Top 1200 Natural Healing Quotes & Sayings - Page 14

Explore popular Natural Healing quotes.
Last updated on December 19, 2024.
I have a playlist on YouTube of guided meditations, I have meditation books, my crystals and crystal sound-healing bowl.
We need aggressive healing, a strong voice that will continue to understand that diversity is our strength.
He believes that words can be a powerful healing tool if used with loving intention, to uplift, encourage and inspire. — © John McLeod
He believes that words can be a powerful healing tool if used with loving intention, to uplift, encourage and inspire.
Grief can have a quality of profound healing because we are forced to a depth of feeling that is usually below the threshold of awareness.
The creative, loving-something life is also the healthy one. There is healing and protection in doing what makes you happy.
Reiki has become a sought-after healing art among patients and mainstream medical professionals.
Healing comes when our story is raw, bone-deep and full of hunger for what only Jesus can offer.
Some praise the Lord for Light, The living spark; I thank God for the Night The healing dark.
People will say, "You're never going to convince me that something as complicated as an eye could come about by sheer chance." And the answer is that natural selection is the very opposite of sheer chance. Natural selection is a non-random process.
A lone peak of high point is a natural focal point in the landscape, something by which both travelers and local orient themselves. In the continuum of landscape, mountains are discontinuity -- culminating in high points, natural barriers, unearthly earth.
Creative energy is the essence of all healing...We physicians do nothing, we only help and encourage the physician within.
We put great confidence in the Holy Rosary for the healing of evils which afflict our times.
You slammed my face down on the barbecue grill, now my scars are all healing, but my heart never will. — © Al Yankovic
You slammed my face down on the barbecue grill, now my scars are all healing, but my heart never will.
Through Duke Energy's strong balance sheet and electric generation expertise, and Piedmont's understanding of natural gas markets and proficient operations, the combined company will be well-positioned for a future that may require additional natural gas infrastructure and services to meet the needs of our customers.
...the era of cheap oil and natural gas is coming to a crashing end, with global oil production projected to peak in 2010 and North American natural gas extraction rates already in decline. These events will have enormous implications for America's petroleum-dependent food system
Writing is a fearsome but grand vocation—potentially healing but likewise deadly. I wouldn’t trade my life for the world.
An exchange of empathy provides an entry point for a lot of people to see what healing feels like.
Existence is movement. Action is movement. Existence is defined by the rhythm of forces in natural balance. (...) It is our appreciation for dance that allows us to see clearly the rhythms of nature and to take natural rhythm to a plane of well-organised art and culture.
I can no more explain why I like "natural history" than why I like California canned peaches; nor why I do not care for that enormous brand of natural history which deals with invertebrates any more than why I do not care for brandied peaches. All I can say is that almost as soon as I began to read at all I began to like to read about the natural history of beasts and birds and the more formidable or interesting reptiles and fishes.
I'm a fan of homeopathy, acupuncture and spiritual healing. In Australia, this is not weird, but when I arrived in the U.K., everyone thought I was a freak.
All that man needs for health and healing has been provided by God in nature, the Challenge of science is to find it.
Throughout the industrial era, economists considered manufactured capital - money, factories, etc. - the principal factor in industrial production, and perceived natural capital as a marginal contributor. The exclusion of natural capital from balance sheets was an understandable omission. There was so much of it, it didn't seem worth counting.
Coming to terms with the fear of death is conducive to healing, positive personality transformation, and consciousness evolution.
When we’re courageous enough to be with what scares us, we can awaken our intuition and create a new path for healing.
I believe in the healing restorative power of art and communication. And so that's probably my rule. But that doesn't apply to bedtimes. And stuff like that.
There is a light in this world, a healing spirit more powerful than any darkness we may encounter.
Today healing energy constantly flows through every organ, joint and cell in my body.
True forgiveness is a self-healing process which starts with you and gradually extends to everyone else.
I've been writing a lot of songs about my personal life and identity. That can be a real healing process.
If you have this deep feeling of empathy for the natural world, you feel it so profoundly. It's almost a religious experience. I feel that I could never really say the depth of feeling or connection I feel to the natural world, which has made me.
Sleep is no longer a healing bath, a recuperation of vital forces, but an oblivion, a nightly brush with annihilation.
I believe that alternative healing methods are much more than just temporary or half measures.
Natural abilities can almost compensate for the want of every kind of cultivation, but no cultivation of the mind can make up for the want of natural abilities.
The physician's ability to reassure the patient is a major factor in activating the body's own healing system.
It is Christ's manner to trouble our souls first, and then to come with healing in his wings.
That there is much suffering in the world no one disputes. Which is more likely, that pain and evil are the result of an all-powerful and good God, or the product of uncaring natural forces? The presence of much suffering agrees well with the view that all organic beings have been developed through variation and natural selection.
In the nice bee, what sense so subtly true From pois'nous herbs extracts the healing dew?
A cure by regression is homeopathic, like healing the damage done by ministers and ignorance with stupidity and Jesuits. — © Franz Grillparzer
A cure by regression is homeopathic, like healing the damage done by ministers and ignorance with stupidity and Jesuits.
"Ju" means being natural or in other words the way which is natural and in accords with the truth of the universe and the one that human beings have to follow. Also, "Ju" may mean anything reasonable, just and honorable, accordingly noble: namely the realization of Truth , Good and Beauty.
The best methods are those which help the life energy to resume its inner work of healing
While brother Joseph was referring to the provinces of God, I was led to reflect that there is no act, no principle, no power belonging to the Deity that is purely philosophical. The birth of the Saviour was as natural as are the births of our children; it was the result of natural action. He partook of flesh and blood - was begotten of his Father, as we were of our fathers.
Hillary Clinton doesn't have any natural talents. Hillary doesn't have any natural connection to people. Hillary doesn't have any charisma, magnetism. All of that has to be manufactured by the media.
Making children cry for a photographer can be considered mean. But I would say that making children laugh and show off their jeans for an apparel ad is just as exploitative and less natural. Toddlers' natural state, like, 30 percent of the time, is crying, and it doesn't indicate pain or suffering.
Homeopathy is insignificant as an act of healing, but of great value as criticism on the hygeia or medical practice of the time.
I want to lead people toward finding hope through the purity and healing power of metal.
It is quite possible to speed up the healing process to the part of the body that is injured. This all has to do with the release of chi.
Loving everything about yourself - even the 'unacceptable' - is an act of personal power. It is the beginning of healing.
Natural ability without education has more often raised a man to glory and virtue than education without natural ability. — © Marcus Aurelius
Natural ability without education has more often raised a man to glory and virtue than education without natural ability.
I like nature but not its substitutes... Mondrian opposed art to nature saying that art is artificial and nature is natural. I do not share this opinion... Art's origins are natural.
When I sit down to write a song, I really want the message of healing to thrive and transcend all ages.
I'm going to be happy. I'm going to skip. I'm going to be glad. I'm going to be easy. I'm going to count my blessings. I'm going to look for reasons to feel good. I'm going to dig up positive things from the past. I'm going to look for positive things where I stand. I'm going to look for positive things in the future. It is my natural state to be a happy person. It's natural for me to love and to laugh. This is what is most natural for me. I am a happy person.
I think we're all wounded, but some of us, when we experience the healing of those wounds, that they scar and scab over.
When you died I didn't weep nor dream but knew you like a god breathe in each healing we begin.
The healing that can grow out of the simple act of telling our stories is often quite remarkable.
In the meantime, the educated public continues to believe that Darwin has provided all the relevant answers by the magic formula of random mutations plus natural selection -quite unaware of the fact that random mutations turned out to be irrelevant and natural selection tautology.
If your soul needs healing, the prescription you need is not Chuck Norris' tears, it's Jesus' blood.
It's been my desire to support efforts to aim at healing the relationship between law enforcement and the community.
There is no such thing as a natural death: nothing that happens to a man is ever natural, since his presence calls the world into question. All men must die: but for every man his death is an accident and, even if he knows it and consents to it, an unjustifiable violation.
Healing fails to occur because it is much easier to injure another than to heal oneself.
I was so in love with books from as early as I remember that it seemed a natural step to want to create them. And so I just wanted to be a writer from a very young age. And I think that the lies were just a natural side effect of me wanting to tell stories and write them down.
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