Top 1200 Musical Quotes & Sayings - Page 16

Explore popular Musical quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
I came from the Philippines and Filipinos are incredibly musical. I mean the best cover bands in the world come from Manila!
I've always been really artistic. I went to an all-girls private Catholic school, and one of their biggest things was musical theater.
I think The Czars had an identity crisis, as we were five guys pulling in different musical directions. — © John Grant
I think The Czars had an identity crisis, as we were five guys pulling in different musical directions.
High School Musical is definitely the best thing that's happened to my career and I walked away with great friends from it.
I'm always thinking 'how can I blend something?' whether it's musical instruments, voices, or the people around me.
Some men are like musical glasses; to produce their finest tones you must keep them wet.
I love the intimacy of making movies. The focus is deeper and much more intense than musical theatre.
If anything, there is something quite musical in Shakespeare's heightened use of language and the way he shapes his speech.
I marched back then - I was in a civil-rights musical, Fly Blackbird, and we met Martin Luther King.
The hardest thing about a musical is making sure everybody is working on the same damn show. That is the monster.
Swavey is a musical genre that I came up with to describe artists who are too talented to stay in a box with their music.
It is quite amazing how K-pop has developed over the years. This genre has so many musical components that it has no limitations.
But I wish they would make a musical of some kind. I miss musicals so much. You don't see them anymore. — © Dick Van Dyke
But I wish they would make a musical of some kind. I miss musicals so much. You don't see them anymore.
I've done quite a few records now, and I look back and think of them as documents of my musical journey.
In the past, once a movie musical was made, it was believed that you were left with that version, good or bad, for posterity.
My musical taste has always been wide. I started out as a folky before I moved on to blues and soul.
For anyone that's ever had a musical breakthrough in their career, it's always followed by the departure period right after.
From my opinion, 'geisha' means a woman skilled in the arts. Like dancing, singing and playing musical instruments.
What I loved with Billie Holiday is she had a good way of parlaying the sorrow with a positive musical twist.
I have been whistling songs from childhood. I suppose it compensated for a lack of singing voice and satisfied my musical appetite.
I do think that there is an almost more old fashioned mentality to the way musical theatre people and actresses especially are treated.
One of the reasons I got into musical theater was Anthony Warlow. I was obsessed with the 'Jekyll and Hyde' concept album because of him.
Work on good prose has three steps: a musical stage when it is composed, an architectonic one when it is built, and a textile one when it is woven.
I find it difficult to fully enjoy musical theatre songs if I don't know the storyline of the show they are from as well as the context.
I believe in using the entire piano as a single instrument capable of expressing every possible musical idea.
'High School Musical' is definitely the best thing that's happened to my career and I walked away with great friends from it.
The good news is that 'High School Musical' seems to be getting a lot of youngsters excited about theater.
Have we not all about us forms of a musical expression which we can take and purify and raise to the level of great art?.
I had no musical or athletic ability, and I wasnt particularly good looking. Comedy was something I could do for attention.
After I retired and came off the road, I gathered up all my musical instruments and suddenly, I wanted them all to be perfect.
I think it's good to have an old fashioned musical as well as new musicals. There's a lot of room for different shows.
I realised that if I wanted to carry on with my musical dreams, I had to change, so I started meditating, and I changed my life entirely.
I'd taken, like, maybe some African dance classes a couple of times, but I wasn't a musical theater person at all.
Sometimes I start just on the piano with a melody or musical idea that kind of leads me to certain lyrics.
Denied dancing and musical instruments, slaves expressed a hidden tradition of musicality and poetics by tongue and signal.
I want to set up a music school for the needy who cannot afford musical education so that they can realize their dreams.
It is somewhat remarkable that Cornwall has produced no musical genius of any note, and yet the Cornishman is akin to the Welshman and the Irishman.
I was always looking for evidence of these common musical roots, but I was too young to know that what I was doing was called ethnomusicology. — © Taj Mahal
I was always looking for evidence of these common musical roots, but I was too young to know that what I was doing was called ethnomusicology.
For years, Ono's work - musical and otherwise - was, in large part, dismissed and derided; at best, it was often misunderstood.
Slowly poetry becomes visual because it paints images, but it is also musical: it unites two arts into one.
I didn't know a single musical soundtrack, really, growing up. Nobody listened to musicals. That wasn't a thing I did.
There was a period in my life where most of my musical career was spent in a band that was very aggressive, and there was sort of a wall of volume all the time.
I totally love to act. I don't care if it's a musical, a comedy. I just like to work and interact with other people.
And then there stole into my fancy, like a rich musical note, the thought of what sweet rest there must be in the grave.
I grew up in a very musical family, my father was a musician and a big band leader and made records.
The musical stuff I'd go up for was always funny, sexy, tough-as-nails, heart-of-gold characters.
Detroit's a great music town. If your interaction with it was mainly musical, I'm sure you have a good opinion of the place.
I started off in musical theater, yeah. It was one of my first jobs; it was in Spring Awakening in London, which was amazing. — © Jamie Blackley
I started off in musical theater, yeah. It was one of my first jobs; it was in Spring Awakening in London, which was amazing.
I'm mostly a keep-to-myself kind of guy, but you slowly find yourself getting folded into the musical tapestry.
Must one become seventy years old to recognize that one's greatest strength lies in creating musical kitsch?
People who try to create a musical revolution do not have a chance, but those who turn their back to music can sometimes find it.
Woody is so musical in his filmmaking. I've never worked with anyone I've trusted so completely. He won't let you hit a false note.
Jazz is a democratic musical form. We take our respective instruments & collectively create a thing of beauty.
I thought it would be nice to marry Virgil [Thomson] to have a musical background, but I never got far with the project.
Piano was - well, all musical instruments were taught in this very rigid, formal, classical method when I was young.
Anyone I have musical chemistry with, I recruit, and we do shows and create drum kits together and make tunes for the SoundCloud.
I combine aspects of many styles of music and create my own musical forms by way of electronic instruments.
Nature is an aeolian harp, a musical instrument whose tones are the re-echo of higher strings within us.
In the world of musical theatre, if everyone says it's a good idea, you wonder why nobody has done it before.
I didn't know every day I would be discussing the tone of my voice with my wife. I thought it was a marriage. Apparently, it's a musical.
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