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Top 1200 Most Heartfelt Quotes & Sayings - Page 13
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Last updated on December 12, 2024.
sleep is the most innocent creature there is and a sleepless man the most guilty.
Most everyone I know feels frazzled and overwhelmed most of the time.
The most fortunate of persons is he who has the most means to satisfy his vagaries.
The most intimate question we can ask, and the one that has the most spiritual power, is this: What or who am I?
The most beautiful things can only be created by the most free minds!
The most disadvantageous peace is better than the most just war.
I'm have one of the most, if not the most, moderate voting records in Congress in the Florida delegation.
For most of my life, one of the persons most baffled by my own work was myself.
Real excellence, indeed, is most recognized when most openly looked into.
Philosophy is at once the most sublime and the most trivial of human pursuits.
The system isn't working for most people and never has worked for most women.
The most successful person is the one who is most inspired. That is true in food and in life.
I lingered most about the fireplace, as the most vital part of the house.
The most necessary, most difficult and principal thing in music, that is time.
We are unutterably alone essentially, especially in the things most intimate and most important.
Do not give to thy friends the most agreeable counsels, but the most advantageous.
Democracy is not what we hate the most and what we fear the most. We need to stand up.
Most people are good at a handful of things and utterly miserable at most.
Those who have most to do, and are willing to work, will find the most time.
The human voice is the most beautiful instrument of all, but the most difficult to play.
Jackson [Rathbone] is the most artsy, creative and, I think, the most talented.
Peace demands the most heroic labor and the most difficult sacrifice.
When you most feel like giving up is when you most need to be keeping on.
I think the stage is the place where I feel most comfortable and most myself.
I have the most charmed, most - I feel entirely blessed and lucky that I have the life that I have.
Those who are believed to be most abject and humble are usually most ambitious and envious.
The most beautiful thing about music is that it transcends most anything.
When I ask 'What's the film that scared you the most?' I'm really asking 'What scares you the most?'
The word of God is always most precious to the man who most lives upon it.
The most successful tempters and thus the most dangerous are the deluded deluders.
James Clerk Maxwell's [work is the] most profound and the most fruitful.
If wit is the most sophisticated form of humor, pranks are the most juvenile.
Moral courage is the most valuable and usually the most absent characteristic in men
For me, Romanticism is the most recent and the most current expression of beauty.
Kids always ask the most obvious and the most difficult questions.
Health is already a dominant sector in most societies and the one most guaranteed to grow.
Most actors will tell you that villains are the most interesting to play.
Most men like in women what is most opposite their own characters.
I believe that you need your parents the most. That's the most important thing.
The most valuable discoveries have found their origin in the most trivial accidents.
We hurt most who we love the most. Bad grammar, painful truth.
Sometimes, the people we invest the most time in disappoint us the most.
Those that are most slow in making a promise are the most faithful in the performance of it.
He who serves the most, reaps the most, emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually.
The most drastic and usually the most effective remedy for fear is direct action.
[On writing:] The most egotistic of occupations, and the most gratifying while it lasts.
The human voice is the most beautiful instrument of all, but it is the most difficult to play.
Some of the most devastating things that happen to you will teach you the most
It's the most righteous, which of course is not the same thing as the most profitable.
The highest and most lofty trees have the most reason to dread the thunder.
The most likely site for error is in the most fundamental of our beliefs.
We often have to put up with most from those on whom we most depend.
The most knowledgeable person in one domain may be the most ignorant in another.
The voiceless and most defenseless ones are the animals, so most of my attention goes to them.
In a philosophical dispute, he gains most who is defeated, since he learns most.
Most managers were trained to be the thing they most despise - bureaucrats.
The only people who cannot change are the most wise and the most stupid.
Time is at once the most valuable and the most perishable of all our possessions.
The horse is, like man, the most beautiful and the most miserable of creatures.
That most sensitive, most delicate of instruments -- the mind of a little child!
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