Top 1200 Mountain Man Quotes & Sayings - Page 16

Explore popular Mountain Man quotes.
Last updated on October 23, 2024.
I'm over the hill, maybe even the whole mountain range, but I don't see it that way even one little bit.
O'er the rugged mountain's brow Clara threw the twins she nursed, And remarked,'I wonder now Which will reach the bottom first?
When somebody says to me-which they do like every 5 years- "How does it feel to be over the hill?" my response is, "I'm just heading up the mountain." — © John C. Baez
When somebody says to me-which they do like every 5 years- "How does it feel to be over the hill?" my response is, "I'm just heading up the mountain."
I picked up this book called Blue Mountain, supposed to be a really good book on the Civil War.
We can meet the obligations of Social security and Medicare. If we stay on the path that your party has us on, we'll be in a mountain range of debt and we're gonna face hard choices.
I went to karate classes where it was basically a line-up of hulking man, hulking man, small nine-year-old girl, hulking man, hulking man.
You must ascend a mountain to learn your relation to matter, and so to your own body, for it is at home there, though you are not.
Along with rising and falling water, winter is the province of wind. When the sea-breath and mountain-roar bend the hemlocks of these hills, the birds hang on as best they can.
A neurotic is a man who builds a castle in the air. A psychotic is the man who lives in it. A psychiatrist is the man who collects the rent.
Whatever you do,strive to do it so well that no man living and no man dead and no man yet to be born could do it any better.
To find a mountain path all by oneself gives a greater feeling of strength than to take a path that is shown.
After an age of leaves and feathers someone dead thought of the mountain as money and cut the trees that were here and the wind and the rain at night. It is hard to say it.
Yet the New Testament treats of man and man's so-called spiritual affairs too exclusively, and is too constantly moral and personal, to alone content me, who am not interested solely in man's religious or moral nature, or in man even.
Who would be a poor man, a beggar man, a thief, if he held a rich man in his hand? — © Jethro Tull
Who would be a poor man, a beggar man, a thief, if he held a rich man in his hand?
I like a mannish man: a man who knows how to talk to and treat a woman - not just a man with muscles.
The thematically related 'Boys Don't Cry' and 'Brokeback Mountain' reinforced the narrative that gays like Mr. Shepard are regularly isolated for cruel and unusual attacks.
Why does a man cry? he wondered. Not like a woman; not for that. Not for sentiment. A man cries over the loss of something, something alive. A man can cry over a sick animal that he knows won't make it. The death of a child: a man can cry for that. But not because things are sad. A man, he thought, cries not for the future or the past but for the present.
A man who is not afraid is not aggressive, a man who has no sense of fear of any kind is really a free, a peaceful man.
Nature ordains that a man should wish the good of every man, whoever he may be, for this very reason that he is a man.
We're not going to ride on Space Mountain and do the Disney thing. Forget Mickey. This is freaking 'Braveheart' and 'Gladiator' stuff that we are trying to will onto other teams.
I have been a wrestler now for 12 years, and now I am reaching this peak at the top of the mountain - WrestleMania.
If a man is not peaceful and non-violent, whichever religion he belongs to, he is not a man! Violence degrades man to a low-degree creature!
Among all researchers who have worked in the African field, I consider myself one of the most fortunate because of the privilege of having been able to study the mountain gorilla.
Sweet were the days when I was all unknown, But when my name was lifted up, the storm Brake on the mountain and I cared not for it. Right well know I that fame is half disfame.
In Switzerland, on a high mountain, not far from Lucerne, there is a lake they call Pilate's Pond, which the Devil has fixed upon as one of the chief residences of his evil spirits.
A woman without a man cannot meet a man, any man, of any age, without thinking, even if it's for a half-second, 'Perhaps this is THE man.
People need to climb the mountain not simple because it is there But because the soulful divinity needs to be mated with the spirit.
Nonfiction writers are the packhorses of literature. We're meant to carry the story. If we can make it up and down the mountain by a reliable if not scenic route, we have delivered. Technique is optional.
The sheer volume of evidence for survival after death is so immense that to ignore it is like standing at the foot of Mount Everest and insisting that you cannot see the mountain.
Man's freedom is lacking if somebody else controls what he needs, for need may result in man's enslavement of man.
Each era has the fatal hubris to believe that it has once and for all climbed to the top of the mountain and can see everything as it is, from the highest and most objective vantage point possible.
There are many winds full of anger, and lust and greed. They move the rubbish around, but the solid mountain of our true nature stays where it's always been.
A man once said when the legend gets bigger than the man, you've lost the man and you have an unrealistic picture.
The things I like to do involve a lot of mental focus, a combination of physical and mental challenge. That is what mountain climbing is.
The traditional doctrine of man and not the measurement of skulls and footprints is the key for the understanding of that anthropos who, despite the rebellion of Promethean man against Heaven from the period of Renaissance and its aftermath, is still the inner man of every man, the reality which no human being can deny wherever and whenever he lives, the imprint of a theomorphic nature which no historical change and transformation can erase completely from the face of that creature called man.
He was reputed one of the wise men that made answer to the question when a man should marry? 'A young man not yet, an elder man not at all.'
The mountain sheep are sweeter, But the valley sheep are fatter. We therefore deemed it meeter To carry off the latter.
We must get to the place of real solitude with Christ. He is our mountain-height and our sea-calm. — © Oswald Chambers
We must get to the place of real solitude with Christ. He is our mountain-height and our sea-calm.
Write me a creature that thinks as well as a man or better than a man, but not like a man.
Stay positive but stay focused. Sometimes things can distract you and you don't want to be distracted on the journey to that mountain top.
The turning point in history will be the moment man becomes aware that the only god of man is man himself.
If one man kills a hundred men, and another man masters himself, the second man is the much greater warrior.
I think a black man, purple man, Martian man can run the country... as long as he does right by the people.
Man has gone long enough, or even too long, without being man enough to face the simple truth that the trouble with man is man.
I felt 'Brokeback Mountain' re-imbued the love story with an authentic and unquestionable series of obstacles that these men faced. I think that's certainly true for 'Carol' as well.
But if they ever saw a sunrise on a mountain morning/Watched those cotton candy clouds roll by/They'd know why I live beneath these Western Skies.
If I was lying on the side of the mountain, dying, would I have any regrets? Yeah. I would regret not making films.
No man ever quite believes in any other man. One may believe in an idea absolutely, but not in a man.
The holy man was the whole man, the man of integrity, who not only tried to change the world, but to live in it as it was. — © Dorothy Day
The holy man was the whole man, the man of integrity, who not only tried to change the world, but to live in it as it was.
The most unhappy thing about conservation is that it is never permanent. Save a priceless woodland or an irreplaceable mountain today, and tomorrow it is threatened from another quarter.
I want to be a man's man - not a kid actor or a glitzy pop star but a no-bullshit leading man.
"Natural" man is always there, under the changeable historical man. We call him and he comes-a little sleepy, benumbed, without his lost form of instinctive hunter, but, after all, still alive. Natural man is first prehistoric man-the hunter.
What has roots as nobody sees, Is taller than trees Up, up it goes, And yet never grows? A mountain.
Man and fascism cannot co-exist. If fascism conquers, man will cease to exist and there will remain only man-like creatures that have undergone an internal transformation. But if man, man who is endowed with reason and kindness, should conquer, then Fascism must perish, and those who have submitted to it will once again become people.
When one man speaks to another man who doesn't understand him, and when a man who's speaking no longer understands, it's metaphysics.
A man after God's own heart is... a man who yearns to please God, a man who desires to grow spiritually, a man who had a heart that obeys.
The very remoteness kindles the imagination of the adventurous hunter. From the top of any mountain the challenge extends far and wide, until the mountains meet the sky.
In the end, the game comes down to one thing: man against man. May the best man win.
For me, it was the right decision to go to United, because going to the top of the mountain was my dream, especially when you come from Eastern Europe, from a small town, and no one's done it before you.
There is no miraculous change that takes place in a boy that makes him a man. He becomes a man by being a man.
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