Top 999 Mom Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Mom quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
My mom is from New Orleans. And all of my maternal relatives were there during Katrina. We couldn't even find my uncle for four months. We literally didn't know where he was. I had been there just four days before the storm hit.
My mom and I have always been there for each other. We had some tough times, but she was always there for me.
Being a mom is what life is about. I hope people realize what the priorities in life should be and know not everything has to be perfect. — © Kourtney Kardashian
Being a mom is what life is about. I hope people realize what the priorities in life should be and know not everything has to be perfect.
I never thought about college, but my mom thought about it for me. I knew 100 percent it wasn't for me.
That strong mother doesn't tell her cub, Son, stay weak so the wolves can get you. She says, Toughen up, this is reality we are living in.
I grew up with my mom, and my mom had six kids, and I was the youngest, but I had a different father than my brothers and sisters, and I only met him when I was ten years old. Then he introduced me to his other children.
I was class mom at the preschool one year and I was pretty much asked not to do that again!
I'm obsessed with being a mom.
Isn't it so weird the day you wake up and you're just going with the flow? And you just suddenly are a mom.
My mom, she's a breast cancer survivor and because of that I had started getting mammograms once a year, starting at age 30.
I look up to my mom. She's a beautiful woman.
There's no one else I would rather have as my manager than my mom because I know that she has our best interests at heart. Sometimes, it's hard to separate manager mode from mom mode. I think as our manager, my mom will get more emotional about situations than she would if she was just our manager.
My mom grew up with horses, and when I turned 14, 15, she's like, 'Do you want to take a riding lesson?' I thought, 'Oh, gross, dirty.' She was like, 'Okay.' And then I did, and now I'm the one cleaning those damn stalls out. You can't get me away from the barn now. It shocks even me.
All of my dishes kind of have the same thing going on - I'm always going to give you the same things that I grew up with or that my mom used to make. I'm not going to use nitrogen in my tacos.
I was probably 8 years old; my mom let me stay up one night. She's like, 'You have to see this movie.' It was 'A Streetcar Named Desire,' and it was on TV, and it was a big deal. And I saw Marlon Brando, and I was like, 'Oh, my God.' That's where it started.
If my mom reads that I'm grammatically incorrect I'll have hell to pay. — © Larisa Oleynik
If my mom reads that I'm grammatically incorrect I'll have hell to pay.
My mom has always been beside me, always telling me what's right and what's not, guiding me through it all, keeping me away from bad company and from bad habits.
I auditioned on my own. I tried to make a mark for myself without anybody's help, not even Mom's.
My mom was a hairdresser. My aunt was a hairdresser. My brother was a hairdresser. My sisters are hairdressers.
One day, a photographer living in our building came up to my mom and asked her if I would like to model. After a few days, I was offered a Kannada film, 'Chiru,' which was a lot of fun. But I had to complete my studies, so I went back to college.
My mom was a beautician in her early days, and then my parents decided that one of them needed to go to school in order to build the future. So my mom started going to college when I was in eighth grade, and she graduated when I was a freshman in college.
What I heard my mom always say was that, while she was never naive, she understood the FBI's intent was, obviously, to break up the family.
When my mom, Mercedes, and her younger sister, Juanita, first came from Puerto Rico, they were the youngest in the family. They had to jump into a new community and really learn English, assimilate, and adapt - and I saw that. I grew up in that community.
My mom is a constant in my life in so many ways.
My mom was very strict. She didn't let me watch anything rated R or anything with cussing.
Congress wasn't built for members like me. For those of us who have young children, which is a minority, there's definitely the built-in assumption of a two-parent model... There is no template for how to do this in my situation as a single mom.
My mom is African-American, Native-American, Irish, and Creole, and my father is of Jewish, Russian, and Polish descent. It's made me who I am. Because of my diverse background, I think I can relate to many different people, different stories, and different communities.
Scrawling 'I'm gay' in lipstick on your parents' bedroom mirror may demonstrate a personal signature of the highest style, but is not particularly sensitive to their feelings. Upon hearing me utter those words almost twenty years ago, my own mother did what and self-respecting middle-class mom would do: went directly into a seizure.
I've got this silver necklace and silver cross that my mom got me that I always wear during games. I don't know if it's superstition as much as it's the fact I wouldn't even feel right not wearing it.
If your mom is still around, you're so lucky.
When love is gone, there's always justice. And when justice is gone, there's always force. And when force is gone, there's always Mom. Hi, Mom!
I hear my friends and my mom tell me I'm special, but honestly, I still don't get it.
Let's face it - being a nurse, a single mom of eight kids, I would not be able to provide for them in any way shape or form.
My mom used to call me Joshy Boucher. I watched 'The Waterboy' so much, my mom started calling me Joshy Boucher. True story.
A lot of people ask me what my mom has taught me about modeling. The truth is the things she teaches me go deeper than what pose to make or what my good side is.
My mom was an orphan, and there was never anybody to tell her what she could or couldn't do. At the core, she's probably an artist - an artist and a feminist.
Vancouver is home. I spent a huge amount of time here as a kid growing up with my mom, with my grandparents who lived here.
It is so key to me to be a good role model for young girls and someone their mom would want them to look up to. — © Kaia Gerber
It is so key to me to be a good role model for young girls and someone their mom would want them to look up to.
I like Sprite a lot, but I try not to drink it. My mom doesn't want me to drink Sprite because it's unhealthy. So she always has me drink water, but it's hard not to!
My mom and I have the exact same mannerisms - the way we talk and the gestures that we made.
When motherhood becomes the fruit of a deep yearning, not the result of ignorance or accident, its children will become the foundation of a new race.
I never thought I was a great mom. I always worked. I fell in love with my children as they got older.
When I eat, I have to chop up everything on the plate and stir it all together. It devastates my mom. Everyone at the table is like, 'That looks like cat vomit.' And I stir my Coke with a spoon until it's flat.
My mom was concerned that us four little black girls have a really well-balanced life. She wanted us to be around people like us, but we also went to private school and traveled all the time. Now I fit in most places because I've been most places.
My mom's one of 13 siblings, and they all got six kids, and till I was 13 everybody was in Compton.
My mom just wants to make sure that my heart is always in whatever I do and I'm in things for the right reasons.
I do work too hard sometimes, but my mom is such an inspiration. She tells me to 'chill out' and not take things so seriously. She will say: 'Go and have a massage.'
Some days, I feel like I should win Best Mom of the Day award, and some days, I find myself doing strange things that don't have any real purpose, in faraway corners in my house, and I realize I am literally and deliberately hiding from my children.
The film I do doesn't have to be a film that only my kids can watch. My kids will watch films, but I will decide what they watch and not. My aim is to play different characters and not be stuck in a mould. Just because you are a mom and a wife doesn't meant you have to play those roles, even in films.
My mom told us never to reveal that we were Shia in school. You would find out that some other kid was Shiite, and you would whisper, 'Hey,' or you would see someone at the mosque, and you'd be like, 'Hey, that kid's Shiite!' There was a lot of tension, a lot of violence in Karachi between Shiites and Sunnis.
My grandma and my mom are not happy about the fact that I am still a bachelor. It's not on my mind that I have to find the person I'm going to spend the rest of my life with. It will happen the way it's going to happen.
I feel like I'm meant to be a mom. — © Kaley Cuoco
I feel like I'm meant to be a mom.
My mom used to make everything. She had a great garden and composted and made everything from scratch - peanut butter, bread, jelly, everything. I don't know how she did it because all those things take time and love and labour. I only do half the stuff she does - but there's still time.
My mom would get up every day at 4 A.M. and worked two jobs. I always felt I was the poorest kid on the block. I had a chip on my shoulder about being broke.
My mom has always been my support system. She taught me to never give up and to keep pursuing my passions no matter what.
I've realized how precious life is. When I was younger, I was more adventurous. I felt invincible. I was game for everything. As a mom, I don't want to get injured because then I can't take care of my kids.
Every time I go back to the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute to wait for my test results, and I wonder if I've relapsed or if I'm doing okay, I don't think about my company. I'm proud of everything we've done, but at the end of the day, it comes back to family. I'm still a wife, a mom, a sister - all of those things.
My mom was a great cook and great baker all her life.
'Lauv' comes from the Latvian word for lion, and my mom's side of the family is from Latvia - it's a place I've been probably 15 times or more. I'm also a Leo, and my real name, Ari, means lion.
My mom did more press than me for 'Faces.'
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