Top 1200 Money Laundering Quotes & Sayings - Page 14

Explore popular Money Laundering quotes.
Last updated on October 24, 2024.
Money can purchase the symbols but not the causes of serenity and buoyancy. In a straightforward way we must agree that money cannot buy happiness.
My dad said to always do what I loved and not worry about the money or anything, because if I do what I love, then the money will come.
There are dozens of ways of failing to make money. It is one thing to fail to make money because your single talent happens to be a flair amounting to genius for translating the plays of Aristophanes. It is quite another thing to fail to make money because you are black, or a child, or a woman.
Let us never forget this fundamental truth: The State has no source of money other than the money people themselves earn. — © Margaret Thatcher
Let us never forget this fundamental truth: The State has no source of money other than the money people themselves earn.
It's not a question of money anymore. I spend money like it's nothing. You know, I could be penniless tomorrow, but I'd get back, somehow.
Money is a bad friend. Don't ever do anything for money.
In 2008 we came perilously close to killing money, exposing in the process how out of date money's infrastructure has become.
We therefore work, not for the work's sake, but for money—and money is supposed to get us what we really want in our hours of leisure and play. In the United States even poor people have lots of money compared with the wretched and skinny millions of India, Africa, and China, while our middle andupper classes (or should we say "income groups") are as prosperous as princes. Yet, by and large, they have but slight taste for pleasure. Money alone cannot buy pleasure, though it can help. For enjoyment is an art and a skill for which we have little talent or energy.
I always had this impression that money bought you happiness and money solved everything, and it's the biggest lie I have ever been told.
I'm not really a person that needs to make a lot of money. The money is great for an easy life, but at the same time, it's not very important.
If we freed up all the money in the certification process, think about how much more money we'd have to put into teacher salaries.
I believe the very best money is made at the market turns. Everyone says you get killed trying to pick tops and bottoms and you make all your money by playing the trend in the middle. Well for twelve years I have been missing the meat in the middle but I have made a lot of money at tops and bottoms.
We have designed a capitalist system wrong. We assume human beings are one-dimensional, all they do is make money, so we've created a money-centric world.
I know the money is important, but, actually, the validation of your career that prizes give is what you really want. But the money is fabulous, too. — © Jim Crace
I know the money is important, but, actually, the validation of your career that prizes give is what you really want. But the money is fabulous, too.
Big money isn't hard to come by. All it costs is a lifetime of single-minded devotion to acquiring it and making it grow into more money.
They spend an awful lot of money on I-don't-know-what in Hollywood movies; I certainly didn't get any of it. But they sure do love spending money.
Writing is the only profession where nobody considers you ridiculous if you earn no money. Money is like an arm or a leg; use it or lose it.
If we do another 'Deadpool,' we'd love to have more money for visual effects. But I don't think anybody does good with an excess of time or money.
There's no one silver bullet, but money really is the root of all evil. The single biggest problem is how much more money is flooding into politics these days. It not only tends to enable a more extreme candidate to get elected, but because so much money is required to bankroll a campaign, everyone spends all their free time fundraising instead of reaching across the aisle.
Man, I really think I was just fascinated with money... and I always wanted it growing up. I always wanted money... Once I got upwards in age, the older I got, the more fascinated I got with money.
It's nice to have dreams, but when you use borrowed money to achieve them and act as if money grows on trees, you may have a brutal awakening.
When I was 20, 21, 22 years old, I was making really good money for a 22-year-old, but it wasn't a huge pot. And of course I made a lot of mistakes. I'm glad I got to make those mistakes with a smaller pool of money and learn from it as opposed to learning the hard way with bigger amounts of money when there would be more consequences.
I like money, I love it, I use it wisely, constructively, and judiciously. Money is constantly circulating in my life. I release it with joy, and it returns to me multiplied in a wonderful way. It is good and very good. Money flows to me in avalanches of abundance. I use it for good only, and I am grateful for my good and for the riches of my mind.
When I said that something was going to cost a certain amount of money, I actually knew what I was talking about. The biggest problem that we were having on the financing front was people with lots of money saying "you need more money to make this film [Moon]," and us saying "no this is the first feature film we want to do it at a budget where we sort of prove ourselves at the starting end of making feature films; we can do this for $5 million." That is where the convincing part between me and Stuart came, we had to convince people with money that we could do it for that budget.
It would be too ridiculous to go about seriously to prove that wealth does not consist in money, or in gold and silver; but in what money purchases, and is valuable only for purchasing. Money no doubt, makes always a part of the national capital; but it has already been shown that it generally makes but a small part, and always the most unprofitable part of it.
So I felt, well, I'll make the money and, with the money, do what I want to do.
If we can't respect the way we earn it, money has no value. If we can't use it to make life better for our families and loved ones, money has no purpose.
When you don't have any money, the problem is food. When you have money, it's sex. When you have both, it's health. If everything is simply jake, then you're frightened of death
I went to art school for about a year. I was born and raised in the Willamette Valley in Oregon into a middle-class family who didn't have the funds to say, "Here, kid. Here's your money for school." So I worked real hard during the summer and saved money and was able to go to school for a year and borrowed a little money which I paid back after that first year.
When the desirable jobs are spending other people's money, reporting on spending other people's money and lobbying to spend other people's money then you know that the society is f***ed.
The disasteris not the money, although the money will be missed. The disaster is the disrespect--this belief that the arts are dispensable, that they're not critical to a culture's existence.
As long as you have a percentage of a song, that lasts forever. You have to study the business. Don't just be in it for money. You have to understand what you're in it for, then get your money.
I like PBS. I love Big Bird ... But I'm not going to keep on spending money on things to borrow money from China to pay for it.
When you need money, it is a powerful feeling within you, and so of course through the law of attraction you will continue to attract needing money.
There's no doubt that there's a public backlash against the way campaign money is raised, but I don't think the only alternative is to elect people with money.
It was in England that I discovered theatre. I didn't have any money, but I would just eat yoghurt in order to get some money for tickets.
Why would you take money out of your paycheck at the beginning of the month when you don't know how much money you'll need?
I owe much to Sangeeth. His film 'Apna Sapna Money Money' brought me back in a big way.
I'm not interested in making money, or being wealthy enough to have a villa in Beverly Hills, because in Paris I don't need that much money. — © Ludivine Sagnier
I'm not interested in making money, or being wealthy enough to have a villa in Beverly Hills, because in Paris I don't need that much money.
Money should never change one’s values…. Making money is only a report card. It’s a way to tell how you’re doing.
I'm not afraid of wanting money at all. Money will give me more power to do things that are truer to my spirit than what I'm already doing.
People think I got loads of money at City and then left for Chelsea to chase more money. I didn't get that money. I moved to Chelsea because they made promises to me. They told me I would get opportunities, I would play and that they believed in me as a young player.
Jewish people, we don't need the money. We're doctors and lawyers. It's the Christians who can't hold a steady job and have to go on TV and ask for money.
Donald Trump talks about how he's not going to be controlled by the moneyed interests. Do people understand that he's not giving money to his campaign, he's loaning it because he expects to get money back from those same big donors he decries right now? He's planning on running a general election based upon raising money from those very people.
One’s relationship with money is lifelong, it colors one’s sense of identity, it shapes one’s attitude to other people, it connects and splits generations; money is the arena in which greed and generosity are played out, in which wisdom is exercised and folly committed. Freedom, desire, power, status, work, possession: these huge ideas that rule life are enacted, almost always, in and around money.
Paris was sad. One of the saddest towns: weary of its now-mechanical sensuality, weary of the tension of money, money, money, weary even of resentment and conceit, just weary to death, and still not sufficiently Americanized or Londonized to hide the weariness under a mechanical jig-jig-jig!
I feel that when you are passionate about what you do, money will follow. If money becomes the primary factor, passion goes down the drain.
Money doesn't change men, it merely unmasks them. If a man is naturally selfish or arrogant or greedy, the money brings that out, that's all.
Well, you need to hear about money, because you ain't gonna have no love and joy and peace until you get some money! — © Creflo A. Dollar
Well, you need to hear about money, because you ain't gonna have no love and joy and peace until you get some money!
I believe only in money, not in love or tenderness. Love and tenderness meant only pain and suffering and defeat. I would not let it ruin me as it ruined others! I would speak only with money, hard money.
Certainly there are things in life that money can't buy, but it's very funny - Did you ever try buying them without money?
Whenever the current of money is forcibly stopped, and when money is prevented from settling at its just level, there are no limits to the possible variations of the exchange.
I make money using my brains and lose money listening to my heart. But in the long run my books balance pretty well.
My motivation has always been to do technology apps and companies, not making money. Just because the money's come, nothing's changed.
You must take risks, both with your own money or with borrowed money. Risk taking is essential to business growth.
I don't dislike money, but there's only so much money you can use.
Making money isn't the backbone of our guiding purpose; making money is the by-product of our guiding purpose. If you're doing something you love, you're more likely to put your all into it, and that generally equates to making money
I'm just driven. It's kind of a disease. I'm not proud of it, but it comes from my parents. You work and you earn your money and only spend the money that you've earned.
It's easy to make money. You put up the sign Bank and someone walks in and hands you his money. The façade is everything.
And there are a lot of groups or mayors that might say, hey, I need the money. I have budget deficit, so I have to do it and they do it. It doesn't matter what the community wants or where the money comes from?
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