Top 1200 Minor Characters Quotes & Sayings - Page 5

Explore popular Minor Characters quotes.
Last updated on October 22, 2024.
It's necessary to track characters all the way through an opera. If you're dealing with more than one or two characters, it's very easy to forget that the others have lives of their own that feed into the story.
The seeds of great victory lie in minor triumphs.
Even in horror novels where you know most characters aren't going to make it to the end, it's crucial to have fully fleshed-out characters. If you don't do that, the reader doesn't care what happens to them.
So much of what I do... is coming up with new characters and trying to invent voices for them, and to have people fully fleshed out in my head and to know who can say what in the scene and who these characters are... I love it.
A minor symptom of wars is the cancerous growth of committees. — © Storm Jameson
A minor symptom of wars is the cancerous growth of committees.
I'm a minor player in my own life story.
That's a long way of saying no, I'm always too bound up in thinking about the characters in whatever I'm working on and trying to make good to dwell on characters from previous books.
I've always liked shape-shifter characters. I gravitated towards characters like Mystique from 'X-Men,' Zam Wesell from 'Star Wars,' and Tonks from 'Harry Potter.'
Are you a minor character in my tale, or am I a lesser figure in yours?
A sense of humor is a major defense against minor troubles.
There is something really so iconic about the original Predator, and it is exciting. It's not just special effects. It's not like you bring a puppet in, these are characters and so we were involved in developing the look and the attitude of all the characters.
Essentially and most simply put, plot is what the characters do to deal with the situation they are in. It is a logical sequence of events that grow from an initial incident that alters the status quo of the characters.
To me, truth is the big thing. Constantly you're writing something and you get to a place where your characters could go this way or that and I just can't lie. The characters have gotta be true to themselves.
I've been a minor celebrity since I was 23 years old.
I had trouble with my temper all the way through the minor leagues.
Bringing any movie together is a minor miracle. — © Ryan Reynolds
Bringing any movie together is a minor miracle.
I'm a mixed race lad from Liverpool. I get to play a lot of hard characters, and some people perceive that's what I'm like, but it's great for me 'cos they're always the most interesting characters.
A day of minor profit or prophet led to a night of drunkenness.
Logic, n. The art of thinking and reasoning in strict accordance with the limitations and incapacities of the human misunderstanding. The basic of logic is the syllogism, consisting of a major and a minor premise and a conclusion - thus: Major Premise: Sixty men can do a piece of work sixty times as quickly as one man. Minor Premise: One man can dig a post-hole in sixty seconds; Therefore- Conclusion: Sixty men can dig a post-hole in one second. This may be called syllogism arithmetical, in which, by combining logic and mathematics, we obtain a double certainty and are twice blessed.
I see this with experienced writers, too: They worry so much about the plot that they lose sight of the characters. They lose sight of why they are telling the story. They don't let the characters actually speak. Characters will start to dictate the story in sometimes surprising, emotional, and funny ways. If the writers are not open to those surprises, they're going to strangle the life, spark, or spirit out of their work.
The established characters are easy to recall. I don't know why, but they come back to me instantly when I need them. It's the one-time-only characters that I don't remember where the voice I used came from.
I like to play non-cardboard characters. I try and bring out the many complex layers in the personality of the characters I play.
You definitely do not do films for that particular reason. You do them for yourself, for your satisfaction of creating this thing with characters and watching these characters take on real life - that's all you care about.
A clever man commits no minor blunders.
I don't have a problem if someone else were to say that one of my characters is a good one and another one is not and is a bad one. I try myself not to have any judgment towards my characters, but certainly the audience might.
In the days of the frost seek an minor sun.
I populated 'The Bourne Identity' with real characters from American history, specifically characters from the Iran-Contra affair, which my father ran the investigation of. But at the heart of it was a fictional character.
We are not a minor power in the Middle East; we are a significant player.
I'm a minor, stupid talent compared to my brother [Joaquin].
People think I'm thick because of the characters I play. I think I'm brighter than the characters. Well, I hope I am.
It isn't something I'm out there looking to do - take minor penalties.
Sometimes it feels as if I major in activism and minor in university.
I think that I write much more naturally about characters in solitude than characters interacting with others. My natural inclination - and one that I've learned to push against - is to give primacy to a character's interior world. Over the three books that I've written, I've had to teach myself that not every feeling needs to be described and that often the most impactful writing more elegantly evokes those unnamed feelings through the way characters speak and behave.
There are twenty-four characters in this book named Max. Let there be an end to this silly business of authors never giving their own names to characters in their novels. False modesty, faugh!
All animals are minor variations on a very particular theme.
I'm drawn to furniture design as complete architecture on a minor scale.
One of the reasons I never had a problem handing over my characters to other creators is that I knew that they would add their own influences and takes on the characters and make them better for it.
I have played Blair Cramer for 20 years, I feel a personal investment in the success of 'One Life to Live.' I love the show, I'm a fan of the characters, and I have invested in the journey these fictional characters have traveled.
For any serious purpose, intelligence is a very minor gift.
When I imagine feminine characters in my songs, they're often bold, strong, passionate, militant, witty, sensual, dangerous. I see those characters as skillful witnesses, figures of change and awakening.
Every accident, no matter how minor, is a failure of the organization. — © Jerome F. Lederer
Every accident, no matter how minor, is a failure of the organization.
I'm such a fan of Deadwood. I love the characters in that. They're such wonderful characters. I'm a fan of The Wire. Those are all heavily character-based shows.
I'm a bluesman, which means that I put an emphasis on the minor keys.
Have never been a minor league fan.
A curious consequence is that I have become a minor celebrity.
But actually making pictures to look like my pictures, I've done it for so long, I'm kind of used to it now. So at the beginning of the process, designing and storyboarding everything, I sort of did all that. And then designed the characters, and doing the textures for the characters, and the texture maps to cover all the animated characters and the sets, I did those, because that's where my sort of coloring and textures get imprinted on the film.
When I look at my body of work, I've played a lot of characters who are morally conflicted - 'I'm right, no I'm wrong, I don't know what to do!' I want to play more characters who don't care as much, and who aren't as measured. They are what they are, no apologies.
It is worth it to leave behing my minor life for grander maybes.
Why waste money on psychotherapy when you can listen to the B Minor Mass?
Patience, n. A minor form of dispair, disguised as a virtue.
The hallmark of the minor artist is to be obsessed with style as an end in itself. — © Robert Hughes
The hallmark of the minor artist is to be obsessed with style as an end in itself.
I think it's very hard to talk about these characters in a closed-ended, sort of non-sequel way, especially characters like The Flash and Green Lantern, which have such rich, long histories.
When you're in sync with the director, on the type of movie you want to make, the arc of the characters, how the characters intertwine and interact, plotlines and story, and things like that, it really makes a difference.
I love characters that are going through turmoil. To be honest, I love characters with conflict. I love characters who are really going through an emotional journey; whether it's a super-dark-crazy journey or a really relatable guy.
The pay in the minor leagues, I think it's terrible, it's disgusting, it's exploitative.
A minor operation is one that is done on someone else
You need the audience to become invested in the characters and in order to become invested, they need to identify with the characters... and that's why the characters need to be real.
Ecology is the overall science of which economics is a minor speciality.
Movies require a minor miracle to get made.
Minor keys and drugs don't make a roller skate jam.
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