Top 1200 Military Power Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Military Power quotes.
Last updated on December 18, 2024.
The De Bernieres were very military. I broke the military tradition but I was terribly proud of my father being a soldier.
I think the primary message to the world is that the United States is going to remain the strongest military power in the world.
I am making this statement as an act of wilful defiance of military authority, because I believe that the War is being deliberately prolonged by those who have the power to end it.
The Humvee is an American military icon and will continue to be for decades. It is an essential part of U.S. military operations. — © Todd Young
The Humvee is an American military icon and will continue to be for decades. It is an essential part of U.S. military operations.
I'd be all for everybody keeping their sidearms if they're in the military and on a military installation. That's something we need to get back to.
There is no question that chemical weapons attacks are a heinous abuse of humanity and power. But to assume that military strikes are an effective retribution for the crime committed is wrong.
General Atomics, the progenitor of General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, started life in 1955 when a major military contractor, General Dynamics, feared that the military hardware market might dry up. It began exploring peacetime uses of atomic energy, but abandoned the effort when cold-war military spending took off.
If Russia had the same military power that America did, earth would be called Russia.
The United States of America should be prepared to use military force to strike military targets of the Assad regime.
Yes and no. Because America has only about 1 percent of the population serving in the military, it is hard for many civilians to understand the sacrifices military families make. However, my experience is that after the Vietnam War, the public learned that they should support the military whether or not they support the war. You've seen that outpouring of support for the veterans of both Iraq and Afghanistan.
Policy makers who have never served in the military continue to use the military to lead social change in this country.
The most fatal mistake of this Israeli military junta is that they have the complex of the arrogance of power. This is their suicidal mistake.
In a world where the threat is asymmetrical, where the weak defy the strong, the power of conviction, the capacity to convince, the ability to sway opinion count as much as the number of military divisions.
How do you expect people to actually join the military if, when they leave the military, they can't integrate back into the free market they're supposed to be protecting?
Israel is a big provider of military technology to Brazil and this has caused a big breach in the two sides of the government. On the one hand, you have the diplomatic side. On the other side, Brazil's military has been quoted in the local press as being quite upset that this diplomatic standoff could affect the military relationship.
In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.
General Electric, NBC's parent, is one of the largest corporations in the world, with an anti-labor history of outsourcing jobs and with financial links to military and nuclear power industries.
The goal of the revolution is to achieve the people's rights, but during the course of the revolution, we must stress military power - and the two are mutually contradictory.
We have strong statistical evidence that shows that transgender people are twice as likely as their fellow citizens to join the military, to have served in the military. — © Allyson Robinson
We have strong statistical evidence that shows that transgender people are twice as likely as their fellow citizens to join the military, to have served in the military.
Every one knows that the exercise of military power is forever dangerous to civil rights; and we have had recent instances of violences that have been offer'd to private subjects.
I was a military spouse, and I lived on military pay. It is very difficult to do that. But we do that with honor and with gratitude for the chance to serve this country.
In military families, the service member is frequently the breadwinner. Constant moves make steady employment a challenge for non-military spouses.
A small country like Israel has compulsory military training. But countries like India, that are so much bigger, have no compulsory military training, so people don't understand how the military functions. They have no knowledge of how it works, no respect for it.
The power of our example is more important than the strength of our military.
I fully support your efforts to stamp out sexual assault in the United States military and believer that there is nothing in (Military Justice Improvement Act) that is inconsistent with the responsibility or authority of command. Your efforts in this regard have much broader implications that will actually strengthen the 'good order and discipline' of our military, which I believe accounts for much of the resistance that S967 is receiving...Protecting the victims of these abuses and restoring American values to our military culture is long overdue.
Love is power, the purest power and the greatest power: Love is God. Nothing can be higher than that. But this power is not a desire to enslave others, this power is not a destructive force. This power is the very source of creation. This power is creativity. And this power will transform you totally into a new being. It has no concern with anybody. Its whole concern is to bring your seeds to their ultimate flowering.
A commander in chief with military experience might be able to prod a conservative military into thinking more imaginatively.
The military is not a social experiment. The purpose of the military is kill people and break things.
Nothing matures a military force quicker than actual military operations.
There's an ocean of misunderstanding. It's called the civilian-military divide. I had a lot to learn about our military - who they are, what burdens they carry.
I'm a big fan of the military. I think we've got to preserve our military, no question about it.
I was directed and commanded by another power. The power of darkness. The power that you've heard so much about. The power that a lot of people don't believe exists. The power of the Devil. Satan.
In Armenia, the power de facto belongs to those who opted to take violent action in Karabakh. We are dealing with a military dictatorship that utilizes some kind of democratic procedures.
The United States is a violent military state. It's been involved in military action all over the place.
I went through a period when I did military roles and played basically someone who was unfit for military service.
It is no longer a question of controlling a military-industrial complex, but rather, of keeping the United States from becoming a totally military culture.
Military guys are rarely as smart as they think they are, and they've never gotten over the fact that civilians run the military.
It may affront the military-minded person to suggest a regime that does not maintain any military secrets.
I used many times to touch my own chest and feel, under its asthmatic quiver, the engine of the heart and lungs and blood and feel amazed at what I sensed was the enormity of the power I possessed. Not magical power, but real power. The power simply to go on, the power to endure, that is power enough, but I felt I had also the power to create, to add, to delight, to amaze and to transform.
The United States is afraid of China; it is not a military threat to anyone and is the least aggressive of all the major military powers. — © Noam Chomsky
The United States is afraid of China; it is not a military threat to anyone and is the least aggressive of all the major military powers.
U.S. officials and outside experts agree that China is undertaking a comprehensive modernization of its military. The Chinese military has gotten smaller but smarter.
No military contractors should have a 'shoot first' culture that puts civilians or our brave military service members in danger.
What the military will say to a reporter and what is said behind closed doors are two very different things - especially when it comes to the U.S. military in Africa.
The worth of a civilization or a culture is not valued in the terms of its material wealth or military power, but by the quality and achievements of its representative individuals - its philosophers, its poets and its artists.
The US presidency will continue to represent the major power groups of the United States - big business and the military - regardless of who the talking head is.
Things can change if the military can do a paradigm shift and gets out of the shame and coverup cycle and be a leader in our culture. In the 50s, 60s and 70s there were huge race problems in the military even more severe than the culture at large. The military saw it was detrimental and it changed and became a model to society at large.
Any time you use military force, you have got to have a clear purpose that military forces can achieve.
For when we talk about the spreading power and influence of globalization, arent we really referring to the spreading economic and military might of the US?
The world spends two trillion dollars a year on military, and of that two trillion the United States spends one trillion. We have a bigger military than the rest of the world put together. We have 150 foreign military bases.
Sexual assault has no place in the military. It is a violation of everything that the US military stands for.
While my military experience reinforced in me the strength that I have, it also demonstrated to me that I have the ability and power to make a difference in people's lives.
For good or for ill, air mastery is today the supreme expression of military power and fleets and armies, however vital and important, must accept a subordinate rank.
For when we talk about the spreading power and influence of globalization, aren't we really referring to the spreading economic and military might of the US?
The danger of having the military take over intelligence is that the military has a very different perspective on the world. — © Pete Hoekstra
The danger of having the military take over intelligence is that the military has a very different perspective on the world.
Based on all criteria - military power, economic influence, cultural dominance - America remains number one, even though other, new players are increasingly challenging it in that role.
My advice is: 1. Be judicious in the use of military force. 2. When military force is required, use overwhelming force. 3. Do not micromanage military leaders. 4. Ensure your battle plans will win the conflict and win the peace.
A nation's greatness is measured not just by its gross national product or military power, but by the strength of its devotion to the principles and values that bind its people and define their character.
Judge candidly what a wretched figure the American empire will exhibit in the eye of other nations, without a power to array and support a military force for its own protection.
I worked at Military Media, an advertising agency for military-base newspapers. Don't ask, I won't tell.
Isn't it a shame military doctors couldn't be as good as military sunglasses?
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