Top 1200 Mentality Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Mentality quotes.
Last updated on September 16, 2024.
It is significant that the socialist mentality is usually also an atheistic mentality, where atheism is understood not so much as the disbelief in God as the hatred of God˜an attitude as precarious logically as it has been destructive in practice. There is an important sense in which religion as traditionally understood reconciles humanity to imperfection and to failure. Since the socialist sets out to abolish failure, traditional religion is worse than _de trop_: it is an impediment to perfection.
We of the modern age are a bridge between the old human and the new one. We still have the mentality of the old human - a slave mentality, like the Children of Israel in Egypt: too controlled, full of fear.
You can't work three hours a week and make $100,000. Get rich quick doesn't work. Crock pot mentality always defeats microwave mentality! — © Dave Ramsey
You can't work three hours a week and make $100,000. Get rich quick doesn't work. Crock pot mentality always defeats microwave mentality!
When you become a Christian, all of a sudden you start to live on this rapture mentality, like tomorrow the world's going to end. You live in that frenzy. We come from the streets, so the mentality was like, 'Yo, dude, what's up? You're not going to tell me I'm not down with God. What's up!'
I don't know about liberal bias, but people of a liberal mentality are probably attracted in greater numbers to the arts than people of a conservative mentality.
What's so special about this team is that we all have the same mentality, this sort of, 'We've been knocked down, let's get back up' mentality.
If we truly believe in our public schools, then we have a moral responsibility to do better - to break the either-or mentality around school reform, and embrace a both-and mentality. Good schools will require both the structural reform and the resources necessary to prepare our kids for the future.
Usually, the extras have a different mentality. I had the mentality of an artist, because I was a 'ballet-rina.' But most extras are out to make a fast buck for nothing. They're 'atmosphere.'
I have to have that mentality that I can get open.
I have this mentality that I have to be prepared for everything.
Religion is all based on the mentality of "I'm right", but now today it's moved from even the question of "I'm right and I'm willing to tolerate those who agree that I am right or those who don't disturb me anyway". Now, it's a question of "If you do not accept that I'm right, I have a right to kill you". That is the mentality of religious fundamentalism today. That is the meaning of the kind of terror which we are witnessing today, that everybody is expendable who do not actually physically line up behind me.
In the industry there's this whole mentality of working with someone who can open the door for you, but my whole thing is that I like my work to speak for itself. So I still do have that same mentality.
There is a bias; there is a Washington mentality. — © Sean Spicer
There is a bias; there is a Washington mentality.
The mentality side of football is massive.
We want to develop this can-do mentality.
I still have the mentality of someone who doesn't know where he's going to sleep and doesn't know if he has enough money for gas to get to the next job interview. I don't think that mentality ever leaves, you know?
I have the old-school mentality.
I got a boss mentality.
I'm someone who has this real winning mentality.
Every time I have the ball in my hands, which is every play, I feel I'm the best player on the team. That's just my mentality. I'm not saying that in a cocky way, but everybody should have that mentality when they step on that field.
People with a scarcity mentality tend to see everything in terms of win-lose. There is only so much; and if someone else has it, that means there will be less for me. The more principle-centered we become, the more we develop an abundance mentality, the more we are genuinely happy for the successes, well-being, achievements, recognition, and good fortune of other people. We believe their success adds to...rather than detracts from...our lives.
There's a recycling mentality about my work.
The character and mentality of the keepers may be of more importance in understanding prisons than the character and mentality of the kept.
I've got a winner mentality, the mentality of a champion.
The mentality, that's something you should be able to control. Whether you are healthy or not, how fast you can run - they aren't things you can work on, but the mentality should be.
I live the Swiss mentality but the Kosovo mentality too, because when I go home, I speak Albanian.
I've loosened up over the years about materials. I started off working for Matthew Barney, and that's what his mentality is. Even while we were making pieces, like a mold, the mold would make sense conceptually with the piece. That's how deep his symbology goes. I've loosened up over the years because I very much had that mentality.
The industry is in an alarming condition. And we only have ourselves to blame. If one thriller runs, we all run to make thrillers. What about the dozen thrillers that flopped before that? More than the herd mentality it is the ostrich mentality.
I struggled in London for a very long time. 'Be prepared to struggle a lot' - it's a European mentality. The American mentality is positive and 'You can do it' and 'Everything's possible.' In Europe it's an older, more realistic way of thinking. You feel like you're having to prove that you can do it.
My mentality as a competitor never changes.
The mentality in Washington is, 'Look what our government - what our government can do for the American people.' We've got to get away from that mentality, and realize it's too expensive. We can't afford it.
No matter how good you are, your mentality has got to be right. A lot of young players, that's where they go wrong, and that's what I've always seen when I was growing up - players who are almost there but couldn't quite get there because the mentality wasn't right.
My mentality is my biggest strength.
I think people are transient. Back in the early church, there was a 'stick and stay' mentality. In this day and time, people have a fast food mentality of ministry. If it doesn't fit them or if it doesn't fit in their schedule, they'll move on to something else. That's a norm in today's time.
I find myself trying to explain more, and explain the perspective of my mentality, or the mentality I'm trying to convey.
The mentality we have in India is not very sporting.
Our culture is set up on a feud mentality, or a "Housewives" mentality, that women just fight. And it's such a shallow way to exist as far as our evolution is concerned, and our culture is concerned. It's fun to watch women fight, in a storytelling way, but in the world, women shouldn't be seen as a threat to other women.
To win is my mentality. — © Joao Moutinho
To win is my mentality.
I bring a winning mentality.
I know the French mentality.
Europeans don't seem to have the groupie mentality.
I sport a cave-man mentality.
Coach Nagy has a gunslinger mentality.
I have a perfectionist mentality; I want things to be right. But I've had a little duel over the years with that mentality. Because it can inhibit you.
If you have good wealth mentality.... you will generate wealth wherever you go. Even if you lose money temporarily, your wealth mentality will attract it again. If you have a lack mentality, no matter how much you receive or what financial opportunities come your way, wealth will evade you or, if it comes, it won't last.
I have the highest goals for myself. That's going out there and being the best player on the floor every time. That's my mentality. If it's Michael Jordan, you know, that's the mentality I take to the court.
As an athlete, you're brought up with that mentality that you finish everything you start. If you're going to start a meal, you're going to finish it until the plate is clean. I had to change that mentality to one of where, 'I eat until I'm full and leave the rest.'
Football is a lot to do with mentality. — © Jordan Henderson
Football is a lot to do with mentality.
My mentality is I have to be better for my teammates.
It is more a mentality than the actual places people live, as Jefferson and Hamilton would argue about - city versus country. For example, someone could have an empty place mentality yet be living in a condo in Boca Raton.
I understand the mentality of a jock.
I have a different mentality on the field.
There's guys who train hard. There's guys who believe they're real tough. But there's only a certain amount of guys who believe - like, really believe - they should be the champion. I know I have that mentality, and I know other guys who have that mentality.
It doesn't matter if it's cards, doesn't matter if I am racing home from dinner or something, I just want to be the first to do it. That's just kind of my mentality. That's been my mentality for a long time. It's kind of the way I was raised.
Mentality beats quality.
Michael, to me, he was an assassin. He was one of those guys that prepared himself extremely well and was relentless in his attacking. And there are a few guys who have that mentality. I think Kobe Bryant has that type of mentality, and LeBron has that type of mentality.
The aim of art is a constant, and a continuous job to reveal visually the attitude of our mentality. And the less we disturb the influence of our mentality the more I believe we come close to the truth.
The mentality is always to win.
America needs football. It's a real blue-collar sport; it's played with a blue-collar mentality, a mentality that's the backbone of this country.
I have the mentality of a supporting actor.
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