Top 1200 Need God Quotes & Sayings - Page 12

Explore popular Need God quotes.
Last updated on December 19, 2024.
We do need unity, and from my perspective as a minister myself, God has not forgotten America.
We as young men need just one of our peers to stand up and trust his God completely and without reserve. We need just one who will start climbing the rugged mountain cliffs in the direction of his King. We need just one to hear the call of the wild, to charge the fields of Bannockburn and fight for something that really matters. I appeal to you, as a young man, to consider that throughout history, it has often been when one young man stood up to be counted that the course of a nation was forever altered.
For security you need more soldiers, you need more policemen, you need more vehicles, you need more planes, you need more guns, you need more communications. — © Alvaro Uribe
For security you need more soldiers, you need more policemen, you need more vehicles, you need more planes, you need more guns, you need more communications.
You can always make a good film but for it to be successful, you need God's blessing.
The cross of Christ exists because mankind-loved by God, created by God, set in motion by God-betrayed God and prefers his stuff to him.
Our worst days are never so bad that you are beyond the reach of God's grace. And your best days are never so good that you are beyond the need of God's grace.
If God gives you a platform where you're influencing others, you need to steward it well.
A personal relationship with God enhances life. First, it enables us to accept our limitations without being frustrated by them. It assures us that problems we can't solve are not necessarily insoluble. Second, when we need it, God offers us a sense of forgiveness, a sense of cleansing from our incompleteness. . . . Last and perhaps most important, a personal relationship with God redeems us from the fear of death. We needn't be afraid that all our good deeds will vanish when we die.
The deepest need of men is not food and clothing and shelter, important as they are. It is God.
If you need a guide for your ongoing relationship with God, read Psalms.
God is the only being who, in order to reign, doesn't even need to exist.
Forever is longer than you know. Eternal is longer than Forever. God is more than you imagine. God is the energy you call imagination. God is creation. God is first thought. And God is last experience. And God is everything in between.
No matter what storm you face, you need to know God loves you. He has not abandoned you. — © Franklin Graham
No matter what storm you face, you need to know God loves you. He has not abandoned you.
If you lack wisdom in regard to a problem, you need to go to God in prayer.
All the evidence we need that God is angry with us is Justin Timberlake's career.
"Is God a Man or a Woman ?" The answer to this question is neither God is That. But if you must give God a gender, God is more female than male, for he is contained in She.
God brings people into our lives precisely when we need them.
Worship is about God relationship. I need to remember to keep it that simple.
We need to have a regulatory budget in America that limits the amount of regulations on our economy. We need to repeal and replace Obamacare, and we need to improve higher education so that people can have access to the skills they need for 21st century jobs.
Have you been holding back from a risky, costly course to which you know in your heart God has called you? Hold back no longer. Your God is faithful to you, and adequate for you. You will never need more than He can supply, and what He supplies, both materially and spiritually, will always be enough for the present.
You need to know that you can't honor God when you're chained to the voice and opinions of man.
I like a spirituality with a God that knows how to drive a car, that knows how to take his girl to the dance club, dance all night, have a little drink, kiss the kid when they come back in and go to sleep. God doesn't need a chauffeur-- he needs to drive himself.
I've learned that God sometimes allows us to find ourselves in a place where we want something so bad that we can't see past it. Sometimes we can't even see God because of it. When we want something that bad, it's easy to mistake what we truly need for the thing we really want. When this sort of thing happens, and it seems to happen to everyone, I've found it's because what God has for us is obscured from view, just around another bend in the road.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if we had a world where everybody said, 'We don't know?' The fact is that you're surrounded -God and you don't see God, because you KNOW ABOUT God. The final barrier to the vision of God is your God concept. You miss God because you think you know. The highest knowledge of God is to know God as unknowable. All revelations, however divine, are never any more than a finger pointing at the moon. As we say in the East, 'When the sage points to the moon, all the idiot sees is the finger'.
We need a quickening of faith; faith in the power of the God of Pentecost to convict and convert three thousand in a day. Faith, not in a process of culture by which we hope to train children into a state of salvation, but faith in the mighty God who can quicken a dead soul into life in a moment; faith in moral and spiritual revolution rather than evolution.
What joy is ours that the Lord not only forgives our sins ,but allows the soul to know Him, so soon as she humbles herself. The poorest wretch can humble himself and know God in the Holy Spirit. There is no need of money or posessions in order to know God, only humility. The Lord gives Himself freely, for His mercy's sake alone. I did not know this before but now every day and every hour every minute, I see clearly the mercy of God. The Lord gives peace even in sleep, but without God there is no peace in the soul.
If God did not care for you, there would never be a sense of a need to respond.
Let the average man be put to the proof on the question of who is above, and his true position will be exposed. Let him be forced into making a choice between God and money, between God and men, between God and personal ambition, God and self, God and human love, and God will take second place every time.
Beware of manufacturing a God of your own: a God who is all mercy, but not just; a God who is all love, but not holy; a God who as a heaven for every body, but a hell for none; a God who can allow good and bad to be side by side in time, but will make no distinction between good and broad in eternity. Such a God is an idol of your own, as truly an idol as any snake or crocodile in an Egyptian temple. The hands of your own fancy and sentimentality have made him. He is not the God of the Bible, and beside the God of the Bible there is no God at all.
What we really need is somebody who loves us so much we don’t worry about death, or about [anything for that matter]… We need this; we need this so we can love other people purely and not for selfish gain, we need this so we can see everybody as equals, we need this so our relationships can be sincere, we need this so we can stop kicking ourselves around, we need this so we can lose all self-awareness and find ourselves for the first time, not by realizing some dream, but by being told who we are by the only Being who has the authority to know, by that I mean the Creator.
The soul that loves God has its rest in God and in God alone. In all the paths that men walk in in the world, they do not attain peace until they draw nigh to hope in God.
The Word of God and the Spirit of God are enough for the people of God to enjoy and spread the worship of God.
You should not begin to pray for all you want until you realize that in God you have all you need.
By God's grace, I'm well off and I feel the need to give to those who aren't.
A victim of God may, Through learning adaption, Become a partner of God, A victim of God may, Through forethought and planning, Become a shaper of God. Or a victim of God may, Through shortsightedness and fear, Remain God's victim, God's plaything, God's prey.
We need to have a regulatory budget in America that limits the amount of regulations on our economy. We need to repeal and replace Obamacare and we need to improve higher education so that people can have access to the skills they need for 21st century jobs.
If you need me to tell you that if you serve God, you'll get a Mercedes, you're lost.
You need to remember who God is, forget the painful wounds and let Him renew you. — © Erwin McManus
You need to remember who God is, forget the painful wounds and let Him renew you.
The wonderful thing about God is he knows what we need to persuade us.
Some people have a God because they need faith, and that's fair enough.
Every day we need our gaze redirected from ourselves to God.
I like a spirituality with a God that knows how to drive a car, that knows how to take his girl to the dance club, dance all night, have a little drink, kiss the kid when they come back in and go to sleep. God doesn't need a chauffeur - he needs to drive himself.
You need to be moving if you want God to show you which way to go.
We need to be investing in manufacturing and small businesses. We need to be creating a workforce where Americans can compete in a global marketplace because they have the necessary skills. And we need fairness, and we need a sustainable, strong economy that's durable for the future.
The President responded very impressively, saying that he was deeply sensible of his need of Divine assistance. He had sometime thought that perhaps he might be an instrument in God's hands of accomplishing a great work and he certainly was not unwilling to be. Perhaps, however, God's way of accomplishing the end which the memorialists have in view may be different from theirs.
There's a final exam in venture every four to six years. The scary thing is you need to get an 'A' in every discipline. You need to be on generational planning, need to be on great deal flow, need be on great outcomes, you need to be on great company building.
Prayer is an acknowledgment that our need of God's help is not partial but total.
A man has a right to picture God according to his need, whatever it be. — © Henry Ward Beecher
A man has a right to picture God according to his need, whatever it be.
You need some luck in life and I have been lucky with God's help.
To me religion is a deeply personal thing in which man and God go it alone together, without the witch doctor in the middle. The witch doctor tries to convince us that we have to ask God for help, to spell out to him what we need, even to bribe him with prayer or cash on the line.
To evangelize properly by delivering the gospel, we need to follow God's agenda.
You don't need to pray to God any more when there are storms in the sky, but you do have to be insured.
You need never fear feeling too good about God.
We have an extraordinary God. God is a mighty God, but this God needs you. When someone is hungry, bread doesn't come down from heaven. When God wants to feed the hungry, you and I must feed the hungry. And now God wants peace in the world.
Unless there is an element of risk in our exploits for God, there is no need for faith.
It's not about me. The power is in God, it's in the message and I now realize I need to be vocal about it... God uses flawed people to spread the message of His Son; if He can use me, He can use anybody. Whatever you do in life becomes the platform for your faith.
Yeah, unfortunately [ films like Miss Julie are a dying breed]. And that is sad, because we need these. Like we need books, we need classical music, we need ballet, we need opera, to remind us really of who we are and why we are, and we need in movie houses - even to be in a movie - where you sit and see not only excitement and man-hero, woman-hero, you need quietly, just like that Hawking movie we talked about, to know how people overcome.
If you don't need God to pull off what you are planning, you are not dreaming big enough.
There are four accounts of the gospel itself! The momentous events of the conception, birth, life, teaching, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus of Nazareth are too vast to be adequately viewed from one angle alone. Just as we need several points of view to "see" a person's face, so we need these varied emphases and angles to gain the full perspective of all God wants us to understand.
You don't need human relationships to be happy, God has placed it all around us.
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