Top 1200 Mr Universe Quotes & Sayings - Page 17

Explore popular Mr Universe quotes.
Last updated on October 16, 2024.
I was on the board at my children's school in Phoenix: I was Mr. Daddy Daycare.
Science, with its experiments and logic, tries to understand the order or structure of the universe. Religion, with its theological inspiration and reflection, tries to understand the purpose or meaning of the universe. These two are cross-related. Purpose implies structure, and structure ought somehow to be interpretable in terms of purpose.
If God is the Creator of the entire universe, then it must follow that He is the Lord of the whole universe. No part of the world is outside of His lordship. That means that no part of my life must be outside of His lordship.
We cannot understand what happens in the universe. What is glorious in it is united with what is full of horror. What is full of meaning is united to what is senseless. The spirit of the universe is at once creative and destructive — it creates while it destroys and destroys while it creates, and therefore it remains to us a riddle. And we must inevitably resign ourselves to this.
I now believe that the universe was brought into existence by an infinite Intelligence. I believe that this universe's intricate laws manifest what scientists have called the Mind of God. I believe that life and reproduction originate in a divine Source. Why do I believe this, given that I expounded and defended atheism for more than a half century? The short answer is this: this is the world picture, as I see it, that has emerged from modern science.
A lot of unexpected things do happen on 'Mr. Robot.' — © Sam Esmail
A lot of unexpected things do happen on 'Mr. Robot.'
I, for one, want to see Mr. Cruz as a Supreme Court appointee.
A universe with a God would look quite different from a universe without one. A physics, a biology where there is a God is bound to look different. So the most basic claims of religion are scientific. Religion is a scientific theory.
Loud ringing noises, I've discovered, upset Mr.Peepers.
More than one side? You're Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Jackass!
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington is one of the greatest films of all time.
...the basic stuff of the universe, at its core, is looking like a kind of pure energy that is malleable to human intention and expectation in a way that defies our old mechanistic model of the universe--as though our expectation itself causes our energy to flow out into the world and affect other energy systems.
I pray to the shrine of 'Mr. Show.' It saved sketch comedy.
Mr. [Donald] Trump has every right to say that didn't happen.
Actually, he said Mr. Shawn 'cause he knows better.
When I shall be dead, the principles of which I am composed will still perform their part in the universe, and will be equally useful in the grand fabric, as when they composed this individual creature. The difference to the whole will be no greater betwixt my being in a chamber and in the open air. The one change is of more importance to me than the other; but not more so to the universe.
Hanging is too good for him said Mr. Cruelty. — © John Bunyan
Hanging is too good for him said Mr. Cruelty.
Well, I don't have anything to say to Mr. Sneddon, you know? Nothing at all.
I looked into Mr. Putin's eyes, and I saw three letters, a "K," a "G," and a "B."
In the next few galactic seconds, the fate of the universe will be decided. Life - the ultimate experiment - will either explode into space, and engulf the star-clouds in a fire storm of children, trees, and butterfly wings; or Life will fail, fizzle, and gutter out, leaving the universe shrouded forever in impenetrable blankness, devoid of hope.
Mr. Trump is unfit for our nation's highest office.
I played a biker in one of my earliest films in Telugu, 'Mr Perfect.'
Faith is believing that the universe is on our side, and that the universe knows what it's doing. Faith is a psychological awareness of an unfolding force for good, constantly at work in all dimensions. Our attempts to direct this force only interferes with it. Our willingness to relax into it allows it to work on our behalf.
Mr. Trump understands the value of digital operations.
When you speak directly at things and don't say you're going to try to do something or that you hope to do something, the universe will work with you. Think about it this way - a boomerang goes out and comes back to you if you throw it. If you throw it out at the universe, it will come back down to you on Earth.
Nothing is the matter with Mr. Gore except that he can't be elected.
Watches are the only jewelry men can wear, unless you're Mr. T.
For how smart we think we are, how facile with words, we don't have a word for this feeling, the feeling of being blessed by belonging. If the universe is an unfolding bud, then I am a part of its creative surge, along with the flowing of water and the growing of pines. I can find a kind of camaraderie in this universe, once I recover from the astonishment of it. Or maybe not camaraderie exactly. What is the opposite of loneliness?
It's just a weird idea to me because each book is a complete universe unto itself, so why would I want this other universe from this other galaxy that has nothing to do with mine? That's how I really feel about it. Let's be honest - I'm still the writer, so certain things will be common denominators. But that I just want to keep natural and not studied.
Mr President, I have decided not to speak the entire speech which I have.
IT is reported of Margaret Fuller that she said she accepted the universe. "Gad, she'd better!" retorted Carlyle. Carlyle himself did not accept the universe in a very whole-hearted manner. Looking up at the midnight stars, he exclaimed: "A sad spectacle! If they be inhabited, what a scope for misery and folly; if they be not inhabited, what a waste of space!"
The universe gives birth to consciousness, and consciousness gives meaning to the universe.
I don't think Mr. Putin has our best interests at heart.
I think a scientist's job is to explore the Universe, to explore the cosmos around us. People always want to know - why is that useful? Well, on just pure fundamental grounds, on some level it's like art, it's like umm, music, it's aesthetics, it's like philosophy. You want to know where you are in the Universe.
Maybe there's a whole other universe where a square moon rises in the sky, and the stars laugh in cold voices, and some of the triangles have four sides, and some have five, and some have five raised to the fifth power of sides. In this universe there might grow roses which sing. Everything leads to everything.
Spontaneous combustion IS a form of harm, Mr. D," Chiron put in.
Mr. Morgan buys his partners; I grow my own.
I don't gotta walk around like Mr. Macho Man.
Mr. Wagner has beautiful moments but bad quarters of an hour.
Mr. Frazier makes me laugh out loud.
The soundtrack for 'Mr. Fraud' is classical with a decent level of fusion. — © Gopi Sundar
The soundtrack for 'Mr. Fraud' is classical with a decent level of fusion.
Zach. You can only call me Mr. Quinn when you're angry.
I'm not Mr. Mom, but there's just certain things I won't say anymore.
I am certainly not politically affiliated with Mr. Obama.
Mr. McMahon the character is a very effective heel.
I hope I can do a better job than Mr. Bettman.
Imagination is a tree. It has the integrative virtues of a tree. It is root and boughs. It lives between earth and sky. It lives in the earth and the wind. The imagined tree imperceptibly becomes a cosmological tree, the tree which epitomises a universe, which makes a universe.
I think Mr. Trump and Paul Ryan have a lot in common.
I am very excited about playing for Mr. Ballmer.
I chose the name Pi because it's an irrational number (one with no discernable pattern). Yet scientists use this irrational number to come to a "rational" understanding of the universe. To me, religion is a bit like that, "irrational" yet with it we come together we come to a sound understanding of the universe.
Mr Tony Hopkins says he's willing to do it if he likes the script.
Mr. that boy couldn't hit the ground if he fell out of an airplane. — © Casey Stengel
Mr. that boy couldn't hit the ground if he fell out of an airplane.
I think Mr. Wilson will have to be the rest of the way alone.
I got fascinated by the idea that our universe itself is comprised mostly of dark matter and dark energy. Things that we can't perceive at all, and we've only discovered that relatively recently. So it's almost as if our universe is the foam on the ocean of things that we can't see, or know, or perceive, and yet we feel the affects of those things right and left.
The little things are important, Mr. Wind-Up Bird.
I'm the type of guy who likes to be there 24-7. I'm Mr. Roses.
Writing and creating, those things come to me on their own. I feel like... you sort of summon them and it's like allowing the universe to enter your heart in an entirely different way to what it normally does. It's like inviting that energy of the universe to enter into your craft in a way where it has a meaning.
I think every girl is looking for her Mr. Darcy.
What am I now, Alai?" "Still good." "At what?" "At--anything. There's a million soldiers who'd follow you to the end of the universe." "I don't want to go to the end of the universe." "So where do you want to go? They'll follow you." I want to go home, thought Ender, but I don't know where it is.
"It wasn't the wine," murmured Mr. Snodgrass, in a broken voice. "It was the salmon."
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