Top 583 Mortality Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Mortality quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
Mortality is very brief but immeasurably important.
Abortion is child mortality.
Poetry at least in my own life, is really about your own mortality. Everything in poetry makes me think of my mortality. It is not a dark thing in life; it prepares you for the graceful things that happen in your life. It gives me a license to make any kind of picture I want with great courage.
There is a taint of death, a flavour of mortality in lies. — © Joseph Conrad
There is a taint of death, a flavour of mortality in lies.
I'm always aware of mortality.
I was aware of that theme of mortality in my music since around 2009. The decaying and the disappearance of the piano sound is very much symbolic of life and mortality. It's not sad. I just meditate about it.
God is a placebo for your own mortality.
Young women who live in areas with high maternal mortality change their behavior less in response to HIV than young women who live in areas with low maternal mortality.
I fall into all kinds of inauthenticity when I conspire to forget my mortality.
I was fascinated by mortality. Most people are, even if they don't admit it.
I'm being made aware of my mortality all the time.
Whereas in America we are so fearful of mortality, we don't want to talk about it, we don't think about it, and in many ways we treat elderly people as invisible because they are a constant reminder of our own mortality. We put them away and put them in retirement homes so we don't want to deal with that.
I'm interested in morality and mortality, and 'Deadpool' kind of has all of these themes.
There is nothing in nature that can't be taken as a sign of both mortality and invigoration. — © Gretel Ehrlich
There is nothing in nature that can't be taken as a sign of both mortality and invigoration.
It's always been intriguing to me, the loveability of mortality.
It was a part of myself that was my enemy; I still had a childish illusion that the flesh on my own bones was somehow unique and precious to the universe, in some obscure corner of my mind I wanted the others to love me and make exceptions for me simply because I felt heat and cold, pain and loneliness as they did. Now this was gone once and for all, and I understood there were no exceptions and on one was invulnerable, we all had to share the same conditions and in the end this was simply mortality, the mortality of things as well as ourselves. After that I didn't expect anybody to love me.
It is the abiding faith of mortals that mortality is a temporary condition.
When you have a child, you think about your own mortality.
The mortality of all inanimate things is terrible to me, but that of books most of all.
In natural pregnancy, more than half of fertilized eggs fail to implant or are otherwise lost. Should we regard that as an instance of infant mortality? And if so, why are we not mounting ambitious public health campaigns to try to save and rescue all of the fertilized eggs that are lost in natural pregnancy? We would need a public health campaign of massive proportions if there really were over a fifty percent rate of infant mortality.
Mortality: not acquittal but a series of postponements is what we hope for.
I have been unexpectedly confronted with my own mortality as I was told that I had cancer.
Maternal mortality health is a very sensitive indicator. All you need to look at is a country's maternal mortality rate. That is a surrogate for whether the country's health system is functioning. If it works for women, I'm sure it will work for men.
You can find episodes like the flu epidemic or war times when mortality rates go up, but sustained increases in mortality for any major group in any society are really quite rare. It's an indication that something is very wrong.
While life is meant to test, challenge, and strengthen us, if we are attempting to negotiate the twists and turns and ups and downs of mortality alone, we're doing it all wrong. Mortality is a test, but it is an open book test. We have access not only to the divine text but to Him who authored it.
General improvements in health/decline in mortality do not affect all classes equally. As mortality rates fall, social inequalities commonly widen.
In reality, we are all travelers - even explorers of mortality.
Reports to the Surgeon General represent the final word upon the efficient and devoted sense of responsibility of our people in this obligation to our fellow citizens. Overwhelmingly they confirm the fact that the general mortality rate, infant mortality rate, epidemics, the disease rate - are less than in normal times. There is but one explanation. That is, that through an aroused sense of public responsibility, those in destitution and their children are receiving actually more adequate care than even in normal times.
I am not what I ought to be! Ah! how imperfect and deficient! - I am not what I wish to be! I 'abhor what is evil,' and I would 'cleave to what is good!' - I am not what I hope to be! Soon, soon, I shall put off mortality: and with mortality all sin and imperfection! Yet, though I am not what I ought to be, nor what I wish to be, nor what I hope to be, I can truly say, I am not what I once was - a slave to sin and Satan; and I can heartily join with the Apostle, and acknowledge; By the grace of God, I am what I am!
The changing year's successive plan Proclaims mortality to man.
There is nothing serious in Mortality
We must be born with an intuition of mortality.
I've been aware of my own mortality since I was 12.
This is to be mortal, And seek the things beyond mortality.
There is zero, and there is eternity, and there is mortality, but there is no ultimate.
Probably I chose immortality because mortality is a universal human obsession.
We all live with more mortality because we're all on drugs.
It's very advanced of you to have accepted my mortality so fatalistically.
Enlightenment means that you're in love with all of life, with not only immortality but mortality. — © Frederick Lenz
Enlightenment means that you're in love with all of life, with not only immortality but mortality.
Arriving at an acceptance of one's mortality is a process, not an epiphany.
Well, we're all going to die, so mortality is a part of writing and life.
If we knew about the real facts and statistics of mortality, we’d be terrified.
We all know the mortality of companies is less than human beings.
The woe of mortality makes humans God-like. It is because we know that we must die that we are so busy making life. It is because we are aware of mortality that we preserve the past and create the future. Mortality is ours without asking--but immortality is something we must build ourselves. Immortality is not a mere absence of death; it is defiance and denial of death. It is 'meaningful' only because there is death, that implacable reality which is to be defied.
Becoming a mother really put me in touch with not just my mortality but also my baby's mortality. You spent nine months working on this thing, and it's finally there, and the first thing you think about is, 'I don't want my child to die.'
Because sanitation has so many effects across all aspects of development - it affects education, it affects health, it affects maternal mortality and infant mortality, it affects labor - it's all these things, so it becomes a political football. Nobody has full responsibility.
I've spent a lot of words on my own mortality.
I've always been somebody who's acutely aware of my mortality.
Statistics have shown that mortality increases perceptibly in the military during wartime. — © Alphonse Allais
Statistics have shown that mortality increases perceptibly in the military during wartime.
Studies indicate that vegetarians often have lower morbidity and mortality rates. . . . Not only is mortality from coronary artery disease lower in vegetarians than in non-vegetarians, but vegetarian diets have also been successful in arresting coronary artery disease. Scientific data suggest positive relationships between a vegetarian diet and reduced risk for obesity, coronary artery disease, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and some types of cancer.
We are but skin about a wind, with muscles clenched against mortality.
Kids don't have the same sense of their own mortality as adults.
Mortality is very different when you're 20 to when you're 50.
Mortality defines the human condition.
If we knew about the real facts and statistics of mortality, we'd be terrified.
Don't fear your mortality, because it is this very mortality that gives meaning and depth and poignancy to all the days that will be granted to you.
In these days before antiseptics, doctors themselves also suffered high mortality rates. Florence Nightingale, a nurse during the Crimean War (1853-1856), watched one particularly inept surgeon cut both himself and, somehow, a bystander while blundering about during an amputation. Both men contracted an infection and died, as did the patient. Nightingale commented that it was the only surgery she'd ever seen with 300 percent mortality.
Mortality is but a stepping-stone to a more glorious existence in the future.
You realize mortality is everywhere.
God is growing bitter, He envies man his mortality.
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