Top 1200 Ninety Percent Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Ninety Percent quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Ninety percent of the time things turn out worse than you thought they would. The other ten percent of the time you had no right to expect that much.
Ninety percent I'll spend on good times, women and Irish Whiskey. The other ten percent I'll probably waste.
Ninety percent of the buildings we live in and around aren't architecture. No, that's not right - 98 percent. — © Frank Gehry
Ninety percent of the buildings we live in and around aren't architecture. No, that's not right - 98 percent.
To sum up the state of architecture in America: ninety percent of the buildings we live in and around aren't architecture. No, that's not right - 98 percent.
Ninety percent of selling is conviction and 10 percent is persuasion.
Music is, by far, the best art. Nothing even comes close. It's so immediate and emotional. In writing, maybe ninety percent of it is the unconscious and ten percent is control. In music, I think it's probably more like ninety-nine percent the unconscious. It's just a beautiful thing happening through you. And so, too, is writing a great story.
Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. As a result, a genius is often a talented person who has simply done all of his homework.
Ninety percent of the politicians give the other ten percent a bad reputation.
War is ninety percent information.
Ninety percent of everything is crap.
The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is ten percent what happens to me and ninety percent of how I react to it. And so it is with you. we are in charge of our attitudes.
Ninety to ninety-five percent of people will withdraw to the comfort zone when what they try doesn't work. Only that small percentage, 5 or 10 percent, will continually improve themselves; they will continually push themselves out into the zone of discomfort, and these are always the highest performers in every field.
If you're writing, you're a writer. If you're talking about it or thinking about it, I'm not so sure. Writing is ninety-eight percent work and two percent magic.
Ninety-five percent of celebrity is good. — © Kevin Bacon
Ninety-five percent of celebrity is good.
Ninety percent of my clothes are women's.
Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.
A capitalist is someone who derives a substantial share of his income from his equity in producing companies. On this scale the figures are discouraging. Approximately ninety percent of the capital of this country is owned by five or less percent of the American people.
If you're ninety-five percent of the way to outstanding success, doesn't it make sense to go the additional five percent of the way? ... A marathon which takes hours to run, can be won or lost by a matter of seconds.
Ninety-five percent of all statistics, including this one, are bogus.
Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent how you respond to it.
Ninety-nine percent of everyday things are things we don't need - that goes for regular visits to the hairdresser just as it does for clothing. What would it mean if we all consumed 20 percent less? It would be catastrophic. It would mean 20 percent less jobs, 20 percent less taxes, 20 percent less money for schools, doctors, roads. The global economy would collapse.
Ninety percent of our lives is governed by emotion.
Only one percent of artists are really profitable and successful. Beyonce is one?tenth of one percent. When we talk about what she can do, ninety-nine percent of artists can't do that.
Ninety-five percent of people who walk the earth are simply inert. One percent are saints, and one percent are assholes. The other three percent are people who do what they say they can do.
It's my special magical power. I can read your mind when you're thinking dirty thoughts." "So, ninety-five percent of the time." She craned her head back to look up at him. "Ninety-five percent? What's the other five percent?" "Oh, you know, the usual--demons I might kill, runes I need to learn, people who've annoyed me recently, people who've annoyed me not so recently, ducks." "Ducks?
Persistence isn't very glamorous. If genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration, then as a culture we tend to lionize the one percent. We love its flash and dazzle. But great power lies in the other ninety-nine percent.
From now on - specialize; never again make any concession to the ninety-nine percent of you which is like everyon else at the expense of the one percent which is unique.
Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration.
At the end of the day, photography is ninety-nine percent business, connections, and politics and one percent creativity.
Ninety-nine percent of all work on self is attitudinal.
When you have seven percent unemployed, you have ninety-three percent working.
Instagram is just a highlight reel... Ten percent of the time, Chan and I have a lot of fun. Ninety percent, we're really boring.
Ninety percent of games lose money; 10 percent make a lot of money. And there's a consistency around the competitive advantages you create, so if you can actually learn how to do the art, the design, and the programming, you would be consistently very profitable.
In most cases, I don't know how much, I cannot say if it's ninety nine percent or eighty percent, but the problem with incestuous relationships is that they often come from frustration. And from need of power.
I think I've only spent about ten percent of my energies on writing. The other ninety percent went to keeping my head above water.
There's no "magic secret"; writing is like everything else; ten percent inspiration or talent, and ninety percent hard work. Persistence; keeping at it till you get there. As Agnes de Mille said, it means working every day—bored, tired, weary, or with a fever of a hundred and two.
Ninety-nine percent of singing is listening and hearing, and so then 1 percent of it is singing.
The successes in the entertainment business are like one percent of the iceberg that you see, and the other ninety-nine percent, which is the rejection and the failure and the work and the toil and the sacrifice, is the rest of the iceberg that's below the water.
Ninety-nine percent of who you are is invisible and untouchable. — © R. Buckminster Fuller
Ninety-nine percent of who you are is invisible and untouchable.
At a Dodger baseball game in Los Angeles, I asked Will Durant if he was ninety-four or ninety-five. "Ninety-four," he said. "You don't think I'd be doing anything as foolish as this if I were ninety-five, do you?"
Ninety-five percent of my audience was white.
Ninety percent of all mental errors are in your head.
When your witnessing is ninety percent, your mind is reduced to ten percent. And when your witnessing is one hundred percent - total, absolute - the screen is empty, the film has disappeared. This is the state of meditation: when there are no thoughts, no feelings - nothing moves, everything stops. There is tremendous serenity. Out of this serenity, silence, peace, a new kind of experience arises, new flowers blossom.
Ninety percent of SF [science fiction] is crud, but then, ninety percent of everything is crud.
Ninety percent of all music is always crap, and when too many people decide they're going to have guitar bands, then ninety percent of them are going to be crap. It's just a given law.
People often say that writing is ten percent inspiration and ninety percent perspiration. This is nonsense, of course. It's pretty much one hundred percent caffeine.
The big thing is that we have five percent or less of the hardcore players actively entertaining the other ninety-five percent.
To declare war on ninety-nine percent of bacteria when less than percent of them threaten our health makes no sense. Many of the bacteria we're killing are our protectors.
Success is ninety-nine percent failure. — © Soichiro Honda
Success is ninety-nine percent failure.
Ninety percent of metabolic oxygen comes from breathing. Ten percent comes from food.
Ninety percent of putts that are short, don't go in.
"It's not just about Jen," he said. "It's about the entire romantic system. Ninety-nine percent of men are in love with the top one percent of women. And yet they often refuse to date us. It's a complete injustice.
We know that more than seventy to eighty percent of women masturbate, and ninety percent of men masturbate, and the rest lie.
Ninety eight percent of the adults in this country are decent, hardworking, honest Americans. It's the other lousy two percent that get all the publicity. But then, we elected them.
Ninety percent of this game is half mental.
The Ninety-Ninety Rule of Project Schedules - the first ninety percent of the task takes ninety percent of the time, and the last ten percent takes the other ninety percent.
Ninety percent grind, 10 percent sleep. That's our motto.
Ninety percent of who you are is invisible." - Mrs. Zender
I spent ninety percent of my money on wine, women and song and just wasted the other ten percent.
Ninety-nine percent of pilots that go up never have engine failure, and the 1 percent that do usually land it. But if you're up in the air and something goes wrong, you pull that parachute, and the whole plane goes down slowly.
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