Top 1200 Moments Of Clarity Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Moments Of Clarity quotes.
Last updated on December 11, 2024.
Do you know what makes a movie work? Moments. Give the audience half a dozen moments they can remember, and they'll leave the theatre happy.
There is so much work to working that there are moments, moments, where I stop and look around, and it seems too arduous to go on. It isn't, of course.
Moments are born and moments die. For new experiences to come to life, old ones need to wither away. — © Elif Safak
Moments are born and moments die. For new experiences to come to life, old ones need to wither away.
Life is a collection of moments. Mindfulness is beautification of the moments.
I won't lie, I've had a lot of discouraging moments in the past years, moments I wasn't sure about things and doubted myself.
People have their complexities. They have their heroic moments and their villainous moments, too.
Moments can change games; moments can create a run.
Those moments in your life when you feel absolute exhilaration are moments of complete alignment with the Source within you.
All of us have moments in our childhood where we come alive for the first time. And we go back to those moments and think, This is when I became myself.
I really love that dynamic between beauty and sadness...theres always these moments of quiet alienation, the sense of disconnect, but also, these moments of possibility.
For art comes to you proposing frankly to give nothing but the highest quality to your moments as they pass, and simply for those moments' sake.
Being engaged with life. One has to develop a poet's eye for perfect moments, moments that most people pass by.
You will find as you look back upon your life that the moments when you have truly lived are the moments when you have done things in the spirit of love. — © Henry Drummond
You will find as you look back upon your life that the moments when you have truly lived are the moments when you have done things in the spirit of love.
You are always working towards the moments in which characters experience reckonings or insight or change. I like to track them past those moments.
Even if it is only for a matter of moments, because those moments bring with them a Love so intense that it justifies the rest of our days.
We live in a world alive with holy moments. We need only take the time to bring these moments into the light.
I don't like to know exactly what I'm going to do in a scene, because the most interesting moments as an audience member are moments of truthful spontaneity.
Life is filled with small moments that seem prosaic until one has the distance to look back and see the chain of large moments they unleashed.
This idea of perpetual happiness is crazy and overrated, because those dark moments fuel you for the next bright moments; each one helps you appreciate the other.
Small moments can coexist with big moments and even back right up against each other.
Moments of compassion are the most holy moments of life.
A good life happens when you stop and are grateful for the ordinary moments that so many of us just steamroll over to try to find those extraordinary moments.
In terrible moments, in moments of revolution, of war or repression, of illness or death, people react with incredible strength.
Yet still, there are those special secret moments in our lives, when we smile unexpectedly-when all our forces are resolved. A woman can often see these moments in us, better than a man, better than we ourselves, even. When we know these moments, when we smile, when we are not on guard at all-these are the moments when our most important forces show themselves; whatever it is you are doing at such a moment, hold on to it, repeat it-for that certain smile is the best knowledge that we ever have of what our hidden forces are, and where they lie, and how they can be loosed.
Life, to me, is never one color. Even in the saddest moments, you can have a chuckle. And in the happiest moments, you can shed a tear.
When you recognize the festive and the still moments as moments of prayer, then you gradually realize that to pray is to live.
Going to religious places gives me clarity. When I am sitting there, I am in a state of gratitude with my defence mechanism down and am open to receiving that energy, that gives me clarity as at that time, you are listening to your heart. The heart shows you the direction in life. The mind exists only to execute your emotion.
In some situations I was difficult, in odd moments impossible, in rare moments loathsome, but at my best unapproachably great.
A person with power controls their life and their destiny. They have a mastery. Their moments are aware moments in this world, never wasted.
In my better moments, I think of apathy as purpose's sleep. In my worse moments, when I'm trying to fix it or get rid of it, I call it feeling lazy, depressed, or useless.
Feelings like disappointment, embarrassment, irritation, resentment, anger, jealousy, and fear, instead of being bad news, are actually very clear moments that teach us where it is that we’re holding back. They teach us to perk up and lean in when we feel we’d rather collapse and back away. They’re like messengers that show us, with terrifying clarity, exactly where we’re stuck. This very moment is the perfect teacher, and, lucky for us, it’s with us wherever we are.
There are moments where the mighty death feels itself desperate too! To see the trees growing in solid rocks is one of these moments!
I find it difficult to write with reference to the most memorable moments in film, when for me the best moments in films are truly irreducible.
The big moments for me are moments when I can actually contribute.
Listen to your life. All moments are key moments.
There are moments where history is made... This is one of those moments.
'Passione' is a selection of the music moments that have accompanied my youth; a collection of cherished memories, of moments, of fleeting emotions, of sleepless nights.
Even the bad moments, the tough ones, I'm proud of them, too. Those moments get you better, smarter, make you grow. — © Manu Ginobili
Even the bad moments, the tough ones, I'm proud of them, too. Those moments get you better, smarter, make you grow.
The second time is the one we remember, where memory begins. Putting the moments in order is only half the story. What matters is the weight of the moments as they accumulate.
I'm somebody that definitely thrives on pressure and I thrive in those moments where that's going to be tested and that's what I prepare myself for is the most intense of moments.
It has been three great years; good moments, bad moments, like football is. I'm really proud of the decision I made. Newcastle is home.
There are wonderfully intrinsic moments when life makes sense, and doubts are banished as irrelevant in those moments. Of course, we can't stay in that state. We're not here to be blissed out all the time.
I really believe it's the moments we can't talk about that become the rest of our lives. It's the moments we can't process by telling a story that destroy us in the end.
Some of the greatest moments in life come from moments that are incomplete.
It's normal that you have good moments and bad moments - it is how you deal with it.
I will not pray clarity for you. Clarity is the crutch of the Christian. But I will pray trust for you, that your trust will increase.
Moments of solitude are the holiest moments to think wisely!
At 15 the change from a town of 2,000 to a city of four million was huge. There were good moments and, I'm not going to lie, bad moments. — © Lucas Vazquez
At 15 the change from a town of 2,000 to a city of four million was huge. There were good moments and, I'm not going to lie, bad moments.
Transformation is a process, and as life happens there are tons of ups and downs. It's a journey of discovery - there are moments on mountaintops and moments in deep valleys of despair.
I feel like I wanna have a series of moments. It's scary when they say you're having a moment, because moments are momentary.
When I was younger, there were moments where I said, 'I'm not going to have children.' And then moments when I wanted four. And now I definitely want another, but I don't know when.
My childhood had extremely difficult moments and some trauma but there were also amazing moments and times of pure happiness.
Even the most tragic moments can have moments of comedy.
I definitely live for the small moments and the big moments.
You've got this amazing creature- yourself- that can breathe, dance, and cry. And you have a certain amount of moments (maybe a few million moments-but moments they are) and you have this chance to do absolutely anything- to reach out to another vulnerable & true. To dance on the roof of euphoria and pray beside the ocean to let go. We have the chance every moment to Be Alive and give to this world who needs each one of us so badly.
There are few moments in science in which you genuinely are excited. The discovery of superfluidity in helium-3 was one of those moments.
I think that most players enjoy playing football, but, like in everything, there are good moments and bad moments.
It's been said racing encompasses hours of agony and moments of glory. But moments like the 1978 Triple Crown inspire the pursuit of greatness.
I love the funny and sweet moments I have with my cats, Jake and Frank, so I'm honored to be celebrating these moments at the Catdance Film Festival.
The future hasn't happened yet and the past is gone. So I think the only moment we have is right here and now, and I try to make the best of those moments, the moments that I'm in.
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