Top 1200 Moved On Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular Moved On quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
My background is advertising: I moved to New York from London in 1998 to start up the U.S. office of ad agency Bartle Bogle Hegarty.
I'm very moved by Renaissance music, but I still love to play hard rock - though only if it's sophisticated and has some thought behind it.
A strong belief in fate is the worst kind of slavery; on the other hand, there is a comfort in the thought that God will be moved by our prayers. — © Epicurus
A strong belief in fate is the worst kind of slavery; on the other hand, there is a comfort in the thought that God will be moved by our prayers.
As Buddhism moved to the West, one of the big characteristics was the strong place of women. That didn't exist in the countries of origin. It's just a sign of our culture.
I was fairly young when we moved to Santa Fe, but it wasn't long after that I started to figure out who I was, and that entire process took place in this city.
That's one of the reasons I moved to Florida. Of course, the main reason is the weather and the training. But there's more jealousy in Switzerland because it's so little and they don't have so many athletes.
A lot of guys I've seen in my career that played at a high level and were done, they moved on, never thought another day about it.
I moved around a lot when I was a child; two of the houses I grew up in have totally disappeared. One was burnt in a riot, and the other was pulled down.
It's unarguable to say that every one of us has been moved by the beauty of what I have called snapshots, but for photographers they are charms and proverbs, and like lightening or wild strawberries.
After I graduated, I moved to Washington with a packed car and the promise of an eight-week internship at the Daily Caller. Things turned out well.
I don't go digital. I was never good with technology. I didn't have a cellphone until I moved to New York. My gallery was like, 'What? How are we supposed to contact you?'
The outpouring of generosity is overwhelming. People across the Lehigh Valley are moved by the images they are seeing on TV and they want to know how they can help.
I didn't have friends. No one talked to me. I used to go to the Wyndcroft School (nationally recognized for academic excellence) in Pottstown, and when I moved to Wyomissing, I didn't know anybody.
Any normal and fair-minded person would have a perfect right to be concerned if a group of Romanian people suddenly moved in next door. — © Nigel Farage
Any normal and fair-minded person would have a perfect right to be concerned if a group of Romanian people suddenly moved in next door.
The thoughts of those moved by natural human love are almost completely fastened on the beloved, their hearts are filled with passion for it, and their mouths full of its praises.
I never thought about moving to L.A.; I always wanted to be in New York. I moved there, and now I still have a kind of love affair with the city.
Believe it or not, I used to be obsessed with shoes. I have maybe 50 pairs... until I moved to New York, when I realized I couldn't walk anywhere in any of them.
I moved at age 22 to Montana to be able to walk in really wild woods, where the chances of being killed by a bear or mountain lion are not zero.
If we are to find our way across troubled waters, we are better served by the company of those who have built bridges, who have moved beyond despair and inertia.
When I moved to New York, I fell head over heels back into country music and probably 'cause I missed something about Texas.
When I moved back home, I took the initiative to involve my entire family in my career because I didn't find that anyone else was as passionate and thorough.
My mother has been moved out of intensive care and into a private room where she is being kept comfortable. Thank you for your continued support.
After 1945 what happened was rather the opposite: with one major exception boundaries stayed broadly intact and people were moved instead.
I'm still batting away on my politics for the Labour Party. I'm much further to the left of them than I used to be, but that's because they've moved, not me.
I don't think I realized the extremes of my proportions until I moved to Paris. I thought I'd be 'normal' as a model, but actually, even in that world, I was at one end of the spectrum.
The game [football] has moved on a lot but still, ask most players and they will tell you that pre-season isn't their favourite time of the year.
I probably never would have been hired on Broadway had I not moved out to LA and pursued acting and film, which is sad really.
I believe in things that move people, if the audience isn't deeply caught up and moved to either laughter or tears then I don't think it is theater.
Because we moved so much, I was always having to adapt and work out the lay of the land. So I felt envious of those who did not have to try.
I've moved a lot of my students into a high state of mind, but they don't do the things I have shown them how to do. So then, they drop down into a lower stage of attention.
I played for Atletico and Internacional and then moved to Ukraine with Shakhtar Donetsk. My family supported me a lot and I'm very thankful for them.
I joined an improv group in college, which was a lot of fun. After I graduated, I moved to Chicago to try to get into the Second City.
The suit is the polite taming, the socialising, the neutering, of riding and military kit. Those pointless buttons on the cuff were moved from lateral to vertical.
Despite the success cult, men are most deeply moved not by the reaching of the goal but by the grandness of the effort involved in getting there - or failing to get there.
When I was 18, I moved across the ocean just for the opportunity to play for a club that played against Barcelona. So to have the honour of playing for Barca? It was incredible.
When they dumped all these people out of the insane asylums they didn't all go sleep in the street. Some of them moved into suburbia, and started writing postcards to the FCC.
To most Alaskans, Clinton is remembered as being the one individual who has shut Alaska down by vetoing ANWR when we successfully moved it through the Congress.
At the age of 14, I moved across town to Magdalen College School, Oxford, where science played a much larger role in the curriculum. — © Tim Hunt
At the age of 14, I moved across town to Magdalen College School, Oxford, where science played a much larger role in the curriculum.
I feel like I have become a living fossil in the fashion world. Without even noticing it, in my own collection I have moved away from the street style.
You really should be able to feel the higher power of music and be moved by it, rather than listening to me waffle on and having to explain it.
The oldest emotion in the world may be that of being moved; but to describe it-just to name it-must have been like trying to catch something invisible.
I knew I was Yoruba and Nigerian for the first 9 years of my life. I did not become conscious of my color and all that came with it until I moved to the United States with my family.
Just as we are often moved to merriment for no other reason than that the occasion calls for seriousness, so we are correspondingly serious when invited too freely to be amused.
One thing that changed when I moved upstate was that I became interested in different materials. I started making the stone benches because I was seeing rocks.
The striking thing about America is - it's historically, extraordinary unusual, I don't of any other instance - is that productivity of workers and wages have not moved in tandem.
I was 15 when my family moved to Jidda from Britain in 1982. Living in Saudi Arabia was such a shock to my system that I like to say I was traumatized into feminism.
I was born and raised in Queens and moved into the city as a young adult. Then I ended up acting and decided to run off to California.
I can stand at the back of the theater and watch an audience laugh, cry, and be moved by what I do. I can entertain people around the world. It's nice when you can give someone that gift.
When I moved into management, it was all about managing people and keeping them motivated - I didn't use sales metrics to drive my business. Now, everything comes from the numbers.
The Democratic Party has failed us, because we haven't run the progressive platform we've been promised... That's why people have moved their votes to the Republicans.
A democracy is no more than an aristocracy of orators. The people are so readily moved by demagogues that control must be exercised by the government over speech and press.
I did nothing but dramas for seven years in New York. I didn't really start anything comedic until I moved out to L.A. and found The Groundlings. — © Melissa McCarthy
I did nothing but dramas for seven years in New York. I didn't really start anything comedic until I moved out to L.A. and found The Groundlings.
Huge and mighty forms that do not live like living men, moved slowly through the mind by day and were trouble to my dreams.
I got lucky because my dad moved us to Silicon Valley before it really was known worldwide as an important tech hub.
Sound is 50 percent of the movie going experience, and I've always believed audiences are moved and excited by what they hear in my movies at least as much as by what they see.
I was surprised when I finally moved to Boston and the East Coast, to discover that there weren't that many vibraphone players around. And I was the only one playing with four mallets.
One of the reasons we moved to L.A. in the first place [was] so that it was no big deal that I was in show business. We decided if we move[d] to L.A., then everyone in one way or another was involved in it.
Books could be an incredible adventure. I stayed under my blanket and barely moved, and no one would have guessed how my mind raced and my heart soared with stories.
We moved around so much when I was a kid, the place I call home is New Orleans because at least I can remember the names of some of the streets there.
I did a couple of films, I was very lucky at the beginning of my career... and then, I never had another job here for ten years probably and I moved to Europe.
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