Top 1200 Mess With Me Quotes & Sayings - Page 6

Explore popular Mess With Me quotes.
Last updated on October 8, 2024.
All the theories mess you up inside.
Make a mess. Clean it up.
I think Nina Simone has had an amazing journey. She was spicy and she had attitude and she didn't care, she wanted her money in a paper bag and don't mess with me and I've been doing some research on that so.
Manic depression is a frustratin' mess. — © Jimi Hendrix
Manic depression is a frustratin' mess.
My life's a mess. I'm not afraid to admit it.
Don't mess with Sergio Marchionne.
To put it mildly, the world is a mess.
I call my life a beautiful mess and organised chaos. Its just always been like that. My entire life things have been attracted to me and vice versa that turn into chaotic nightmares or I create the chaos myself.
It's easy to make a mess when you're not the one who has to clean it up.
It's your time to live, don't mess it up.
The thing that bothers me the most is the recklessness and greed of the local ranchers, who run too many cattle back here, choking with waste the creek that runs through my property. There's certain times of day that the cowboys like to send them turds down the river. Them f**kers piss me off. if you gotta mess up the ecology of the world in order to raise a bunch of cows, well eat somethin else. I'm not a fan of the cowboys.
Yes, as an oppressed people, American Indians have this epic burden, but first and foremost, they're human: sometimes a mess, sometimes funny or sad, at times very wise, and other times not wise at all - a lot like me.
I am a woman who is a granddaughter of a lady who used to be beaten on the head by her husband, of a mother who went through hell because she was divorced and had to bring up these kids. And I can take 10 men out to lunch and pay the bill, and nobody even thinks twice about it. So don’t mess with me.
The mistakes don't matter. It's what you do when you mess up that does. — © Kim Harrison
The mistakes don't matter. It's what you do when you mess up that does.
Status quo, you know, is Latin for 'the mess we're in'.
Teen boys are a huge mess.
She was an enthusiastic painter of oils and watercolors. She was also very generous. I could mess with her paints and brushes all I wanted. On one condition: that I kept my brushes clean. The only art lesson my mother gave me was how to wash my brushes.
I went through a period when I was rebellious and a mess of a person.
The world is a mess and I just need to rule it.
wait," I said. "so you're saying that you proposed to me because I'm a mess and I'm a person and because we need each other, while Rebecca was —— something else? I get it, I follow you, but I'm also thinking, is the bullshit getting a little deep in here?" "Yes, it is. You've caught me. And so fine, I will come clean, and I will tell you the absolutely true and naked reason why I want to marry you and only you, and not Rebecca." "Why?" "Because when I'm with you, I'm the pretty one.
I have no balance. My life is a hot mess.
The world is a dynamic mess of jiggling things
I call my life a beautiful mess and organised chaos. It's just always been like that. My entire life things have been attracted to me and vice versa that turn into chaotic nightmares or I create the chaos myself.
I let it all out--my mom's date,my dad's conversation,my confusion about it all.Caleb doesn't laugh,he doesn't pull away,he doesn't talk .. He just lets me be me. When I settle down,I lean back and witness the mess I've made on his shirt."I made ur shirt all gross," I say between sniffles. "Forget the shirt.What's going on? I could.nt understand a word you mumbled into my chest." Now I'm half laughing and half crying.
Cal says that humans are made from the nuclear ash of dead stars. He says that when I die, I'll return to dust, glitter,rain. If thats true, I want to be buried right here under this tree. Its roots will reach into the soft mess of my body and suck me dry. I'll be re-formed as apple blossom. I'll drift down in the spring like confetti and cling to my family's shoes. They'll carry me in their pockets to help them sleep. What dreams will they have then?
Embrace the beautiful mess that you are.
My generation has left the globe in a mess.
Music industry's a fragmented mess.
My father was not a man you wanted to mess with.
Shoot straight, you bastards! Don't make a mess of it!
Status Quo is Latin for the mess we are in.
By my mid-20s, I was a total mess.
Generation Z, they cleaned up their own mess.
I'm always thinking 'Don't mess this up.'
This is a f***ing mess," I said tactfully.
I'm the biggest slob in the world. My apartment is a mess.
I don't see the point of Twitter, so I write a lot of stuff to mess with people. But because I used to do dumb things on the court, people think I'm dumb in regular life. But once people meet me, they feel dumb themselves.
We all have a friend or family member who can't bear the sight of a mess. Use her obsessive compulsion to your advantage! Whisper in her ear: "I'm always impressed by how neat your house is. Can you do me a favor and help tidy this place up as the night goes on?"
I bring to my life a certain amount of mess. — © Francis Ford Coppola
I bring to my life a certain amount of mess.
He's gonna try and stand back, mess me about a bit, be cagey and hold on the inside and make it one of them fights that are boring. I don't wanna make a boring fight. I don't like to be involved in boring fights!
Too much of anything is the beginning of a mess.
There's no real side to be on because I think it was a mess.
Life is a goddam mess...but you wouldn't want to miss it!
I don't mess around when it comes to fitness.
I'm an Ivy League-educated lawyer, so you'd think the world wouldn't mess with me, right? But I've been paid $10,000 less than a less qualified man in the same role. I've had men I've worked with grab my leg or rub my back in ways that have made me feel uncomfortable. I've been taken off projects because I was pregnant, even though my pregnancies have been both been healthy and didn't impact my work at all.
I beat myself up the whole time because I'm striving for something I'll basically never achieve. I portray this image of confidence, of arrogance, and it's not really me. I'm never satisfied, and I'm never content. It means I'm a bit of a mess some of the time.
I'm not a clean freak. My house is a mess.
Obviously you don't want to mess with an Achilles. That is for sure.
I created a lot of drama and mess in my life. — © Molly Bloom
I created a lot of drama and mess in my life.
There are things I take sides about, like capital punishment, which it seems to me there is only one side about: it is evil. But there are two or three sides to sexual harassment, and the moment you get into particular cases, there is injustice in every conceivable direction. It's a mess.
You are not a mess. You are a feely person in a messy world.
And I felt comfort. Finally. All I'd wanted for so long was for someone to explain everything that had happened to me in this same way. To label it neatly on a page: this leads to this leads to this. I knew, deep down, it was more complicated than that, but watching Jason, I was hopeful. He took the mess that was Macbeth and fixed it, and I had to wonder if he might, in some small way, be able to do the same for me. So I moved myself closer to him, and I'd been there ever since.
My eyebrows are a mess. They're skinny; they're dodgy.
The brain is a monstrous, beautiful mess.
The facts are clear. Our oceans are a mess.
I don't like to see mess.
When I got a little older, like, 10 or 11, my dad would run a training school every month, teaching people how to become wrestlers. I would get in the ring now and again and mess around with one of my brothers, and he'd teach me some stuff.
Don't mess with our fans or we'll come and find you.
By the end of the 1970s Britain was in a mess.
On very base level, I'm a hot mess.
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