Top 342 Natures Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Natures quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
Wherever progress is to ensue, deviating natures are of greatest importance.
Simplicity is natures first step, and the last of art.
You lack the season of all natures, sleep. — © William Shakespeare
You lack the season of all natures, sleep.
We pine for kindred natures To mingle with our own.
My biggest competition is myself and my two natures.
What were good and evil, really, but stupid categories? Stupid categories that restricted people and punished or rewarded them based on how they responded to their own natures, natures they really didn't have any way to control.
Our natures lie in motion, without which we die.
O have a care of natures that are mute!
I want a real encounter with something true and disconcerting about peoples' natures.
Enthusiasm is a plant which grows variously in the varying soils of different natures.
Trust reposed in noble natures obliges them the more.
The beauty of the person of Christ, as represented in the Scripture, consists in things invisible unto the eyes of flesh. They are such as no hand of man can represent or shadow. It is the eye of faith alone that can see this King in his beauty. What else can contemplate on the untreated glories of his divine nature? Can the hand of man represent the union of his natures in the same person, wherein he is peculiarly amiable? What eye can discern the mutual communications of the properties of his different natures in the same person?
The natures and dispositions of men are, not without truth, distinguished from the predominance of the planets. — © Francis Bacon
The natures and dispositions of men are, not without truth, distinguished from the predominance of the planets.
That incessant envy wherewith the common rate of mankind pursues all superior natures to their own.
For even bold natures flee, whenever they see Hades close to life.
Force works on servile natures, not the free.
I am afraid he has one of those terribly weak natures that are susceptible to influence.
Revenge, the attribute of gods! They stamped it with their great image on our natures.
There are people who may be trusted, men as well as women. There are are as many difference in their natures as there are flowers in these meadows.
Natures' curriculum cannot be changed.
The perfume of natures does not usually come forth without bruising.
Perhaps if we lived with less physical beauty we would develop our true natures more.
I early learned that there were two natures in me. This caused me a great deal of trouble, till I worked out a philosophy of life and struck a compromise between the flesh and the spirit. Too great an ascendancy of either was to be abnormal, and since normality is almost a fetish of mine, I finally succeeded in balancing both natures. Ordinarily they are at equilibrium; yet as frequently as one is permitted to run rampant, so is the other. I have small regard for an utter brute or for an utter saint.
Human life is an extension of the principles of nature, and human civilization is a venture extrapolated out of human natures: man and his natural potential are the root of the entire human domain. The great task of all philosophizing is to become competent to interpret and steer the potential developmental forces in human natures and in the human condition, both of which are prodigiously fatalistic.
I wish to say seriously to all the daily newspapers, to the Republicans, the Democrat, and Socialist parties, that they cannot, month in month out and year in and year out, make the kind of untruthful, of bitter assault that they have made and not expect that brutal, violent natures, or brutal and violent characters, especially when the brutality is accompanied by a not very strong mind; they cannot expect that such natures will be unaffected by it.
The nature of the infant is not just a new permutation-and-combination of elements contained in the natures of the parents. There is in the nature of the infant that which is utterly unknown in the natures of the parents.
All men are alike in their lower natures; it is in their higher characters that they differ.
As we are poetical in our natures, so we delight in fable.
The characters write the plot. Their natures do.
Base men being in love have then a nobility in their natures more than is native to them.
Organized religions by their very natures are misleading.
Some natures are so sour and ungrateful that they are never to be obliged.
Phlegmatic natures can be inspired to enthusiasm only by being made into fanatics.
To offend and judge are distinct offices, And of opposed natures.
Some natures are too good to be spoiled by praise.
Throwing up is natures way of saying you need to re-examine your idea of a good time.
When we're threatened, it's very easy to appeal to our basic natures.
What "love" is I don't know if it's not the response of our deepest natures to one another. — © William Carlos Williams
What "love" is I don't know if it's not the response of our deepest natures to one another.
Self-love, it is obvious, remains always positive and active in our natures.
A kiss is the natures way to stop a conversation, when the words are superfluous
I live to hold communion With all that is divine, To feel there is a union Twixt Natures heart and mine.
Age doth not rectify, but incurvate our natures, turning bad dispositions into worser habits.
We have a disharmony in our natures. We cannot live together without injuring each other.
It is a very strong rule in drama, and in life, that people remain true to their basic natures. They change, and their change is essential for drama, but typically they only change a little, taking a single step towards integrating a forgotten or rejected quality into their natures.
One of the two is almost always a prevailing tendency of every author: either not to say some things which certainly should be said, or to say many things which did not need to be said. The first is the original sin of synthetic natures, the latter of analytical natures.
If people can be educated to see the lowly side of their own natures, it may be hoped that they will also learn to understand and to love their fellow men better. A little less hypocrisy and a little more tolerance towards oneself can only have good results in respect for our neighbor; for we are all too prone to transfer to our fellows the injustice and violence we inflict upon our own natures.
They are happy men whose natures sort with their vocations.
The season of love is the carnival of egoism and it brings a touchstone to our natures. — © George Meredith
The season of love is the carnival of egoism and it brings a touchstone to our natures.
There are natures in which, if they love us, we are conscious of having a sort of baptism and consecration.
Love is Natures second sun.
Toil and pleasure, in their natures opposite, are yet linked together in a kind of necessary connection.
I'm very interested in good and evil and the moral natures of people.
Human intellect is natures attempt at self criticism
Men's natures are alike; it is their habits that separate them.
There are natures that go to the streams of life in great cities as the hart goes to the water brooks.
Refined and delicate natures understand the cat. Women, poets, and artists hold it in great esteem, for they recognize the exquisite delicacy of its nervous system; indeed, only coarse natures fail to discern the natural distinction of the cat.
The Dharma is the truth that all natures are pure.
The great natures which are good, are above everything generous and don't begrudge the giving of themselves.
What signifies knowing the Names, if you know not the Natures of things.
It's a law of our natures, especially when the political fit is on us, to applaud where we already approve, and deride where we don't.
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