Top 1200 New Look Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular New Look quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Be fresh and new when perceiving the other. Always look for the highest first, look for the intrinsic beauty and goodness, for the essence of spirit in your partner.
I think when tattoos are new and colorful, they look bad. But they look better the older and more bleached out they become.
To create a wonderful day sometimes takes just a slight change in the way you look at it. Be willing to let go of an old, negative way that you look at something, and look at it in a new, positive way.
If you look at these bands like The Beatles, they did something that was new for that time, whether it was shocking or just a new direction that they were going. — © Sonny Sandoval
If you look at these bands like The Beatles, they did something that was new for that time, whether it was shocking or just a new direction that they were going.
When you look at the New York Times, when you look at The Washington Post, when you look at CNN. I mean CNN is all Trump all the time. It's called the [Hillary] Clinton News Network. Every story is Trump. All day long no matter what it is.
I really love Beyonce. I like to look to her because we look similar; we have similar features about ourselves. So whenever I see that she's using a new product, or a new hair color, I like to look at her. because I know that if it looks good on her, it's something that I could try.
Look at the New Kids on the Block, the Back Street Boys and *NSYNC... all those boy bands happened because of New Edition.
A lot of singers think all they have to do is exercise their tonsils to get ahead. They refuse to look for new ideas and new outlets, so they fall by the wayside... I'm going to try to find out the new ideas before the others do.
We like to invent new disciplines or look at new problems, and invent bandwagons rather than jump on them.
It's hard to leave New York: this is where my friends are, my parents are. It is so vital. The whole world seems to look to New York.
It doesn't take Warren Buffett to realize that when companies don't know what new rules will look like, it affects their ability to commit capital and create new jobs.
I think it's nearly impossible to be original now. For anything revolutionary to happen again, new instruments have to be invented. A new kind of guitar, maybe, and a new way to play it. There are only so many ways to manipulate sound, if you look at it scientifically.
You can get a new phone or new trainers (sneakers) but you've only got one body so you have to look after it. I don't smoke, or drink a lot of alcohol, and I train almost every day.
Every generation has the obligation to free men's minds for a look at new worlds . . . to look out from a higher plateau than the last generation. — © Ellison Onizuka
Every generation has the obligation to free men's minds for a look at new worlds . . . to look out from a higher plateau than the last generation.
Hillary Clinton's all talk. It doesn't get done. All you have to do is take a look at her Senate run. Take a look at upstate New York.
Don’t look for new landscapes, use new eyes to see what is already there.
I tend to look at Trump as a real-estate mogul. You look at a building and say, 'I'm just going to tear that down and build up something new.' He's not exactly Mr. Preservationist.
Newness inspires me. New opportunities. New places. New experiences. Learning new things, new skills. New roles!
I always expect there to be a new counter-culture coming up, something that would make punk look as ridiculous as punk made the hippies look.
When I decided to move to New York, I did it to look for me, not to look for love.
Every time you think all the technology that had been created already, all you have to do is look around and then there's someone new who's born with a new idea.
Condition Zero' introduces quite a bit of content and gameplay to 'Counter-Strike' including new weapons, characters, mission types and even new technology to enhance to look and feel of the game.
When I was a kid, I had a friend who went on holiday to the same place every year and I never understood why. My ten-year-old eyes always wanted new things to look at - new branches of WH Smiths to look for Sweet Valley High books in, and different campsites or self-catering cottages to explore.
To be born again is, as it were, to enter upon a new existence, to have a new mind, a new heart, new views, new principles, new tastes, new affections, new likings, new dislikings, new fears, new joys, new sorrows, new love to things once hated, new hatred to things once loved, new thoughts of God, and ourselves, and the world, and the life to come, and salvation.
Basically I wake up in the morning and I think everything's going to be great. I'm really kind of optimistic, and I look forward to a new day. I pick up 'The New York Times,' and I look at the front page and realize that once again I'm wrong. I start to fixate on stuff.
I collect memories. I look for opportunities to try new things, go to new places, and meet new people all the time.
[There are] seven gifts God gives you when you commit your life to Christ: a new relationship, a new citizenship, a new family, a new purpose, a new power, a new destiny, and a new journey.
There isn't a new sorrow in the world -- they're all old ones -- but we can all find new happiness if we look in the right way.
One thing I look forward to is seeing new places and new people.
Every day is new. It's just a new day. I look at six hours at a time.
We'll look to the fall and if there is a new president and a new Senate that's part of a Congress willing to change, that's the next step.
If we want a new future that does not look like our past, we must make new choices in the present.
Look at the choices you have, not the choices that have been taken away from you. In them, there are whole worlds of strength and new ways to look at things.
We must think differently, look at things in a different way. Peace requires a world of new concepts, new definitions.
Ghosts of Marriages Past can haunt many aspects of a new relationship - your expectations of what a man should do, how you behave in conflict, your ideas of how commitment should look - they can even make your new man look untrustworthy when he's really behaving normally.
You must look for the good in people to have more of it appear. As you look only for the good things in a person, you will be amazed at what your new focus reveals.
It's more fun to look at an old picture of me than it is to look at a new one sometimes. Although, I still wear a dress pretty well.
And then you start getting into the technical side of it and the aesthetic side and with those areas you can come up with new ways to visualise things, new ways to render and use the computer to make things look different and new and stuff like that.
Travel makes the world look new, and when the world looks new, our brains work harder. — © Austin Kleon
Travel makes the world look new, and when the world looks new, our brains work harder.
Please be a traveler, not a tourist. Try new things, meet new people, and look beyond what's right in front of you. Those are the keys to understanding this amazing world we live in.
When you look at the 'New York Times,' you look at other elite media, what you largely get are pictures of very wealthy nations and the nations we've invaded.
When I owned a hair salon back in Houston, I did a lot of makeovers. Women would come in for a new hairstyle and go out with a whole new look. I know what looks good on a woman.
If you look now, more than ever new entrants, new upstarts, are able to grow so much faster than they could before.
The media covers what’s new – and millions of people dying is nothing new. So it stays in the background, where it’s easier to ignore. But even when we do see it or read about it, it’s difficult to keep our eyes on the problem. It’s hard to look at suffering if the situation is so complex that we don’t know how to help. And so we look away.
Living Beauty is about creating a new ideal, a new reality, and a new aspiration for yourself. It's a guide filled with knowledge, secrets, and solutions to make you look and feel great
You can see the most beautiful things from the observation deck of the Empire State Building. I read somewhere that people on the street are supposed to look like ants, but that's not true. They look like little people. And the cars look like little cars. And even the buildings look little. It's like New York is a miniature replica of New York, which is nice, because you can see what it's really like, instead of how it feels when you're in the middle of it.
The other states look to New York for the progressive direction. New York made a powerful statement [legalizing marriage equality], not just for the people of New York, but for people all across this nation.
It's better to look for the people that look like you and do something with them, create something new - the mainstream isn't that special anyways.
I think by shattering it we can create a new form, a new way to look at what is valuable — how we decide what is valuable. — © Ai Weiwei
I think by shattering it we can create a new form, a new way to look at what is valuable — how we decide what is valuable.
Sometimes home is full of new possibilities, you just have to look or change how you look.
We are at a critical point where rapid change is forcing us to look not just to new ways of solving problems but to new problems to solve.
In a way, I pattern myself after all the bands I used to like as a kid. Every time they put out LPs, they had a whole new look and a new sound.
Putting on a new pair of glasses or sunglasses is a simple way to completely transform your look - just like a new hairstyle.
I don't look back. I look forward and plan new shows. That's really feeding the most important part of working in the theater.
Ours is an age between worldviews, creative yet disoriented, a transitional era when the old cultural vision no longer holds and the new has not yet constellated. Yet we are not without signs of what the new might look like
I'm always looking for something new: a new inspiration, a new philosophy, a new way to look at something, new talent.
If you look at who starts new businesses, people that are innovative and risk takers. When you look at immigrants, you really have to be an innovator and a risk taker to leave everything you know in the old country and go to a new country. People that come here in America come here to work.
Larousse is an invaluable tool for any cook. I've used this great resource all throughout my cooking career, and of course I look forward to the new edition. New information and knowledge are always welcome.
It doesn't affect me because I look at the internet as the new radio. I look at the radio as gone. [...] Piracy is the new radio. That's how music gets around. [...] That's the radio. If you really want to hear it, let's make it available, let them hear it, let them hear the 95 percent of it.
No candidate dares to look for a new campaign model that could really enhance the democratic process. Instead we are left with the current one which makes our candidates look like hucksters.
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