Top 1200 Metal Music Quotes & Sayings - Page 17

Explore popular Metal Music quotes.
Last updated on December 19, 2024.
I think that if you hear music young, whatever music you hear influences you. I'm white, but I've been influenced by black music.
I like hard rock, and classic rock, and even metal.
I was criticized by some people for my first album because they said I was taking sacred music. They knew nothing about what I was doing. That was no sacred music; that's music I wrote.
It's like I have a loaded gun in my mouth and I like the taste of metal — © Robert Downey, Jr.
It's like I have a loaded gun in my mouth and I like the taste of metal
Every player has the option to have metal spikes or other spikes or whatever they feel most comfortable in.
I do have a big problem with the idea of music as a form of communication unless it's political - and that's where it's tricky because a lot of music is political, even if it's not overtly so. But my music isn't that; it's about a feeling.
The best music films are not about music... Music is just the language we're speaking to tell a story about culture.
I feel I have to play a role in the transformation of my thoughts. Music is the most powerful way for me to do that, through my own music, through listening to other people's music.
I'm not conditioned to be an entertainer. An entertainer pleases others while an artist only has to please himself. The problem with that is artists are misunderstood by all. I'm not interested in the clarinet but in music. we speak our emotions into music. An artist should write for himself and not for an audience. If the audience likes it, great. If not, they can keep away. My situation is the same. Let them concentrate on my music and not on me. I like the music. I love it and live it, in fact. But for me, the business part of music just plain stinks.
I'm overly excited to finally announce this amazing global partnership deal back home with EMI Music. I know I have mentioned doing music in the past but for legal reasons I was not in a position to release any new music.
I don't listen to Bollywood music much. But yes I listen to Indian music quite often and other non- film music.
The thing about Nashville is, it's not just country music...There's rock & roll, there's every kind of music. It's just a music town...There's so much fun stuff to get in to.
I started piano lessons at age six but didn't take music seriously until I was a teenager, when I thought about a career in music. I studied classical music, and my instruments were guitar and piano. I played keyboards in bands, and after high school I went to Vienna to study at the Academy of Music. I also became a session player, which culminated in my work with Tangerine Dream.
I'm very conscious that I want the dance audience to respond and respect what I'm doing, so I'm always very true to the music and I honour the music in the way I see it - I don't mess around with the music.
Music has given me peace. I can remember occasions when music instantly tranquillized my mind, when I was greatly agitated over something. Music has helped me to overcome anger.
My earliest memories are going into prisons. Going through metal detectors, getting searched by guards. — © Chesa Boudin
My earliest memories are going into prisons. Going through metal detectors, getting searched by guards.
A dissection of music perception and creation that starts slowly and inexorably builds to a grand finish. I loved reading that listening to music coordinates more disparate parts of the brain than almost anything else--and playing music uses even more! Despite illuminating a lot of what goes on this book doesn't "spoil" enjoyment- it only deepens the beautiful mystery that is music.
The MTC is known for singing music by great master composers, hymns, American music, Broadway numbers, popular songs, and inspirational music. If the audience doesn't like one genre, they need only wait for the next number.
I was always into pop music, Destiny's Child, songs with catchy music. Even when I was writing when I was younger, it wasn't all about expressing myself; it was just about making fun music.
It is against the spirit of our non-discriminating times to openly prefer one sort of music to another, so let's just say that hearing grand orchestral music in a public place is exhilarating in a way that hearing popular music never can be, if only because, in a popular music age, a full orchestra is less familiar to our ears.
My sister loved country music. My mother loved Spanish music. And my dad was into big band music and jazz.
We go out there every night, and we fight the battle. We don't care about people who don't think we're true metal. We hope to change their minds. I have total faith.
As an artist, I feel that my father's biggest influence is me realizing that music has a purpose and it's not just for business and that music is spiritual. I get that from him that music is a spiritual thing.
I listened to the rock music of that time, but as you know and can easily hear: my music of that era had nothing to do with the common music of this era. I was experimenting, I was searching for something new.
I always say this about my music, and music in general: Music is like a time capsule. Each album reflects what I'm going through or what's going on in my life at that moment.
You don't ever want to devalue music. Music is important; it's necessary product. I always try to make sure that there's a value - that people appreciate music and realize that there's a value to it.
Before I begin to write, I listen to music that inspires me. I listen to folk Punjabi music, sufi music.
I would never slam my iPhone, and I never punched a metal door frame for any time.
The dilemma of the eighth-grade dance is that boys and girls use music in different ways. Girls enjoy music they can dance to, music with strong vocals and catchy melodies. Boys, on the other hand, enjoy music they can improve by making up filthy new lyrics.
I think all kinds of music are being made. No one hears them. There's so much emphasis on a certain kind of music. It's difficult to find music nowadays. You have to make the effort to find it.
For me, it is incredible to hear singers in the metal scene telling me I had been their inspiration.
A warrior may change his metal, but not his heart.
I used to practice piano for hours, and now, with a synthesizer, you can input the music and the machine perfects the song. That's why we have so many people in the music business who should be plumbers. They don't really understand music because they haven't been trained.
The radio has nothing to do with metal's existence or non-existence. It's for trend only.
But anytime at a metal show, fans are going to be going crazy.
Even if I don't think in visuals about the music while I'm doing it, after the music is finished, it could be great to incorporate that in the live show or doing my own music videos.
I don't listen to Bollywood music much. But yes, I listen to Indian music quite often, and other non- film music.
I live my daydreams in music I see my life in terms of music. I get most joy in life out of music.
Dance has always just been an extension of music for me. It's about putting my music into motion. It's just another dimension that I tap into with my music that not many artists do anymore.
Classical music is a genre of music. It's no more complex or less complex than pop music or R&B. The elitism is weird. — © Theo Hutchcraft
Classical music is a genre of music. It's no more complex or less complex than pop music or R&B. The elitism is weird.
If you're true to yourself, it doesn't matter where you record your music or where you say you're from. I am an artist from Texas, proud to be from Texas, but I play my own kind of music, my brand of country music.
I came up during that time when music, to me, was really music. It wasn't about talking about a woman and calling them a derogatory name or something like that. It was real music.
All music is based on country music. And that's why so many different kinds of people relate to it. There are more country music fans in New Jersey than there are down South.
I just wanna make more music, legit music as opposed to keeping the same constant thing. I wanna show growth in the music, pretty much.
The biggest lesson to me is that I got the music from somewhere else - the notes, the music my parents listened to, and the stuff I listened to at every age. All of that inspired the music that I made.
I really don't make music to have platinum records and all that kind of stuff. I've been there. I do it because I love music and I love uplifting people through my music. That's my real goal.
I meet these rock guys, these metal guys, and we are very real.
Before I play matches I'm always switching myself on. That's why I have that walk-on music - Two Steps From Hell - they produce really good motivational gladiator-style music. As soon as that music comes on I'm switched on and I'm ready for a brawl!
Yeah, I always listen to both classic and newer folk-influenced music. Singer-songwriter, alternative music. I also listen to more experimental dance music.
I grew up with the Blind Boys' music. My family owns a music store in Claremont, California, called The Claremont Folk Music Center. I grew up with a heavy diet of gospel, folk, and blues because those are kind of the cornerstones of traditional American music.
I listen to lots of music, especially Bach, opera (all periods), German lieder, chamber music, and rock, old and new. I can't listen to music while I write. It's too absorbing.
I feel like I can see the music and can see how the character of the music actually flows. For me, that's music to my eyes. — © Nyle DiMarco
I feel like I can see the music and can see how the character of the music actually flows. For me, that's music to my eyes.
I have a metal plate in my head, and can pop my shoulder and pop it back.
Metal fans are the most hard-core, loyal fans.
An ear for music is very different from a taste for music. I have no ear whatever; I could not sing an air to save my life; but I have the intensest delight in music, and can detect good from bad.
A lot of people make music to sell music. I don't just sell music. I am essentially, I guess the word I want to use is, it's like an energetic transaction.
I find a difference between what gets called world music - a fusion of western music and music from different cultures in more of a modernized version - and Explorer Series stuff, which is completely undiluted indigenous folk music. That's a lot more powerful than a lot of the super-processed stuff that comes out now.
Super casual music listeners. That's most of the people in the world. And you have to understand, that's why Top 40 radio exists. It's not there for people who seek out music and who love music.
Dentist: a prestidigitator who, putting metal into your mouth, pulls coin out of your pocket.
There are so many things to be considered in making music. The whole question of life itself... I know that I want to produce beautiful music, music that does things to people that they need.
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