Top 583 Mortality Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Mortality quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
I have occasionally had the exquisite thrill of putting my finger on a little capsule of truth, and heard it give the faint squeak of mortality under my pressure.
Yea, when mortality dissolves, Shall I not meet thine hour unawed? My house eternal in the heavens Is lighted by the smile of God!
To venerate the simple days Which lead the seasons by, Needs but to remember That from you or I They may take the trifle Termed mortality! — © Emily Dickinson
To venerate the simple days Which lead the seasons by, Needs but to remember That from you or I They may take the trifle Termed mortality!
Tribulations often enrich, refine, and guide us to a deeper understanding of the purpose of our existence here in mortality and of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
Meditation is the royal road to the attainment of freedom, a mysterious ladder that reaches from earth to heaven, darkness to light, mortality to Immortality.
The thought of my mortality - I think about it a lot. I find it motivating. It can be any time that your number's up.
The scales of reckoning with mortality are never evenly weighted, alas, and thus it is on the shoulders of the living that the burden of justice must continue to rest.
Ultimately, what audiences respond to is truth. Even as fantastical as the story can be, and out there, at its core, it's dealing with loss, madness and mortality.
We are power. But these are only words if you don't have the personal power to unlock the gates of immortality and of mortality.
There is no actual starvation or deaths from starvation but there is widespread mortality from diseases due to malnutrition.
Since the beginning, a woman's first and most important role has been ushering into mortality spirit sons and daughters of our Father in Heaven.
My friends are Peter Gabriel, Bruce Springsteen, and we're singing about mortality, getting older. It's an interesting time.
If anything, all homes should have piped water supply and sanitation, which could improve public-health indicators and reduce infant mortality. — © Rohini Nilekani
If anything, all homes should have piped water supply and sanitation, which could improve public-health indicators and reduce infant mortality.
The more we are guided by eternal considerations in our conduct, the better we will manage our mortality.
The reason some men fear older women is they fear their own mortality.
He who disdains the fall in infant mortality and the gradual disappearance of famines and plagues may cast the first stone upon the materialism of the economists.
I always think that good writers should be growing up on the brink of death - it really lets them see mortality very clearly.
If your economy grows [by] 4 percent, you ought to reduce child mortality 4 percent.
As a society, when you have your mortality slapped in your face, it changes you.
Last year the [harp seal] pup mortality rate was 100 percent in parts of the Gulf of St. Lawrence.
The clouds that gather round the setting sun, Do take a sober colouring from an eye, That hath kept watch o'er man's mortality.
Is war perhaps nothing else but a need to face death, to conquer and master it, to come out of it alive -- a peculiar form of denial of our mortality?
For some reason focusing on destruction and mortality is more poetically exciting to me than hope and love.
Antiquity breached mortality with myths. Narcissus is vocabulary. Hermes decorates A cornice on the Third National Bank.
How can you be that which you possess? You cannot be the horse and rider at the same time. Herein lies the secret of mortality and immortality.
The elegy does the work of mourning; it allows us to experience mortality. It turns loss into remembrance, and it delivers an inheritance.
Having lost people when they were young, you feel intimately acquainted with mortality, I guess. Though I procrastinate worse than anybody.
If all human lives depended upon their usefulness - as might be judged by certain standards - there would be a sudden and terrific mortality in the world.
For me, Charles Xavier is a monk. He's like a selfless, egoless almost sexless force for the betterment of humanity and mortality.
When we talk about mortality, we are talking about our children.
I believe the biggest themes of life are put into the best focus when held up against the very sharp light of mortality.
We are making our appearance on the stage of mortality in the greatest dispensation of the gospel ever given to mankind, and we need to make the most of it.
The best thing about time passing is the privilege of running out of it, of watching the wave of mortality break over me and everyone I know.
Mortality, behold, and fear, What a change of flesh is here! Think how many royal bones Sleep within this heap of stones.
Man's natural and inevitable urge to deny mortality and achieve a heroic self-image are the root causes of human evil.
It is the fancy of every mortal that being cradled in the arms of mortality is a safe place for the time being.
As a culture, we are not comfortable with mortality. We do not accept it the way other cultures do. We cling to youth, and we don't want to die. It's like, 'Well, too bad, we do.'
The pain of loneliness seems to be part of the mortal experience. But the Lord in His mercy has made it so that we need never deal with the challenges of mortality alone. — © Sheri L. Dew
The pain of loneliness seems to be part of the mortal experience. But the Lord in His mercy has made it so that we need never deal with the challenges of mortality alone.
Disgust for the female body is always tinged with anxiety, since the body symbolizes mortality.
We think about mortality so little, these days, except to flail hysterically at it with trendy forms of exercise and high-fiber cereals and nicotine patches.
I believe that every human soul is teaching something to someone nearly every minute here in mortality.
The world is a world of tears, and the burdens of mortality touch the heart.
We write a subscript to our mortality. We make our lives tiny diamonds in the cosmic sands.
Time does not really exist as we know it; rather it's a transfiguration of a concept in which mortality, mutability, is conditioned.
Dedicated missionary service returns a dividend of eternal joy which extends throughout mortality and into eternity.
Virtue is that perfect good, which is the complement of a happy life; the only immortal thing that belongs to mortality.
I'd like to show how 'intimations of mortality brought on by aging family members' connects with 'the hatred of mirrors that begins in middle age.
Your only real problem is mortality! No religion can solve this problem, but science can do! — © Mehmet Murat Ildan
Your only real problem is mortality! No religion can solve this problem, but science can do!
'They Both Die At The End' is about coming face to face with your own mortality.
Mortality is the most romantic story ever told. Just one chance to do everything you should. Then, magically, you move on.
O, let me kiss that hand! KING LEAR: Let me wipe it first; it smells of mortality.
Prenatal care is one of the most effective ways to reduce maternal mortality because it identifies complications or high risks before emergency situations.
I think that we are supernatural. We are unique. We're the only animals in the universe that we know of that actually have self-consciousness, a sense of time and our own mortality.
How children attempt to deal with everyday comedies and tragedies, and mortality, is universal and ultimately such a large part of what it means to be human.
I've always been aware of mortality because I've always had ill health most of my life.
Focusing on the Lord and everlasting life can help us not only at Christmas, but through all the challenges of mortality.
Never use abstract nouns when concrete ones will do. If you mean “More people died” don’t say “Mortality rose.
Accepting your own mortality is like eating your vegetables: You may not want to do it, but it's good for you.
Getting older has compensations, though when you hit 50 you become very aware of your own mortality and it makes you reassess.
Facing your own mortality forces you to re-evaluate your priorities.
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