Top 1200 Never Cheat Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Never Cheat quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
I will never cheat in any walk of life.
sometimes it's okay to cheat on things - but don't ever cheat on people. because once you start, it's very hard to stop. you find out how easy it is to do.
You can't cheat the game. You can't cheat the grind. You get out what you put in at the end of the day. — © DaBaby
You can't cheat the game. You can't cheat the grind. You get out what you put in at the end of the day.
I think there's an assumption when you have a parent in the business that you're given some kind of a cheat sheet at an early age. Some kind of upper hand or some kind of advanced understanding of how the whole thing functions - maybe how to operate within it. I never felt I received that cheat sheet and grew up pretty removed from the business.
People don't cheat by chance, they cheat by choice.
There's so many different ways to cheat. People think infidelity is the way to cheat. I think it's sometimes far worse to emotionally cheat on somebody.
If you don't cheat, you look like an idiot; if you cheat and don't get caught, you look like a hero; if you cheat and get caught, you look like a dope. Put me where I belong.
Eighty percent of married men cheat in America. The rest cheat in Europe.
I hope I shall never be deterred from detecting what I think a cheat, by the menaces of a ruffian.
Don't steal; thou'lt never thus compete successfully in business. Cheat.
But human nature dictates that there will always be cheaters. That's inevitable. Where there's money involved and glory, there are going to be people that cheat, and there will always be ways to cheat.
Never lie, steal, cheat, or drink. But if you must lie, lie in the arms of the one you love. If you must steal, steal away from bad company. If you must cheat, cheat death. And if you must drink, drink in the moments that take your breath away.
You are pushed to behave differently here, you don't really have a choice. If you cheat you have no chance of being admired. Even your own supporters will dislike you. So what do you do? Well, the way is not to be stupid, but not to cheat either. If there is a foul, you have to fall. I call it 'helping the referee to make a decision'. That's not cheating.
If we destroy something around us we destroy ourselves. If we cheat another, we cheat ourselves. — © Gautama Buddha
If we destroy something around us we destroy ourselves. If we cheat another, we cheat ourselves.
Never, ever cheat, especially yourself, even if you are absolutely, positively sure that you can get away with it.
A guy who'd cheat on his wife would cheat at cards.
If you cheat on your wife, you'll cheat on your business partner.
I love our traditional marriage. I would never cheat on Hank.
I never cheat or steal. Also, I never wear a top-hat with a sack coat or munch bananas in public on the streets, because a gentleman does not do those things either. I would as soon do the one as the other sort of thing--it is all a matter of harmony and good taste.
I enjoy healthy foods but I'm not scared to have a cheat meal or cheat day, have a burger or whatever.
I am not a cheat and never have been.
Men want to think women don't cheat, and women want men to think they don't cheat, and therefore the sexes have been playing a little psychological game with each other.
You can't cheat kids. If you cheat them when they're children they'll make you pay when they're sixteen or seventeen by revolting against you or hating you or all those so-called teenage problems. I think that's finally when they're old enough to stand up to you and say, 'What a hypocrite you've been all this time. You've never given me what I really wanted, which is you.
You figure they cheat at the ballpark, they'll cheat on the golf course, they'll cheat in business, and anything else in life. Players may laugh about it and say it's funny, but right down in their heart, they don't think it's funny at all, and they have no respect for a person who cheats.
I'm not afraid of taking long walks. A lot of people want to be great, but they want to cheat to get to the greatness. I'm cool with talking the walk around the block to get to where I want to go as opposed to the cheat, because the cheat has flaws.
You will deal with ignorant, opinionated and innocent people. You will often have an opportunity to cheat them. If they could, they would cheat you, or force you to sell at less than cost. You must be wise, but not too wise. You must never actually cheat the customer, even if you can. You must make her happy and satisfied, so she will come back.
No, we don't cheat. And even if we did, I'd never tell you.
When you can't cheat the game, you'd best find a means to cheat the players.
Golf is like solitaire. When you cheat, you cheat only yourself.
Every man takes care that his neighbor shall not cheat him. But a day comes when he begins to care that he does not cheat his neighbor. Then all goes well. He has changed his market cart into a chariot of the sun.
People cheat when they are afraid. When there is no cost to being wrong or confessing ignorance, there is no reason to cheat or fake comprehension.
If you can prove a guy did cheat, then I don't believe he belongs. I don't believe that there are any guys that did cheat, in that respect, that are in the Hall of Fame. So I think opening up the doors to guys that admittedly cheated or are proven that they did cheat, it kills the integrity of what the Hall of Fame stands for.
Any man who will cheat for you will cheat against you.
You'll get a cheat meal, no question. It's not a cheat day. Every day, I indulge with something, because if I feel restricted, I'm gonna lash out.
I'll never cheat.
Rose, I cheat at cards and buy liquor for minors. But I would never, ever force you into something you don't want.
I never had to cheat, I get them with what I got.
I was the best manager in Britain because I was never devious or cheated anyone. I’d break my wife’s legs if I played against her, but I’d never cheat her. — © Bill Shankly
I was the best manager in Britain because I was never devious or cheated anyone. I’d break my wife’s legs if I played against her, but I’d never cheat her.
I would never lay down a pre-programmed set and perform to a pre-mixed CD; I would never cheat my fans like that.
If the world is a game whose rules are written by the God, and sorcerers are those who cheat and cheat, then who has written the rules of sorcery?
I try to live by the 80/20 rule - 80% clean, 20% cheat. During the week and while I train, I eat as clean as possible. But I always like myself a good cheat day, which includes a juicy burger.
Dependability, integrity, the characteristic of never knowingly doing anything wrong, that you would never cheat anyone, that you would give everybody a fair deal. Character is a sort of an all-inclusive thing. If a man has character, everyone has confidence in him.
It's strange. You never start out life with the intention of becoming a bankrupt or an alcoholic or a cheat and a thief. Or a liar.
There are definitely some people who cheat, but how come we're only focusing on people who are on welfare who cheat, and not the bank presidents who cheat?
To be labelled a cheat - it's not fair. If I'm a cheat, then prove I'm a cheat or just leave me alone and let me do what I do best.
If you cheat yourself in practice, you'll cheat yourself in a game; and if you cheat in a game, you'll cheat yourself for the rest of your life.
Never lie, never cheat, never steal.
Tomorrow is an old deceiver, and his cheat never grows stale.
Never fear Death for you will feel aroused by his sleep. Never cheat death or he will slap you with a sentence of misery for the defeat. — © Suzy Kassem
Never fear Death for you will feel aroused by his sleep. Never cheat death or he will slap you with a sentence of misery for the defeat.
Never lie; never cheat; never steal. Don't whine; don't complain; don't make excuses.
We should never stand upon ceremony with sincerity. We should never cheat and insult and banish one another by our meanness, if there were present the kernel of worth and friendliness. We should not meet thus in haste.
One of the great attractions of patriotism - it fulfills our worst wishes. In the person of our nation we are able, vicariously, to bully and cheat. Bully and cheat, what's more, with a feeling that we are profoundly virtuous.
One cheat meal once in a while is fine as long as you stay on track the rest of the planning. I had five really good meals today, one cheat meal.
I have a lot of disrespect for people who cheat. I feel like if you're in a position in a relationship where you want to see other people, and the opportunity to cheat comes up, don't.
You can easily tell if a person is lying and cheating on you if they say, I love you. I would never lie to you or cheat on you.
I never cheat unless you count the girls I cheat on
What do I have to cheat for? I've always been playing against people older than me anyways. So what do I have to cheat for?
A small lie, if it actually is a lie, condemns a man as much as a big and black falsehood. If a man will deliberately cheat to the amount of a single cent, give him opportunity and he would cheat to any amount.
In America, we do cheat. We have people who cheat in elections.
Never violate a woman, nor harm a child. Do not lie, cheat or steal. These things are for lesser men. Protect the weak against the evil strong. And never allow thoughts of gain to lead you into the persuit of evil.
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