Top 524 Neglected Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Neglected quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
It is for sure a big part of the coach's job to make sure the tennis does not get neglected.
Whenever we give up, leave behind, and forget too much, there is always the danger that the things we have neglected will return with added force
If you're a freelance writer and aren't used to being ignored, neglected, and generally given short shrift, you must not have been in the business very long. — © Poppy Z. Brite
If you're a freelance writer and aren't used to being ignored, neglected, and generally given short shrift, you must not have been in the business very long.
There is nothing unpremeditated, nothing neglected by God. His unsleeping eye beholds all things.
If a building has been condemned or it's left to ruin, I get so upset. I feel something really deeply about it. I don't like to see anything neglected.
Unlike badminton playing major nations of the world, we never had a specialist doubles coach and so the discipline remained neglected.
There is no question of any alliance with the Congress party. The Congress have always neglected the people of Odisha.
Failures plagued me. Things I had omitted or ignored, neglected. What I should have given and hadn’t. I felt the biting pang of every unfulfillment.
Nowadays, many Americans have forgotten the meaning and traditions of Memorial Day. At cemeteries across the country, the graves of the fallen are sadly ignored, and worse, neglected.
The most fruitful areas for the growth of the sciences were those which had been neglected as a no-man's land between the various established fields.
Prayer is to the Christian what breath is to life, yet no duty of the Christian is so neglected.
I see myself as a journalist reporting neglected stories about our past and trying to bring rigor, reason and intuition to the quest.
I think a lot of people of my generation have a certain guilt that, from the Sixties onwards, we started taking package holidays abroad and neglected our own country.
Objects which are usually the motives of our travels by land and by sea are often overlooked and neglected if they lie under our eye. — © Pliny the Younger
Objects which are usually the motives of our travels by land and by sea are often overlooked and neglected if they lie under our eye.
In the hands of a people whose education has been willfully neglected, the ballot is a cunning swindle benefitting only the united barons of industry, trade and property.
That the poor are invisible is one of the most important things about them. They are not simply neglected and forgotten as in the old rhetoric of reform; what is much worse, they are not seen.
A balanced tone on Europe will free us to address in depth the domestic, economic and social agenda which we neglected throughout the last parliament.
The streets and alleys of the ward were notoriously filthy, and the contractors habitually neglected them, not failing, however, to draw their regular payments from the city treasury.
The intelligent ruler does not value people who are of themselves good without rewards and punishments. Why is that? The laws of the state cannot be neglected, and it is not one man who is being ruled.
It is our grave mistake that for many years we neglected pro-Western groups in order to avoid any friction with the existing rulers.
The square is your friend. Behind every missed lay-up is a tale of the square neglected.
The art of war is of vital importance to the state. It is a matter of life and death, a road either to safety or to ruin. Hence it is a subject of inquiry which can on no account be neglected.
Every day I wake up determined to deliver a better life for the people all across America that have been ignored, neglected and abandoned.
We cannot but pity the boy who has never fired a gun; he is no more humane, while his education has been sadly neglected.
I mean, the Globe is the most famous theater in the western world. The British have absolutely neglected it. It's an embarrassment to them that they haven't done anything about it.
You don't see many people crying over the wrong they do to God every time His word is neglected or when one willfully sins.
You can be a dynamic actor, but could never be a star if you never spend time with the media. That's something that I neglected to do.
The fact is remarkable, that though education in its higher degrees is popularly neglected in Siam, there is scarcely a man or woman in the empire who cannot read and write.
She was trusted and valued by her father, loved and courted by all dogs, cats, children, and poor people, and slighted and neglected by everybody else.
In France, a woman may forget that she is neither young nor handsome; for the absence of these claims to attention does not expose her to be neglected by the male sex.
O Lord, I wish to promote thy holy religion which is dreadfully neglected. I am desirous to save young persons from the vices of the age.
Unless a writer is extremely old when he dies, in which case he has probably become a neglected institution, his death must always seem untimely.
As a person who grew up in a border town, it is important to me that I use my education and my art to tell human stories of an otherwise neglected and marginalized community.
How vital are mother’s influence and teaching in the home-and how apparent when neglected!
The threat of a neglected cold is for doctors what the threat of purgatory is for priests-a gold mine.
Women are underrepresented and neglected in all aspects of the entertainment industry, so naturally, those of us who want to make a change use any opportunity to shine a light on someone when we can.
There is the fear that you somehow neglected to say what was really yours to say.
My body may have been abused, but it certainly hasn't been neglected. — © Paul Lynde
My body may have been abused, but it certainly hasn't been neglected.
I don?t think that India is much celebrated for its democracy. Democracy has been a very neglected commodity at home and abroad.
After watching my poor mother being sometimes neglected by my father, it was almost tattooed on my brain that I would never cause hardship or despair to a partner.
When you feel neglected, think of the female salmon, who lays 3,000,000 eggs but no one remembers her on Mother's Day.
We can't start dividing people up into categories. In the past, France has often committed the error of not speaking to everybody because there was a belief that some countries could be neglected.
[Books] may sleep for a while and be neglected; but whenever the desire of information springs up in the human breast, there they are with mild wisdom ready to instruct and please us.
We started solely concentrating on cleaning up the Garbage Patch because we felt it was the most neglected part of the spectrum of solutions.
The present is passed over in the race for the future; the here is neglected in favor of the there. Enjoy the moment, even if it means merely a walk in the country.
It is the incompetent and the neglected artist who charges the public with ignorance, stupidity, and indifference. He raves loudly, but he is incomprehensible, even inarticulate, in his work.
What is a neglected child? He is a child not planned for, not wanted. Neglect begins, therefore, before he is born.
No fruit has a more precise marked period of maturity, than love; if neglected to be gathered at that time, it will certainly fall to the ground and die away.
Give me a chance, says Stupid, and I will show you. Ten to one he has had his chance already, and neglected it. — © Thomas Chandler Haliburton
Give me a chance, says Stupid, and I will show you. Ten to one he has had his chance already, and neglected it.
But only a person in the depths of despair neglected to look beyond winter to the spring that inevitably followed, bringing back color and life and hope.
In war, discipline is superior to strength; but if that discipline is neglected there is no longer any difference between the soldier and the peasant.
Gone are the living, but the dead remain, And not neglected; for a hand unseen, Scattering its bounty like a summer rain, Still keeps their graves and their remembrance green.
Of all the duties enjoined by Christianity none is more essential and yet more neglected than prayer.
The Buddha gave equal opportunities to women. But we, even as followers of Buddha, neglected that.
Panging is the kind of sharp pain you feel inside when you're reminded of some kind of unattended need or something that you've neglected.
O Holy Spirit, descend plentifully into my heart. Enlighten the dark corners of this neglected dwelling and scatter there Thy cheerful beams.
Darren Campbell has helped me out a lot with my sprinting mechanics. These are things I've always wanted to do, but neglected as I am already fast and strong.
I've been poor and neglected, in the middle and cherished, then rich and miserable and back to the middle and now happy. I've lived it all.
As cities have grown rapidly across the nation, many have neglected infrastructure projects and paved over green spaces that once absorbed rainwater.
It is a painful reminder that even the most well-intentioned among us sometimes act in ways that put children in danger of being abused or neglected.
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