Top 1200 Mum Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular Mum quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
I really thought I couldn't be a mum. We had tried several times with IVF,, and it hadn't worked and we'd given up in a way. We both thought, 'You know what, that's that. It's not going to happen - let's move on.'
I love being in London, where I live, for the shops, the bars and the clubs - but I equally enjoy going to my mum's house in Ayrshire and being able to sit on a cliff by the sea.
All I'm saying is that sooner of later, you'll have to come to terms with yourself. You can't wish away the vampire in you, and you shouldn't keep atoning for it. You should figure out who you are and what you need, and then don't apologize for it. Not to me, to your mum, or to anyone.
My mum took me to the ballet at three, and that was the only time I sat still, with jaw open, mesmerised. She brought me home, and I wouldn't stop dancing. — © Emma Rigby
My mum took me to the ballet at three, and that was the only time I sat still, with jaw open, mesmerised. She brought me home, and I wouldn't stop dancing.
Because we had no money when I was growing up, when I started dancing, I wasn't allowed to be frivolous - my mum made me go to every lesson because she was paying for it.
I started off when I was seven years old doing musicals. I was in ‘Les Miserables’ and ‘The Sound of Music,’ and my mum’s an actress. My parents divorced when I was young, and when she couldn’t find a babysitter, I was in the wings, sleeping.
When I was young, I went with my mum to see some really random independent films, which really spoke to me: 'My Beautiful Laundrette,' 'Secrets and Lies'... It wasn't all arthouse, though!
The Bake Off' taps into nostalgic feelings about your mum baking in the kitchen. It's a big ruddy comfort blanket, and you get attached to the bakers. It also genuinely has a good heart.
The truth is, it was my Nanna and Grandad who helped me get over my mum's death. Surrounding me with infinite, unquestioning love, they were classic kinship carers.
In Madrid, there's a big street in the centre called Callao. I remember being there with my mum and pointing to one of the big film posters and saying, 'I want to be up there.' That was my dream, and I got it.
When my dad was still playing, he was away for five years on and off, so it just used to be me and my mum at home until my little brother came along when I was five.
I started off when I was seven years old doing musicals. I was in 'Les Miserables' and 'The Sound of Music,' and my mum's an actress. My parents divorced when I was young, and when she couldn't find a babysitter, I was in the wings, sleeping.
My dad actually makes the best cookies. My mum is great baker, too, but doesn't share them - it's tantalising! Luckily for me though, my dad shares his!
Being a mum has made me a lot more responsible, it's not just me anymore. But it's also brought me the most joy ever! — © Nicole Appleton
Being a mum has made me a lot more responsible, it's not just me anymore. But it's also brought me the most joy ever!
I have a friend called James who is in his 40s and he's still not allowed to swear in front of his mum. I find it strange that you can't be yourself and be open with the one person who brought you into this world.
I bought everyone in my family a car, I bought my mum a convertible Mercedes. I bought a studio at a ridiculous cost - just insane.
My mum always had fun on shoots, but afterwards, she would pick us up from school and make dinner. I had a pretty normal childhood.
I remember watching 'EastEnders' as a kid with my mum, and even my dad would be gripped by the odd episode. So to think I would be part of the show was a strange feeling at first.
I don't get to go home as much as I used to, which is a shame. But I don't mind because my mum moved over to London to look after me. I rented her a house just around the corner.
My whole childhood, I'd been dreaming of this two-point-four children, living in the country - everything was just going to fall into place, and I'd be this perfect mum. And it didn't happen. I was very shocked and disappointed.
I remember when 'Grease' came out, I used to force my mum to try and grease my hair back, and it was never long enough, and literally I'd be screaming at her, 'Do it. Just do it!'.
I can definitely tell when mum has got money because then she likes to go shopping to spend it, whereas dad is steadier and avoids splurges. I like to think I've inherited both sides.
My dad never decided what he wanted to do; at times he fought in the army, was a teacher, a boxer, a light engineer, and a then a publican. My mum was a traditional housewife and mother. They showed my brother and I unconditional love.
If somebody says, 'That's Elon's mum,' which happens quite a bit, they are usually stunned; sometimes they cry. I'm flattered because, I mean, to them, he's saving the world. They just feel he's the only hope.
My father, Anthony, was a textile agent who sold fabric in the West End and was away a lot. He was very glamorous. When he first met my mum, he swept her off into this big, social world.
When I was 15 I went to live with my aunt and uncle instead of my mum, for money reasons. It was a huge shock to my system, suddenly living with six people rather than one. Hopefully it changed me for the better.
My mum says I was the best kid ever; you could put me in a corner with a box of paints and I'd be happy for hours. They'd say, 'Lynne, Lynne,' and I wouldn't hear them.
I don't want to be a great chief executive without being a great mum and a great wife.
I want to be the best mum and I want everything to be perfect - I want a fairy tale really.
I'm terrified of flying and have tried everything from prescription drugs to booze and herbal remedies. The only thing that works is Valium. I don't know why I'm so frightened - I think it's from seeing my mum freak out when I was young.
So my mum bought a jacuzzi, and I was in there along with my father and my sister, when my mother decided it would be the ideal moment to say - 'Guess what everyone in this jacuzzi has in common? You've all sucked on my tits.'
I was born into the business, literally. My mum was seven months pregnant with me before she realized it, so she kept wrestling like normal up to that point.
What I've learnt is to be in the now. It's something my mum has always said to me, and when I read a book called 'The Power of Now' by Eckhart Tolle, I realised just how important it is.
That was the toughest thing I ever had to do: tell my son that his mum was gone. I was a bachelor living on the beach, but I had to pull it together very quick for my boy.
Mum and dad thought I was going to say I was pregnant. I said oh no, no, I've just been nominated for a Golden Globe. They were like, oh that's lovely, love.
Yes I'm a TV presenter and a mum and a wife and all those things, but as much as I love a duvet day with my family, I also like rockclimbing and getting dressed up for a glamorous evening now and then.
Our house was always full of friends and family and we would all sit down to enjoy my mum's Caribbean food, which was always a generous and shared experience.
My most treasured item is the brown leather bag that my mum bought me from a little Italian shop for my 21st. It's supposed to be a vanity bag, but I use it as a handbag.
My mum and dad used to listen to a lot of R&B and soul, so this was the way I grew up. Hip-hop, of course. But then as I grew older, I started listening to everything. — © Kevin-Prince Boateng
My mum and dad used to listen to a lot of R&B and soul, so this was the way I grew up. Hip-hop, of course. But then as I grew older, I started listening to everything.
It would be nice if I did have a good relationship with my family, and yes, part of me longs to have a mum and dad who love and accept me for who I am. But if they never do, it's OK.
My mum came to the set of my second movie 'Connie and Carla,' and she had made food for the whole cast, including mini bun cakes with little flowers sticking out of each one.
When I think back to my childhood, it's with a mixture of amusement and embarrassment. I was always forgetting things. My mum called me scatty because I could never sit still. But there was no sense I was suffering from a medical condition as such.
I was a simple girl born and raised in Kansas, I grew up with a learning disability. I was a single mum, and I definitely struggled in a male dominated world. But you need to allow yourself those moments to cry.
I have scary eyes. I look like the guy in 'American History X,' yes. I remember coming home from school and asking my mum if I could get an eye transplant, and of course she declined.
A special thank you must go to my mum and dad and entire family for your unwavering support. It means so much for them to have followed and watched nearly all my games, sharing my highs and lows.
I grew up in a small holding in Staffordshire near Tamworth, and we had a few ponies and chickens, ducks and dogs and my mum used to do horse-riding lessons, but we moved to Birmingham when I was 13.
It's important for me to treat a girlfriend with respect. My mum would be horrified if I behaved any differently - and I have sisters, and would hate for them to be treated badly by guys.
Raw parsley makes me gag. It's the same for my mum and my sister. Which is funny because apparently parsley was used to suffocate witches, back in the day.
If an artist knows you have respect for their talent - which I have to feel to my core, to sign them - they know that you're in their corner. That doesn't mean you have to be 'mum' on everything; it doesn't mean you can't raise your voice.
When I was younger, my mum used to dress me in, like, lime green leggings with a matching neon jumper and hair scrunch, so I'd say I've definitely progressed since then in terms of style.
I would love to bring my mum to see me in shows and travel Europe with me because she has done so, so much for me. — © Andreja Pejic
I would love to bring my mum to see me in shows and travel Europe with me because she has done so, so much for me.
You hear horror stories about scary mothers who just want their kids to be famous. I could be waitressing in a restaurant, and my mum would be happy as long as I was happy.
I think the first album I bought was The Jackson Five, but the first CD I was given was 'Cotton-Eyed Joe,' the single! Bless my mum - don't know what she was thinkin'!
I grew up conservative because my mum was a conservative, and when I finally realized what conservatives were, I changed my mind immediately. As children, we tend to copy our parents.
The best thing my mum and dad ever did for me was keeping me at home and giving me time to find my feet.
I grew up being called Eamonn-Martin-Dermott-Declan because I was the youngest of the boys and Mum would go through all their names first before she got to mine.
My mum literally drives into Skid Row every day and manages teams that are assembled to walk around and engage with usually chronically homeless people and try to get them into permanent housing.
My mum always reminds me to trust my instincts. If a project doesn't feel right and doesn't excite me, it's likely it won't help me to get to where I want to be.
Mum bought our dinners from Bejams, a frozen food centre. We had a huge chest freezer, back in the 70s and we filled it chockablock with frozen stuff.
My background's Arab and I'm quite fiery, stubborn and used to shouting and expressing myself quite loudly, and Inez and I have our little fall-outs as mum and daughters do.
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