Top 1200 Most Amazing Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Most Amazing quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
'Grease' changed my life in the most amazing way, and I've had such an amazing life. When things go wrong, you've got to believe you will get through them and focus on the positive things in your life.
I've been so honored and so lucky to work with some amazing people. I've collaborated on amazing sets and with amazing crews.
When you talk about me having a favorite singer, it's Celine. She is not only one of the most amazing singers, but she is just an amazing person. — © Tessanne Chin
When you talk about me having a favorite singer, it's Celine. She is not only one of the most amazing singers, but she is just an amazing person.
Shakespeare is all big themes, like the most amazing love, or the most scary war.
Most writer's blocks come from people second-guessing to the point where they get discouraged, and they just quit. For me, if I write something and it's not amazing, I don't care because even if I feel like it might not be amazing, it could still be a number-one hit.
You have the most amazing Irish actors. Cillian on 'Peaky Blinders.' And the most amazing actress.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin is a place that I feel like it's undervalued. It's one of the most amazing cities I've been to. It has the most to offer.
Catherine O'Hara's one of the most amazing, wonderful actresses, but she's an amazing improviser. She really is.
The comics of course, help the movies, because all of the comic fans want to see the movies. And the most amazing thing about it is these movies seem to appeal to young people, to old people, and to people all over the world. They're as popular in China and Latin America as they are here. That's really amazing and gratifying.
I think you’re amazing,’ someone says to someone else, but it doesn’t matter who, because they’re all amazing really. People are amazing.
I may be a lifelong 'downtowner,' but Central Park really is the most amazing and the most beautiful part of New York City.
America's got amazing presentation, especially New York - the most potent, strongest, concentrated, amazing presentation.
Becoming a mother has been the most amazing experience - in an instant, you become strong. You have to be a little bit wiser; it's the most important job in the world.
If you set your bar at 'amazing' it's awfully difficult to start. Your first paragraph, sketch, formula, sample or concept isn't going to be amazing. Your tenth one might not be either. Confronted with the gap between your vision of perfect and the reality of what you've created, the easiest path is no path. Shrug. Admit defeat. Hit delete. One more reason to follow someone else and wait for instructions. Of course, the only path to amazing runs directly through not-yet-amazing. But not-yet-amazing is a great place to start, because that's where you are.
My entire twenties were filled with decisions that make me think, 'You had to go there, huh?' But that's part of exploration and I think a lot of the most beautiful moments of my life and a lot of the most amazing things have come out of some of the most tumultuous times.
Almost everything about the universe is astounding. I think the most amazing thing is how gifted we are - we are only monkeys who came down from the trees just recently. We have these amazing gifts of music and mathematics and painting and Olympic running.
Becoming a mother has been the most amazing experience - in an instant you become strong. You have to be a little bit wiser; it's the most important job in the world. — © Katie Holmes
Becoming a mother has been the most amazing experience - in an instant you become strong. You have to be a little bit wiser; it's the most important job in the world.
I was pretty much nonexistent on the Internet before NASA, and that was really because I've been inspired by amazing sacrifices of people who did amazing things - jumping on grenades or sacrificing their lives or doing the most crazy, brave things without hesitation and never, ever seeking recognition for it. That was always very powerful for me.
Clothes are an amazing tool. They are an amazing way to hide a multitude of sins; they're an amazing way to be creative. Clothes can do so many things. But at the end of the day, if they don't serve you, it's just a waste of time. Then it is frivolous.
It's amazing how a simple brief phone call can pick up the spirits of the most dejected hamster, the most stressed goldfish and the most neurotic cat.
I kind of have the most amazing fans ever. They are the most committed, passionate people, and I love them so much.
Beyonce is the most amazing woman in the world.
Some countries that I go to are still trying to deny that it's happening. In India, 2.1 million people are living with HIV AIDS. India manufactures most of the drugs that are used to cure HIV around the world, which is an amazing, amazing fact that most people don't know.
I have so much to be thankful for. I work with the most amazing people, get to make people laugh for a living and have the most amazing friends. But, I am mostly thankful for Spanx.
We are such inward secret creatures, that inwardness is the most amazing thing about us, even more amazing than our reason.
The thing is this: I've got an amazing career in England that couldn't possibly get much better. I do the best theater around, I work at the National Theater, the Old Vic - which I'm sure you've heard of because it's the one Kevin Spacey runs - and I play the most amazing roles and work with the most amazing directors.
I have amazing kids, an amazing husband, a fabulous career, wonderful parents. If I had to go through some rough spots to get to this amazing place, so be it.
To be the Grand Marshal of the most recognized Halloween parade in the world is so much fun. People plan for months and months to design their costumes, and it is amazing. It is a true competition and amazing to watch everyone.
My dream collaboration would be to work with Drake. Honestly, he's an amazing songwriter, and I feel like if we got the opportunity to do a song, it would be the most amazing thing to ever hit people's ears.
For the last 20 years of my life, I've had the mantra to do amazing parts with amazing people in amazing projects, so I'm attracted to good story, writing and character and good people. That's what I'm always searching for and I don't think that's ever going to change.
For me, I think the best part of all and the most fun was just being a part of such an amazing movie and such an amazing show because 'Into The Woods' is just so incredible.
The only path to amazing runs directly through not-yet-amazing . But not-yet-amazing is a great place to start, because that's where you are. For now.
Some of the freshest, most compelling, and most soulful music I have heard recently. Bob Reynolds is an amazing musician, with something very exciting and original to say.
I have such amazing memories [about The Hotel New Hampshire movie], because Tony Richardson was such an amazing director, and the subject matter was so bizarre, and yet it was the most sought-after part at that moment. And then it had the good fortune to come out on the same day as Splash.
I have an amazing team; I have amazing producers; I have amazing writers, but at the end of it, it's me making the decisions on the writing, the tone, the editing.
I have experienced some amazing food! Yet when I think about the most luxurious and exquisite meals I have had, visions of simple food made from a few natural ingredients are what most excite me.
Most New Yorkers want to look amazing, and they want you to understand that they look amazing, but they also want you to stop staring at them.
And then 'Wanderlust,' Ken Marino and David Wain wrote the funniest - they're amazing. That was one of my most favorite creative experiences; we're all up at that commune, a small group of people. Everyone was funnier than the next. It was an amazing ensemble feeling. Everyone gave and took in the best way.
I'm lucky that most of the time I'm on location in amazing places. Most of the time, I don't need holidays, I just stop working. — © Stephanie Beacham
I'm lucky that most of the time I'm on location in amazing places. Most of the time, I don't need holidays, I just stop working.
I've had a very interesting career. I get to do amazing things and work with amazing people and travel and learn languages - things most people don't get the opportunity to do.
I do feel a kinship for sure. I admire those guys who've won hat-tricks like Andy, and obviously Kelly who's won seven, that's amazing stuff. I think the average surfer thinks it's amazing. The guys who win our championships, they're so amazing.
Jean Renoir once suggested that most true creators have only one idea and spend their lives reworking it, but then very rapidly he added that most people don't have any ideas at all, so one idea is pretty amazing.
The past 6 and a half years have been the most amazing years of my life. It's sad it has come to an end but Avril and I are still family and moving forward in the most positive way possible.
To me, the most amazing the most amazing transformation in my lifetime is not the revolution of the Sixties but the counter revolution of the Seventies, where they managed to put the cuckoo clock back together again
One of the most irritating things about America is this bravado we have? - ?like, "You guys, we're amazing! We're the most amazing country in the world!" And I'm like, "Are you sure? Because we're garbage and backward in a million areas that other developed countries left behind years ago!"
Women are wonderful. They're amazing creatures. You can never learn enough! They're addicting in the most amazing sense.
The most amazing and effective inventions are not those which do most honour to the human genius.
I was always behind in class. There was people in my class who was amazing at art, amazing at maths, amazing at English, but I wasn't clever with anything, even though I tried my hardest.
I feel so lucky. When an actor that has been struggling for so long makes the transition into being an actor full-time, it is the most amazing feeling. It's just sort of like a 3,000-pound weight gets lifted from you, and you're able to mostly focus on just being an artist, which is an amazing, blessed luxury I have.
I think it's amazing that the entire community of astronomy has done what it's done. We've been able to deduce the nature of time and space and where we all came from. It's the most amazing detective story in history.
My buddies are like, 'You live the most amazing life!' Well, I'm working like a dog. I come home most nights and pass out on the couch.
I think a lot of podcasts have a lot of amazing character work. Seth Morris does this amazing character, Boch Duco, which I think is one of the funniest, most well-realized characters that I've ever seen or heard.
I experience so many feelings and emotions when I tour. It's the most amazing and also the most lonely thing you can do. — © Juliette Lewis
I experience so many feelings and emotions when I tour. It's the most amazing and also the most lonely thing you can do.
I have an amazing team, I have amazing producers, I have amazing writers, but at the end of it, it's me making the decisions on the writing, the tone, the editing.
Sometimes, we're so focused on being consistent that we also lower the bar on amazing. After all, the thinking goes, if we can't be amazing all the time, better to reset the expectation to merely good. Which robs us of the ability to (sometimes) be amazing.
My grandfather was one of the most amazing Baptist ministers in history, he was unbelievable. He was one of the most amazing men - the most amazing man that I ever met... He lived an amazing life.
we are such inward secret creatures, that inwardness the most amazing thing about us, even more amazing than our reason. but we cannot just walk into the cavern and look around. most of what we think we know about our minds is pseudo-knowledge. we are all such shocking poseurs, so good at inflating the importance of what we think we value.
There are things that people say that hurt my feelings or whatever, especially with social media right now. It can be the most amazing thing, and it can also be the most negative and detrimental thing.
The most amazing thing is when you find yourself watching someone in the cafe or something doing something weird. It's amazing what people do, isn't it, when you just look at them, when you take the time to look.
There's so many amazing articles coming out all the time and because of the internet circulating great writing - even if the writers don't get paid enough most of the time, unfortunately - but there's never been a more amazing flow of information on all of the issues. I would love to see a revival of what we had against the war in the '60s - we could do thes
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