Top 1200 No Limit Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular No Limit quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
Don't limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve.
The number of ways you can live in one lifetime is limitless. So why limit yourselves? The sky is NOT the limit. Beyond the universe is.
Maybe other people will try to limit me but I don't limit myself. — © Jim Carrey
Maybe other people will try to limit me but I don't limit myself.
We have a limit, a very discouraging, humiliating limit: death.
I live on the limit, Vyvyan. The limit, because I'm a rider at the gates of dawn and I take no prisoners!
The success of the Hollywood marketing machine is to limit what we see. Not just to limit what we can see, but also to limit our expectations - to limit what we want to see.
If you do things to the limit, and don't purposely go over that limit, then I think it's fine to do whatever you want. So long as you enjoy it. That's what's important.
Each time I think I’ve reached a limit....there is a opens....and the limit is gone.
Too often we attempt to work for God to the limit of our incompetency, rather than to the limit of God's omnipotency.
There exists a limit to the force even the most powerful may apply without destroying themselves. Judging this limit is the true artistry of government. Misuse of power is the fatal sin.
Independence is all very well, but we animals never allow our friends to make fools of themselves beyond a certain limit; and that limit you've reached
I've come to see that you can limit God is different ways. You can limit Him by thinking he can never work in spectacular ways. But you can also limit Him by thinking that only the spectacular is meaningful." - from "Dug Down Deep
Make your upper limit, no limit.
Just because you put higher-octane gasoline in your car doesn't mean you can break the speed limit. The speed limit's still 65. — © Neil Sheehan
Just because you put higher-octane gasoline in your car doesn't mean you can break the speed limit. The speed limit's still 65.
Pitchers are going to break. You can limit their pitches and limit their innings, and they're still going to blow out. Pitching is hard on the arm.
There's a limit to what each guy physically can do, but there's no limit on how far you go.
The advantage, the luxury, as well as the torment and responsibility of the novelist, is that there is no limit to what he may attempt as an executant - no limit to his possible experiments, efforts, discoveries, successes.
Tiredness sets a natural limit to what a human being is prepared to walk daily, and this limit has taught man all through history the size of rural or urban communities.
The arms race is based on an optimistic view of technology and a pessimistic view of man. It assumes there is no limit to the ingenuity of science and no limit to the deviltry of human beings.
Each driver has its limit. My limit is a little bit further than others.
If you do things to the limit, and don’t purposely go over that limit, then I think it’s fine to do whatever you want. So long as you enjoy it. That’s what’s important.
Whatever game suits you best, learn to play both Limit and No Limit Texas Hold'em. Your overall game will definitely improve.
The art of wealth-getting which consists in household management, on the one hand, has a limit; the unlimited acquisition of wealth is not its business. And therefore, in one point of view, all riches must have a limit; nevertheless, as a matter of fact, we find the opposite to be the case; for all getters of wealth increase their hard coin without limit.
Limit Hold'em is the game for you if you bore easily and crave fast action. Conversely, in No Limit, the game will often slow to a halt when someone is faced with a big decision. That's uncommon in Limit games because all-in bets are rare.
There is a limit to the amount of misery and disarray you will put up with, for love, just as there is a limit to the amount of mess you can stand around a house. You can't know the limit beforehand, but you will know when you've reached it. I believe this.
Playing Limit Hold'em will certainly improve your No Limit game. There are subtleties to the Limit game that will enhance your technique at the No Limit tables. Mastering these uniquely aggressive Limit tactics will enable you to steal more pots when you sit down to play No Limit Hold'em.
If you have done something once, you can do it again or you can do it better. The beauty is the pursuit of the limit, not the limit itself. At least that's what I hope people realize.
There is no time limit for a satyagrahi nor is there a limit to his capacity for suffering.
Diversity drives innovation – when we limit who can contribute, we in turn limit what problems we can solve.
The 'hard swallow' built into science is this business about the Big Bang. ... This is the notion that the universe, for no reason, sprang from nothing in a single instant. ... Notice that this is the limit test for credulity. . . . It's the limit case for likelihood.
I seen an interview with Kobe; he said what separated him from a lot of people was everyone thought 30 points was a lot. He said he never set himself a limit, and that always sticks in my head. He said he'd score 100 if he could. So he never had a limit, I don't put a limit on anything.
Don't limit yourself and don't let anyone put a limit on your potential.
We limit ourselves so much. And, we limit heaven too. We think it's a place where angels just play harps. And hell has to be fire and brimstone. But that's very untrue.
There is a limit where the intellect fails and breaks down, and this limit is where the questions concerning God and freewill and immortality arise.
The number of ways you can live in one lifetime is limitless. So why limit yourself? The sky is NOT the limit. Beyond the universe is.
War is an act of force, and to the application of that force there is no limit. Each of the adversaries forces the hand of the other, and a reciprocal action results which in theory can have no limit.
The sky is not the limit, only Heaven's the limit, and there's no limit in Heaven!
There is no upper limit to what individuals are capable of doing with their minds. There is no age limit that bars them from beginning. There is no obstacle that cannot be overcome if they persist and believe.
Dialogue in fiction is always written to be read in silence. The page is the limit. Dialogue on stage and on the screen is meant to be spoken. The voice is the limit. — © Guillermo Cabrera Infante
Dialogue in fiction is always written to be read in silence. The page is the limit. Dialogue on stage and on the screen is meant to be spoken. The voice is the limit.
Independence is all very well, but we animals never allow our friends to make fools of themselves beyond a certain limit; and that limit you've reached.
The criteria for writing mythological books are different. Because the results are known, the end is known. Somebody has created that limit and you have to play within that limit.
... there are two types of happiness and I have chosen that of the murderers. For I am happy. There was a time when I thought I had reached the limit of distress. Beyond that limit, there is a sterile and magnificent happiness.
Moreover, the universe as a whole is infinite, for whatever is limited has an outermost edge to limit it, and such an edge is defined by something beyond. Since the universe has no edge, it has no limit; and since it lacks a limit, it is infinite and unbounded. Moreover, the universe is infinite both in the number of its atoms and in the extent of its void.
The aim of the book is to set a limit to thought, or rather - not to thought, but to the expression of thoughts: for in order to be able to set a limit to thought, we should have to find both sides of the limit thinkable (i.e. we should have to be able to think what cannot be thought). It will therefore only be in language that the limit can be set, and what lies on the other side of the limit will simply be nonsense.
Trying to find the limit of yourself and the limit of the car and sometimes to exceed it and see the real limit - if you find that sweet spot and are able to repeat it, it is one of the best feelings.
The way I see it is: You've got to take it to the limit, not over the limit, for sure, but you've got to take it to the limit with your driving style.
There is always, of course, a limit in a democracy as to what is politically possible, so you have to respect that limit. But in my experience, governments tend to be too timid.
If we imagine that the only right that we have is to make commodifiable objects, then we limit our practice, and we limit the great potential for an understanding between collectors, curators and galleries.
Live and act within the limit of your knowledge and keep expanding it to the limit of your life. — © Ayn Rand
Live and act within the limit of your knowledge and keep expanding it to the limit of your life.
In order to draw a limit to thinking, we should have to think both sides of this limit.
It is one of the commonest of our mistakes to consider that the limit of our power of perception is also the limit of all that there is to perceive.
To limit money is to limit political power.
When you limit a woman's potential, you limit your own.
Before kids, I was really going to the limit. Afterwards, I was approaching the limit but then maybe turning around.
Limit love and you limit life.
Success means crossing a limit. To cross a limit you need to assume that you have a limit. Assuming a limit is underestimating yourself. If you have no boundaries then where is your success?
If we are the sum of everything that happens to us, to limit a person's experience is to limit their growth.
I'd say Harvard graduates leave here with a sense of the possible and the limit - and a sense that there are no limits to what humans can do and that you can always be pushing, whatever limit you think might be there.
Never tell me the sky is the limit when the zoning code clearly imposes a stricter limit.
Most fear stems from sin; to limit one's sins, one must assuredly limit one's fear, thereby bringing more peace to one's spirit.
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