Top 286 Nap Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Nap quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
I eat really healthy, and if I'm tired, I take a nap.
I took a little celebrational nap.
I have had moments where I've felt like, 'I'm going to feel a little guilty if I don't put the baby down for her nap today, but I really need to go to that spin class. And that's good for my health and my mental well-being, so I think the nanny can put her down for her nap, and I'm going to be OK with that.'
Figure out what to do, then take a nap. — © Adam Carolla
Figure out what to do, then take a nap.
I love an afternoon nap.
I can nap with hustle and bustle around me; I can nap quietly all by myself. It's something I've always been good at.
I usually take a two-hour nap from one to four.
Humans can't live in the present, like animals do. Humans are always thinking about the future or the past. So it's a veil of tears, man. I don't know anything that's going to benefit me now, except love. I just need an overwhelming amount of love. And a nap. Mostly a nap.
It was around 4 p.m. in the afternoon. I was just taking a nap. Luckily, my sister was home.
Bad news should be followed with soup. Then a nap.
I take a nap in the afternoons, and I'm in bed at 9 P.M. It's a struggle sometimes.
If you're going to nap, make sure you have a proper chunk of time blocked out. I'm not one of these guys that does the 15-20 minute nap. I don't play those games. I'm, like, an hour minimum. I'm not gonna lay down unless I know I have at least an hour.
I love being able to take a nap in the afternoon.
I don't have a power nap when I have training. I take it so I am fresh again for the next session. — © Jurgen Klopp
I don't have a power nap when I have training. I take it so I am fresh again for the next session.
After practice, I would have to go back to the dorm and take a nap.
I'm the nap champion.
Take a nap Making the mountain water Pound the rice.
I take a two hour nap between 1PM and 3PM.
Sleep is important; I try and get about 9 hours if I can at night, but I don't tend to nap during the day.
I like a lot of things about yoga - its an intro to good music; with each good teacher you study with, you learn a lot about them personally; it's not just about specific technique or poses. I also like Shavasana - not too many exercise routines let you nap at the end of them. You don't see nap pods in CrossFit gyms.
No day is so bad that it can not be fixed by a good nap.
There is more refreshment and stimulation in a nap, even of the briefest, than in all the alcohol ever distilled.
A nap is not to be confused with sleeping. We sleep to recharge our bodies. We nap to care for our souls. When we nap, we are resting our eyes while our imaginations soar. Getting ready for the next round. Sorting, sifting, separating the profound from the profane, the possible from the improbable. Rehearsing our acceptance speech for the Nobel Prize, our surprise on receiving the MacArthur genius award. This requires a prone position. If we're lucky, we might drift off, but we won't drift far. Just far enough to ransom our creativity from chaos.
Tigerkit was nagging his mother. "Why can't I go out?" "You've just come in." "But it's a sunny day." "You need a nap." "I'm not tired." "You will be later." "I'll sleep then." "But you'll be grumpy all afternoon if you don't nap now." "No, I won't." "Yes, you will.
Believe me, that nap is better than sitting there for three hours and nothing's coming. I've learned that even if I've slept nine hours and I just finished breakfast, if I feel sleepy when I'm in front of that computer, I'll take a nap. And it really does help.
I have a hard time getting past the day without the nap, so the nap is a must.
Loki," I said. "Hey, Princess." He smiled dazedly as he looked up at me. "What's wrong?" "Nothing." I smiled and shook my head. "Not anymore." "What's this?" He took my hair and held it out so i could see. A curl near the front had gone completely silver. "I take a nap, and you go gray?" "You didn't take a nap." I laughed. "Don't you remember what happened?" He furrowed his brow, trying to remember, and understanding flashed in his eyes. "I remember..." Loki touched my face. "I remember that I love you." I bent down, kissing him full on the mouth, and he held me to him.
I don't sleep. I nap.
It's about getting the kids up and fed, getting one to school, getting the other down for a nap, going to the grocery store, picking one up from school, getting the other one down for another nap, cooking dinner... I live my life at these two extremes. I'm either a full-time stay-at-home mom or a full-time actress.
My biggest thrill in life is to read in the afternoon until I fall asleep and take a nap.
There is always time for a nap.
It's hard to nap on Saturday or the weekends.
I'm going to beat Alexis Davis then take a nap
I'm a great napper. I nap in a lot of places.
No day is so bad it can't be fixed with a nap.
It's hard to put into words. Gorillas are not complainers. We're dreamers, poets, philosophers, nap takers.
After listening to "Machine Gun" I have to take a nap.
All life is a nap. The more naps you take the better.
Sometimes I try to take a nap before shows. That clears my head. — © Louis C. K.
Sometimes I try to take a nap before shows. That clears my head.
A power nap, is when you sleep on someone who's weaker than you
Hockey is the only job I know where you get paid to have a nap on the day of the game.
I usually sleep ten to eight hours per night. I sometimes also have a nap in the afternoon.
Have you ever noticed how a cat stretches after a nap? We can learn from watching animals.
I never take a nap after dinner but when I have had a bad night, and then the nap takes me.
I never wanted to nap. I was always mature for my age. I wanted to put on a dress and look cute. Everyone else can nap, but I'm going to be a princess over here!
It's funny because everyone says you sleep when baby sleeps or you take a nap when baby takes a nap. That's true when you have one. When you have two, that is not true.
Sometimes you need to give dishes a nap.
The most exciting thing either of us does is nap.
I catnap now and then, but I think while I nap, so it's not a waste of time. — © Martha Stewart
I catnap now and then, but I think while I nap, so it's not a waste of time.
If you try to go for a big two-hour nap, you get groggy. You wanna just nap, like close your eyes a little bit and then just fall asleep for a little bit and then get up. Then be like, "okay, I'm up."
Some people, when desperate, retreat to pills or hard liquor. I nap.
Take a nap in a fireplace and you'll sleep like a log.
Let's begin by taking a smallish nap or two.
I got an extra hour's nap.
I definitely would rather take a nap than get angry.
What I recommend is this: after you've talked to everybody, go take a nap! Take a nap. Your body really needs to sleep. It's like washing your face. If you can't afford a three-hour nap, do a one-hour nap. If you can't afford a one-hour nap, do half an hour. If you can't afford half an hour, do fifteen minutes.
Let me tell you about the nap. It's absolutely fantastic. When I was a kid, my father was always trying to tell me how to be a man. And he said - I was maybe nine - he said, 'Philip, whenever you take a nap, take your clothes off and put a blanket over you, and you're going to sleep better.' Well, as with everything, he was right.
I totally take back all those times I didn't want to nap when I was younger. - T-SHIRT
When you can't figure out what to do, it's time for a nap.
The replenishing thing that comes with a nap - you end up with two mornings in a day.
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