Top 1200 Natural Disaster Quotes & Sayings - Page 9

Explore popular Natural Disaster quotes.
Last updated on December 19, 2024.
Success and glory are in the advance, disaster and shame lurk in the rear.
Regime change is not within that purview. And that has been an all-out disaster.
It seems evident that everything which exists in nature, is natural, no matter how simple or complicated a phenomenon it is; and on no occasion can the so-called 'supernatural' be anything else than a completely natural law, though it may, at the moment, be above and beyond the present understanding.
Trusting our intuition often saves us from disaster. — © Anne Wilson Schaef
Trusting our intuition often saves us from disaster.
Success and failure, triumph and disaster. That is the rhythm of life in the garden.
The natural world is the only one we have. To try to not see the natural world - to put on blinders and avoid seeing it - would for me seem like a form of madness. I'm also interested in the way landscape shapes individuals and populations, and from that, cultures.
I can tell you that a carbon tax will be a total economic disaster.
The production of natural resources in agriculture, forestry and fisheries, stable natural hydrological cycles, fertile soils, a balanced climate and numerous other vital ecosystem services can only be permanently secured through the protection and sustainable use of biological diversity.
I was sent to sleepover camp since I was 6, and you know, it's a recipe for disaster.
If the economy becomes disembodied from society it can only lead to disaster.
If some appalling disaster befalls, there's Always a way for the rich.
I don't think that swearing or gratuitous violence or sex make a show better. I just think there are natural rhythms to a human being in these situations, and what happens in these situations that cable allows is a natural reaction.
Monotheism is easily the greatest disaster to befall the human race.
Not to follow the dharma leads to disaster. Life will be unhappy. — © Frederick Lenz
Not to follow the dharma leads to disaster. Life will be unhappy.
If you over-react to a crisis legislatively it generally ends in disaster.
You can't live someone else's expectations in life. It's a recipe for disaster.
When you have the worst disaster in American history, you've got to be attuned to expectations,.
The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
The child learns so easily because he has a natural gift, but adults, because they are tyrants, ignore natural gifts and say that children must learn through the same process that they learned by. We insist upon forced mental feeding and our lessons
The ocean will take care of this on its own if it was left alone and left out there. It's natural. It's as natural as the ocean water is.
I cannot get any sense of an enemy - only of a disaster.
Music is a great natural high and a great natural escape.
Even if we can agree that some things are natural and some are not, what follows from this? The answer is: nothing. There is no factual reason to suppose that what is natural is good (or at least better) and what is unnatural is bad (or at least worse).
Natural inclinations are present in things from God, who moves all things. So it is impossible for the natural inclinations of a species to be toward evil in itself. But there is in all perfect animals a natural inclination toward carnal union. Therefore it is impossible for carnal union to be evil in itself.
Natural resources have dropped out of the competitive equation. In fact, a lack of natural resources may even be an advantage. Because the industries we are competing for - the industries of the future - are all based on brainpower.
Because America is the Saudi Arabia of natural gas. We have the world's largest reserves of natural gas, and the world's most sophisticated production and storage facilities, by a wide margin.
My life is neither a disaster nor supernatural, yet it is an unlikely event.
Only disaster can follow divided counsels and opposing wills.
The middle of every successful project looks like a disaster.
God's interventions are miracles: events that cannot happen by merely natural agents but only by a supernatural agent. They no more interfere with our free will than natural events like earthquakes. We choose how to respond to them.
Celebrity Big Brother' was, for me, a disaster waiting to happen.
If I put on a tie and play what I really think I am, I'm a disaster.
When politics is elevated over business, economic disaster follows.
Success is the ability to continue to move through total disaster.
The economics profession advances by one confusing financial disaster at a time.
The liberal reward of labor, therefore, as it is the necessary effect, so it is the natural symptom of increasing national wealth. The scanty maintenance of the laboring poor, on the other hand, is the natural symptom that things are at a stand, and their starving condition that they going backwards fast.
Disaster appears, to crush one man now, but afterward another.
Do not try to play politics using the health of the public during a disaster.
Sometimes disaster is our teacher. I don't welcome it, but if it comes, there is something to be learned from it. — © Leslie Parrish
Sometimes disaster is our teacher. I don't welcome it, but if it comes, there is something to be learned from it.
The man does better who runs from disaster than he who is caught by it.
The forest fires are the worst disaster in California since I was elected.
They say I'm a natural, I have natural charisma. People say that. I don't know.
Theatre is a series of insurmountable obstacles on the road to imminent disaster.
When you frack a well, you're exploding methane up into the atmosphere. So, Barack Obama, by supporting natural gas, and also talking about climate change is literally burning his own inaugural address. And he's doing it with natural gas.
The 'environmental left' tells us that, though we have natural resources like natural gas and oil and coal, and though we can feed the world, we should keep those things in the ground, put up fences, and be about prohibition.
Ours is a representative republic with a Constitution in which is recognized the natural law and the natural rights of man. It is a republic with a spiritual foundation characterized by freedom - freedom for the individual and for his society.
Disaster can take a nation by surprise, slowly, and then all at once.
I am a PR disaster because I talk too much.
Wikipedia only works in practice. In theory, it's a total disaster. — © Sue Gardner
Wikipedia only works in practice. In theory, it's a total disaster.
There is a tomorrow after a disaster, and it's sometimes hard to remember that in the midst of it.
The Obama foreign policy, in broad strokes, has been a disaster.
The credit of success is claimed by all, while a disaster is attributed to one alone.
The most significant indicator that there is no disaster in Iraq is the fact that there is no exodus.
Famine and disaster, right there in front of you, and the more you watch, the less you do.
The contours of the coming disaster expanded to include the deaths of all present.
I would always treat my attacking game as the more natural part. With defence, you have to get yourself in positions to understand the game and understand situations and that might not be as natural a thing.
I think it's one of the most natural things for any human to do is to be able to run because it's that flight or fight reaction you have. You either fight or you run away. It's just a natural way for us to move.
Obviously, it's my goal to be the top scorer in the Bundesliga, but it wouldn't be a disaster if I didn't achieve that.
Nothing like a little disaster for sorting things out.
There's always a little bit of heaven, even in a disaster area.
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