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Top 1200 Mets Fans Quotes & Sayings - Page 20
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Mets Fans
Last updated on December 11, 2024.
Nice to see your own fans booing you.
It's true what they say: that 'Star Wars' fans are the best.
The Scottish fans are the best in the world. I love them.
I love performing live and engaging with my fans on-ground.
I'm just so proud to be champion and to have the support of my peers and my fans.
I'm always trying to create something that the fans won't expect.
The Cameroon fans always bring a good atmosphere.
I try to keep in contact with the fans on social media.
I'm probably one of the biggest Drake fans you could ever find.
I will fight anyone, what the fans want, where the money is.
Milan is beautiful, and the Interista fans are even more so.
I just hope that my fans continue to like my work.
We know the FA Cup is important for the team and fans.
The American fans really know how to have fun.
My fans were probably the most therapeutic thing for me.
The football fans loved the way I played the game.
My fans tell me my height is my biggest asset.
Milan's fans follow me with great affection.
I've got really fantastic fans from all over the world.
The Britney Spears fans aren't going to dig us.
You don't expect opposition fans to praise the other players.
I don't condemn fans for getting excited about possibilities.
Don't worry, the fans don't start booing until July.
It was the fans sharing my music around that started it all for me.
When you come to a game, it's supposed to be fun for the players and the fans.
It's always good to feel the support of your fans.
I truly believe I have the most wonderful fans in the world.
My surname is on my back, so I don't see it when I play - that is for the fans only.
I have very special memories of the West Ham fans.
There weren't a lot of 'Singin' in the Rain' fans in my age group.
My fans should always be ready for new music.
Love is a fan club with only two fans.
I'm real pleased and humbled by the support that the fans show.
The relationship I have with my Hispanic fans is very deep and intricate.
The American fans have taken to me, so I'm very grateful for that.
I think BTS is able to shine because we have fans.
There are going to be fans who say rude, disrespectful things.
I think that my fans are the most important thing in my career.
I just enjoy being around fans, man.
Thanks to my fans for support on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.
These sci-fi fans are phenomenal in the standards that they hold you to.
Fans are always in for a treat when they see us in person.
My understanding is, the fans are so ravenous in Canada, they gnaw on the stars.
Thank you to all my fans. Keep supporting me, and I'll fight for you.
My favorite thing is to just run into fans coincidentally.
There would be no Goldust without the fans. They've made my career.
I love my life, and I try to keep my fans happy.
I love my fans more than life itself
You could do a hundred projects and still not have the fans that are there for Twilight.
I hope that the fans know that we always show heart.
As a creator, I always want to betray fans expectations.
We focus on performances that can get our fans excited.
Some Kentucky fans are a little more subdued.
This is a partnership really with the fans. They have to come and support the team.
Fans really give us a lot of love.
There’s 3 types of fans. There’s the ones that scream, the ones that want to talk to you and the ones that don’t speak at all.
The Japanese fans always send weird things.
My fans are like my glasses. Without them I'd be blurry.
Both iCarly and Victorious fans are so hardcore and intense.
I like to get the fans off their seats, and hopefully I can do that.
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