Meanwhile, I'm having a few relationships that don't mean much.
Americans will listen, but they do not care to read. War and Peace must wait for the leisure of retirement, which never really comes: meanwhile it helps to furnish the living room.
Meanwhile, people have to join us and fight back against the federal government that has dropped the ball, that is in bed with these energy companies, that wants them to make more money than they've made before.
Meanwhile I married and I adopted three kids who were all from one family and then later I was divorced.
I was an academic and I lost my assignment at Harvard. Meanwhile, [David Petraeus] gets invited to Harvard to become a fellow.
Meanwhile, the empty forms of social behavior survive inappropriately in business situations. We all know that when a business sends its customers 'friendly reminders,' it really means business.
We'll have more football later. Meanwhile, here are the highlights from the Scottish Cup final.
Meanwhile let us cast one shadow in air and water.
Meanwhile I'll probably see him again. That's how sick I am.
Meanwhile, I was doodling pictures of vampiric cougars.
[Marxism will] in a generation or so [go] into the limbo of most heresies, but meanwhile it will have poisoned the Russian Revolution.
Meanwhile music pounded / across hearts opening every valve to the desperate drama of being / a self in a song.
I'm the classic absent-minded professor: I'm very focused on something, and meanwhile, I've left the refrigerator door open for hours.
Agricultural demand for water - probably the largest threat to freshwater species - continues to increase. ... Meanwhile, threats to terrestrial biodiversity - primarily the conversion of habitat to agricultural uses ... - have not diminished.
Meanwhile the 3 a.m. drunks of the world would lay in their beds, trying in vain to sleep, and deserving that rest, if they could find it.
Hugo is a raven,and, as such he knows many things. I, meanwhile, am Hodge Starkweathe, a professor of history, as such, I do not know nearly enough.
What is greatly desired, but long deferred, gives little pleasure, when at length it is ours, for we have lived with it in imagination until we have grown weary of it, having ourselves, in the meanwhile, become other.
Knotty theological questions are the least worrying of problems to me. Why? Because they will be resolved in the hereafter, and meanwhile they can be safely shelved.
God will open up places of service for you as He sees you are ready. Meanwhile, study the Bible and give yourself a chance to grow.
You have to remember that I was a bright but simple fellow from Canada who seldom, if ever, met another writer, and then only a so-called literary type that occasionally sold a story and meanwhile worked in an office for a living.
Meanwhile, life keeps moving forward. The truth is, there's no better time to be happy than right now. If not now, when?
Time meanwhile is flying, flying beyond recall. — © Virgil
Time meanwhile is flying, flying beyond recall.
Meanwhile, my residence within the Federal lines, and my acquaintance with so many of the officers, the origin of which I have already mentioned, enabled me to gain much important information as to the position and designs of the enemy.
But meanwhile time flies; it flies never to be regained.
Meanwhile spring arrived. My old dejection passed away and gave place to the unrest which spring brings with it, full of dreams and vague hopes and desires.
Many visitors to Chicago know the Loop, the shops on the Magnificent Mile, and the Museum Campus. Meanwhile, much of the bustle is in the developing neighborhoods around the Loop: North, South and West.
And I'm suppose to sit by while you date boys and fall in love with someone else, get married...?" His voice tightened. "And meanwhile, I'll die a little bit more every day, watching.
Meanwhile, the meek are a long time inheriting the earth.
Meanwhile in my head, I’m undergoing open-heart surgery.
What is an idea made of? Of future, past and also meanwhile.
Labour has sold working class Britons down the river. Meanwhile, the Tories are now beating us black and blue in a dark alley.
Meanwhile the Adversary of God and man, Satan with thoughts inflamed of highest design, Puts on swift wings, and towards the gates of hell Explores his solitary flight. — © John Milton
Meanwhile the Adversary of God and man, Satan with thoughts inflamed of highest design, Puts on swift wings, and towards the gates of hell Explores his solitary flight.
Meanwhile, hard-working Americans are increasingly faced with workplace conditions in which critically important safeguards are watered down, emerging problems are ignored, and enforcement is scaled back.
I'm saying: to be continued, until we meet again. Meanwhile, keep on listening and tapping your feet.
We are born sad and we die sad, but meanwhile we love bodies whose sad beauty is a miracle.
Memory is so crazy! It's like we've got these drawers crammed with tons of useless stuff. Meanwhile, all the really important things we just keep forgetting, one after the other.
I'm painted as this war profiteer by Congress. Meanwhile I'm paying for all sorts of intelligence activities to support American national security, out of my own pocket.
Meanwhile, followers of Eastern religions are sitting in the middle of their minds, experiencing a bliss and a level of consciousness that Western man can't begin to approach.
Meanwhile, politics is about getting a candidate in front of the public as a star, politics as rock'n'roll, politics as a movie.
Meanwhile, the Bush dynasty comes to an official end.
Literary fiction, as a strict genre, is all but dead. Meanwhile, most genres flourish.
The world expected girls to pluck and primp and put on heels. Meanwhile, boys dressed in rumpled T-shirts and baggy pants and misplace their combs, and yet you were suppose to fall at their feet? Unacceptable.
Meanwhile, the Ice Storm was still in development, And that was something I really wanted to do, and frankly I don't think I was ready to do a big production like this.
Meanwhile, the originator of a theory may have a very lonely time, especially if his colleagues find his views of nature unfamiliar, and difficult to appreciate.
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