Top 1200 Minimal Effort Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Minimal Effort quotes.
Last updated on October 25, 2024.
I have learned to make a lot of effort and sacrifice for this sport, and now I can say it's paying me back. So it is important to always show determination and effort on the pitch.
I'm pretty minimal when it comes to my beauty routine and always have been.
But understanding will always require some effort. You probably wouldn't admire a friend who was good at everything if it cost her no effort. — © Jostein Gaarder
But understanding will always require some effort. You probably wouldn't admire a friend who was good at everything if it cost her no effort.
The form language used by the ancient Egyptians in their structures is minimal.
I'm a dad now and whatever I'm doing in life I usually put a lot of effort into it - usually too much effort, so it kind of comes off ridiculous at times.
Freedom from effort in the present merely means that there has been effort stored up in the past.
I like to have bright, clean skin so that I can wear minimal makeup.
I'm sure corruption in Chechnya is minimal.
I think making small movies reminds you of the effort. When you make big movies, the effort is to fight for freedom. When you make small movies, the effort is making the day, making the budget, and it's great, too.
I try to preload as little as I can. I like to come to the set with minimal preparation.
Sometimes we put so much effort into things we're doing, like dating or wedding planning, that we don't stop to think about whether or not we even want the results of that effort.
Happiness is very simple and minimal.
My hiatus timeline is so minimal, there's only a select number of projects that I can go in for. — © Jim Parsons
My hiatus timeline is so minimal, there's only a select number of projects that I can go in for.
It's not about perfect. It's about effort. And when you bring that effort every single day, that's where transformation happens. That's how change occurs.
There's no way my body can be fixed, but what we can hope to do is keep all the deteriorative processes as minimal as possible.
One Taste is not some experience you bring about through effort; rather, it is the actual condition of all experience before you do anything to it. This uncontrived state is prior to effort, prior to grasping, prior to avoiding. It is the real world before you do anything to it, including the effort to "see it nondually".
The good news is that even minimal activity can significantly extend life.
Stopping emissions growth represents the most minimal of do-something responses.
If you can't make an effort in what you're even wearing, you're probably not going to make the effort to create a multi-million dollar company.
I was too green to know that all cynicism masks a failure to cope - an impotence, in short; and that to despise all effort is the greatest effort of all.
...the first casualty (of this crisis) had been the United Nations. It would need an immense effort, an almost superhuman effort, to restore the prestige of that organization
I can't write anything if I don't know where it's set, where the events are happening - even if the details of setting are minimal.
Always focus on your effort, instead of the results of that effort.
Change takes effort. And the reality is, most people don't want to put in effort to better their life.
The key to success is effort. The bigger the goal, the greater the effort.
Every single success you experience is a combination of two things: your effort and Allah's help. When you don't put in enough effort, Allah does not give His barakah. And sometimes you might put in a lot of effort but you may not see the result you expected. That, also, is Allah's barakah.
Words can be like weapons of destruction: It takes so much effort, and the cooperation of so many people, to build something - and so little effort of so few to tear it down.
My attention span, when it comes to exercise, is pretty minimal.
All translation is a compromise - the effort to be literal and the effort to be idiomatic.
The process of overbooking is a complicated one. It's actually minimal. We, on certain flights, overbook by one or two people.
Has your work become very easy? Do you find you can do it with little effort? Has it ceased to impose any strain or fatigue upon you? Do you no longer feel loss of vitality after a long spell of it? Can you now do it as easy as water rolls off a duck's back? If so, look out! Do some stock-taking. Examine your output.... Work done with little effort is likely to yield little result. Every job can be done excellently or indifferently. Excellence necessitates effort-hard, sustained, concentrated effort.
She had taken him for granted, she thought with surprise and shame, watching the flickering candlelight. She had assumed his kindness was so natural and so innate, she had never asked herself whether it cost him any effort. Any effort to stand between Will and the world, protecting each of them from the other. Any effort to accept the loss of his family with equanimity. Any effort to remain cheerful and calm in the face of his own dying.
Create a minimal viable product or website, launch it, and get feedback.
Effort is only effort when it begins to hurt.
The best results are achieved by using the right amount of effort in the right place at the right time. And this right amount is usually less than we think we need. In other words, the less unnecessary effort you put into learning, the more successful you'll be... the key to faster learning is to use appropriate effort. Greater effort can exacerbate faulty patterns of action. Doing the wrong thing with more intensity rarely improves the situation. Learning something new often requires us to unlearn something old.
There is a direct relationship between joy and effort. The joy of success is in ratio to the amount of effort expended to achieve it
All good things require effort. That which is worth having will cost part of your physical being, your intellectual power, and your soul power—‘Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.’ (Matt. 7:7.) But you have to seek, you have to knock. On the other hand, sin thrusts itself upon you. It walks beside you, it tempts you, it entices, it allures. You do not have to put forth effort. … Evil seeks you, and it requires effort and fortitude to combat it. But truth and wisdom are gained only by seeking, by prayer, and by effort.
No writing effort is ever wasted. At the very least, it's practice, and a writer never knows when he or she might usefully cannibalize an earlier effort for something new. — © Therese Fowler
No writing effort is ever wasted. At the very least, it's practice, and a writer never knows when he or she might usefully cannibalize an earlier effort for something new.
I dabble in hip-hop, but my knowledge is so minimal, it's not even worth talking about.
My story is comic because I've spent vast amounts of effort trying to become a Hollywood screenwriter and made no direct effort on making my son a movie actor.
When you put so much effort to forget someone, the effort itself becomes a memory. Then you have to forget the forgetting, and that too is memorable.
Through my years of traveling, I've become a pretty incredible packer and great at staying minimal.
Never think of any right effort as being fruitless. All right effort bears fruit, whether we see the results or not.
All growth depends upon activity. There is no development physically or intellectually without effort, and effort means work.
You can only be the great artist for so long - come out with effort after effort that garners all this praise.
They indeed are fools who are satisfied with the fruits of their past effort and do not engage themselves in self-effort now.
I like very minimal stuff. I'm a tomboy at heart - and in body!
I demand minimal for paid rehearsal and not always six weeks either. — © William Hurt
I demand minimal for paid rehearsal and not always six weeks either.
If one is going to plagiarize, it pays to be in politics, where the expectation for remorse and the likelihood of punishment are minimal.
Humans recognize effort, and that's what I do. I give max effort.
The impetus for 'The Sisters Brothers' was it occurred to me that there was no neurosis in westerns, or there's a minimal amount of it.
I love simple dresses and use only minimal make up.
You know, I can be the happiest man in the world with minimal record success.
Their effort to place the women upon the same industrial level with themselves in order that all may pull together in the effort to maintain reasonable conditions of life.
There's nothing women love more than an effort. You can even mess it up. The shoes that you bought don't have to be right. You might have gotten the wrong chocolates. But she'll know if you made an effort.
When you don't want something enough to make the effort, making an effort is a waste.
Persons who have a strong sense of efficacy deploy their attention and effort to the demands of the situation and are spurred by obstacles to greater effort.
It is not enough to want to make the effort and to say we'll make the effort. We must actually make the effort. It's in the doing, not just the thinking, that we accomplish our goals. If we constantly put our goals off, we will never see them fulfilled. Someone put it this way: Live only for tomorrow, and you will have a lot of empty yesterdays today.
A teacher should have maximal authority, and minimal power.
Even getting a college degree does not guarantee a minimal knowledge of U.S. history.
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