Top 1200 Mineral Resources Quotes & Sayings - Page 16

Explore popular Mineral Resources quotes.
Last updated on October 22, 2024.
More than 100 people are involved in a transplant operation... and we can't waste time and resources if there is a chance the caretakers aren't up for an awesome responsibility.
Management, at every level, is about the effort to frame challenges, define end states, and allocate resources to navigate between them.
The Kantian imperative to have the courage to think for oneself has involved a contemptuous disregard for the resources of tradition and an infantile view of authority as inherently oppressive.
Germany is determined to provide substantial help. So are the Netherlands and other states. But a day will come when we have to count on our own resources. — © Eduard Shevardnadze
Germany is determined to provide substantial help. So are the Netherlands and other states. But a day will come when we have to count on our own resources.
If we have to save the world from the adverse effects of climate change, then developed nations must lift the deprived with financial and technical resources.
There is one and only one responsibility of business: to use its resources and engage in activities designed to increase its profits so long as it stays within the rules of the game.
It was the summer of 1998. At that point, we were just scrounging around to find resources; we had stolen these computers from all over the department, sort of.
Since coming to Congress, I have been advocating for increased resources for research in the physical sciences and for the Department of Energy Office of Science in particular.
Many companies aspire to change the world. But very few have all the elements required: talent, resources and perseverance. Microsoft has proven that it has all three in abundance.
The biggest lie in choosing is, "I can't." That is simply not true. We can do anything we want If we don't do something, it is because we have committed our time, energy and resources somewhere else.
As human pastoralists discovered 8,000 years ago, raising animals can be an efficient way of harnessing otherwise unusable resources such as grass.
Indeed, our particular concept of private property, which deters us from exhausting the positive resources of the earth, favors pollution.
My prayers seem to be more of an attitude than anything else. I indulge in very little lip service, but ask the Great Creator silently, daily, and often many times a day, to permit me to speak to Him through the three great Kingdoms of the world which He has created - the animal, mineral, and vegetable Kingdoms - to understand their relations to each other, and our relations to them and to the Great God who made all of us. I ask Him daily and often momently to give me wisdom, understanding, and bodily strength to do His will; hence I am asking and receiving all the time.
These days there is a lot of poverty in the world, and that's a scandal when we have so many riches and resources to give to everyone. We all have to think about how we can become a little poorer.
Humankind's craving to control nature and exploit all its resources for profit can be wiped out in a stroke by an organism we cannot even see with the naked eye.
What we see out there is an affordable housing crisis, particularly in the rental market in cities big and small, and we don't have the resources necessary to fill that gap.
I always say that people should not rush to change religions. There is real value in finding the spiritual resources you need in your home religion. — © Dalai Lama
I always say that people should not rush to change religions. There is real value in finding the spiritual resources you need in your home religion.
TNC was once limited by the resources it could directly marshal to buy land. But teaching people a new idea is incredibly more scalable.
I performed in high school for Black History Month at a talent show, but besides that I didn't have the resources to perform so I spent my time as a teenager writing music.
Starting as a few bands of hunter-gatherers, humanity expanded the food resources afforded by the land a thousandfold through the development of agriculture.
We survived on natural resources, so we should take care of the earth. When I leave home, I do things like switching off the heat and lights.
We have the ability to be able, if we have the right resources around us, to really do chop and change and have fun in our time and not just be stuck in one world or the other.
There is a firm, clear commitment to provide resources and ideas to enable us to organize the Afghans towards starting the process of rehabilitation and reconstruction.
Luxembourg is the first adopter in Europe of a legal and regulatory framework recognizing that space resources are capable of being owned by private companies.
Using official government resources to help bankroll an explicit political agenda - whether on the right or left - is flat out wrong.
Why should the simple fact of your having more money entitle you to a greater share of the Earth's limited natural resources?
It took Britain half the resources of the planet to achieve its prosperity; how many planets will a country like India require?
Asteroids are often seen as a threat, but they are also an opportunity. The use of space resources holds a large potential for future technological innovation.
When resources become skimpy, human beings don't suddenly cooperate to conserve what's left. They fight to the last scrap for possession of a diminishing resource.
It is a stark and arresting fact that, since the middle of the 20th century, humankind has consumed more natural resources than in all previous human history
Intrinsic motivation is one of learning's most precious resources. It bolsters us to stick out the tough moments of a challenge and pursue what we love to do.
We should choose simple ways of living... to live in harmony with nature by adopting simpler technologies and using natural resources innovatively.
I deeply love the students that I serve. I tried to do anything in my power to give them additional resources and support so they could do well in school and beyond.
The government doesn't create wealth of its own; it can only take it from some and distribute it to others or dictate particular public uses of private resources.
Low rents mean families have more resources to improve their quality of life and invest in the next generation, facilitating upward mobility.
Although 95 percent of the world's market for products exists outside the U.S., many small firms do not have the resources and personnel to take advantage of these opportunities.
Frequent elections not only entail more burden on human resources, imposition of model code also impedes the development process.
There have been some positive things that have happened for the tribes, but it's a constant, vigilant fight about protecting what resources we have in terms of land and rights.
If the incentives are aligned right - towards better preservation and restoration of nature and natural resources - then you'll see a tremendous amount of activity in that direction.
If the Internet teaches us anything, it is that great value comes from leaving core resources in a commons, where they're free for people to build upon as they see fit.
Within the Universal deal, we've always felt like an independent act. We've never been told what to do. We've used their resources to our own design. — © Gord Downie
Within the Universal deal, we've always felt like an independent act. We've never been told what to do. We've used their resources to our own design.
I challenge the leaders of public education to stop issuing mandates from the state office and to focus on empowering schools and delivering resources to the school level.
I want to stop directing so many of resources to the military budget and focus them here at home. I believe government should invest in public infrastructure.
The way the banks behave is frankly unbearable. I didn't rob for me. I expropriated resources for a struggle. If I had robbed for myself that would be different.
If left-wing extremism continues to flourish in parts which have natural resources of minerals, the climate for investment would certainly be affected.
Few men during their lifetime comes anywhere near exhausting the resources dwelling within them. There are deep wells of strength that are never used.
I want to see a connected and progressive future for Australia, where we harness our greatest natural resources: sun, wind, and brain power.
Here at Mass General, we're one of the largest hospitals in the New England area and perhaps even the country. We're Harvard affiliated, so we have a lot of resources just at baseline.
Sometimes when you have limited resources and you really have to think about creative ways to get around some of these problems, generally the end result is better.
Our research is so complex that the resources of a single region of the world are no longer enough - both intellectually and economically, it must be a global effort.
There can be no debate that we possess a collective moral responsibility to leave a better world for our children rather than a devastated planet stripped of its resources.
When you have a lot of resources, the most important thing is to have had good parents and to have been brought up by people who gave one the proper values. — © David Rockefeller
When you have a lot of resources, the most important thing is to have had good parents and to have been brought up by people who gave one the proper values.
We should empower teachers to do their job by cutting wasteful spending and crippling bureaucracy, not classroom resources our educators and students need.
America has the laws and the material resources it takes to insure justice for all its people. What it lacks is the heart, the humanity, the Christian love that it would take.
Development does not start with goods; it starts with people and their education, organization, and discipline. Without these three, all resources remain latent, untapped, potential.
Common sense tells us that we should focus our resources to benefit children, teachers and taxpayers by keeping dollars in the classroom.
The reality is that we are all economists. We all deal with scarcity as we make choices and calculate how to ration various items and resources that we consume, produce and utilize.
Handcuffing the ability of states and localities to develop clean fuels in the cheapest possible way, using local resources, is not sound or sensible policy.
Productivity doesn't have to be complicated. It can be easily boosted through a manageable combination of the right tools, resources, and habits to make the most of your time.
My dream is to be a farmer myself, but also to provide opportunities to others who don't have the land or the resources, in order to grow food themselves and teach them how to do it.
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