Top 1200 Normal Person Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Normal Person quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
People ask, "What could possibly cause a normal person to torture her own child?" Well, the answer is: Nothing could cause a normal person to torture their own child. The reason that we see that happening is that there are people who don't care, who don't love - even their own children.
A person who loves and kisses a tree is a normal person; a person who hates and cuts a tree is an abnormal person.
I don't want to be stuck up. I'm just a normal person. My friends think of me as a normal friend, and I like that. — © Ellie Simmonds
I don't want to be stuck up. I'm just a normal person. My friends think of me as a normal friend, and I like that.
The freedom of individuals from compulsion or coercion never was, and is not now, the normal state of human affairs. The normal state for the ordinary person is tyranny, arbitrary control and abuse mainly by their own government.
Normal! He thought. Normal! I don't want things to be normal. Normal is always being left out, never belonging.
When they picked the people for 'Survivor,' they wanted 15 fouled-up people and one normal person. I was the normal person, in my opinion. I'd have bet a million bucks I was gonna win.
I totally understand I'm an eccentric person; I'm not going to claim to be a normal person.
I'm a normal woman, a normal person, and I just want to drive.
The rabbits though and thought. "If we're normal and Leo is normal, then normal is whatever you are!
Until you recognize the need, the absolute requirement for taking responsibility, you will not succeed. Once you do accept the responsibility, however, the Egoscue Method never fails. Never. No drugs, no surgery, no machines, no miracles. Just You. A normal person, doing normal things.
Autism isn't something a person has, or a shell that a person is trapped inside. There's no normal child hidden behind the autism. Autism is a way of being. It is pervasive; it colors every experience, every sensation, perception, thought, emotion and encounter - every aspect of existence. It is not possible to separate the autism from the person – and if it were possible, the person you'd have left would not be the same person you started with.
You aren't normal if you sing to people. You aren't a normal person. It's nerve-racking.
Leadership is lifting a person's vision to high sights, the raising of a person's performance to a higher standard, the building of a personality beyond its normal limitations.
There is a great gulf between the really creative person and normal people. The totally creative person does not have the rest of his life in proper proportion.
I wouldn't trade the childhood we had because, A, It was normal to me, even though, in hindsight, it's not normal. It felt normal, and I think we maintained a pretty normal healthy attitude towards what we did. And B, I just wouldn't trade it, the experience that we had and the growth we've had.
Every normal person, in fact, is only normal on the average. His ego approximates to that of the psychotic in some part or other and to a greater or lesser extent. — © Sigmund Freud
Every normal person, in fact, is only normal on the average. His ego approximates to that of the psychotic in some part or other and to a greater or lesser extent.
People talk without knowing the real Cristiano. He's a normal person with normal habits like us. He likes his relatives. He loves his sons. He stresses the importance of being a father which I think is important. He's does this perfectly and naturally.
What we do for a living is not normal, and therefore, the process is not normal sometimes, and to expect it to be normal is to not understand what happens on set.
I live a very normal life. I have friends, and I've always gone to school. The part that's not normal is that I've been working since I was 9 months old, but at the same time, it's completely normal to me.
I'm a normal person and I don't have superpowers! I do normal things, too.
There's something not normal about you if you're writing a book about yourself, or about anything. And if you're the kind of person who can deal with being recognized by strangers and if that's tolerable or pleasing to you, and not immediately terrifying, that's not normal either.
I do not look like the normal politician. I don't even look like a normal person.
It's very nice to be a sort of normal person for once; I think it's about as normal as I'm going to get.
I am not a normal person. I am living in a normal body, but my mind is not normal.
My dad's not the most normal thinking person. It's not normal to need to make millions or billions of dollars.
My real difficulty was to become a normal person again, after having been a movie actress for so long. For me, at the time I was living in New York and Hollywood, a normal person was someone who made movies.
It's like there's this knowledge hanging in the air that one person has more power than the other, and we're supposed to pretend everything is nice and normal and equal, but in reality, luck or chance has showered benefits on one person that the other person couldn't dream of.
A "Normal" person is the sort of person that might be designed by a committee. You know, "Each person puts in a pretty color and it comes out gray."
I think that's the thing. I don't want to date a celebrity. I want to date a normal person. So I'm looking for a normal person.
I had a terrible fear of not being normal - of not seeming normal. So I went to the library and read every psychology book I could find. Anything about how normal people behave.
I will always try to be as normal as I can. Obviously, there may have to be some limits with it, but I am still a fan at heart and want to live like a normal person.
As a human, yeah, it's awesome. You grow up and you are in Little League, and you want to make the all-star team; you go to college, and you want to make the all-star team. So any normal person would want to do it on the biggest stage and highest level. And I'm a normal person. I haven't changed there.
I'm not a normal person with normal tastebuds, so I'll save you all from cringing/dissing on my late night flavour pairings, but I will say when I was a kid, with little to no access to anything but my mother's pantry, I'd dip everything in ranch dressing, Miracle Whip, katsup, barbecue sauce, honey, mustard, etc.
Libertarians argue that no normal adult has the right to impose choices on other normal adults, except in abnormal circumstances, such as when one person finds another unconscious and administers medical assistance or calls an ambulance.
I think I'll always draw from being a person that doesn't know how to have a normal life, whatever a normal life is.
If you look at any normal organization, the CEO is the person with the highest E.Q. The person with the highest IQ is often in the back room running the financials or the operations. That's topsy turvy.
The normal person classifies an object, and then forgets about it. The creative person, by contrast, is always open to new possibilities.
I think that what I don't like is everything that surrounds a footballer. The fame, the people idolizing you, the press, not being able to have a normal life like normal person. I think that is what has held me back a little in football.
Advertisers like that because they want you to feel their product isn't normal - this perfume isn't normal, this set of lingerie isn't normal. The irony is that they are appealing to normal people to buy the product because they want them to identify with an exotic life that they don't lead.
A century from now it will no more occur to a normal person to mate with a person eugenically unfit than to marry a habitual criminal. — © Nikola Tesla
A century from now it will no more occur to a normal person to mate with a person eugenically unfit than to marry a habitual criminal.
In fact, when we as neuro-typical people encounter a person with autism spectrum syndrome who's always been that way it is that we have to adjust. Just because we can read people with autism correctly, whatever that word is why do we always default to saying, 'Well, that kid is not normal?' What is normal?
It is very normal for people on the ground to look at somebody apparently walking in midair and thinking first that person is crazy and thinking secondly that person risks his or her life.
I've gone through relationships, gone through the normal things that a normal person would go through.
I think a bit of mystery is good, and I used to feel like an eccentric person pretending to be normal. But I am actually just a normal person seeming eccentric, by what I'm putting myself through.
I don't need to praise anything so justly famous as Frost's observation of and empathy with everything in Nature from a hornet to a hillside; and he has observed his own nature, one person's random or consequential chains of thoughts and feelings and perceptions, quite as well. (And this person, in the poems, is not the "alienated artist" cut off from everybody who isn't, yum-yum, another alienated artist; he is someone like normal people only more so - a normal person in the less common and more important sense of normal.)
I am just a normal person, and it is normal to have quality time with my family.
I don't know how to have a normal relationship because I try to act normal and love from a normal place and live a normal life, but there is sort of an abnormal magnifying glass, like telescope lens, on everything that happens.
I shouldn't say I'm looking forward to leading a normal life, because I don't know what normal is. This has been normal for me.
Wrestling pushes me, makes me accountable. It makes me who I am. I never felt I was just a normal person. Then I felt too normal, lazy, sedentary.
I go to the club just like a normal person. I might go to the studio, but I go everywhere like a normal person would.
The condition of alienation, of being asleep, of being unconscious, of being out of one’s mind, is the condition of the normal man. Society highly values its normal man. It educates children to lose themselves and to become absurd, and thus to be normal. Normal men have killed perhaps 100,000,000 of their fellow normal men in the last fifty years.
I'm wide open to getting married, but actors are not easy people to date. You end up sharing that person with this other mistress that is their career. I very much like the traditional courtship method of making a date. That's what they do in normal places, but Hollywood's not normal.
You look like a normal person, if you can find a normal person who wants to look like that. — © Milton Berle
You look like a normal person, if you can find a normal person who wants to look like that.
Despite being the greatest, Messi is an ordinary guy. He speaks like a normal guy, he acts like a normal guy. As a normal person, he has family, day-to-day problems in his life, friends and family, the usual.
I don't see myself as famous; I see myself as a normal person with a job that is not very normal. My work life is very out there and very public. But I do my best to maintain my privacy.
Returning to South Carolina meant getting a normal job in a normal town with normal people and marrying a normal person. I wanted the glamour and opportunity of the world.
Not every relationship works, and that is the truth, and I don't care whether you're a movie star or just a person on the street, normal life. Everybody's normal, relationships are always normal. I think movie stars have a little bit harder time because the cameras are on there all the time. But you have to be who you are.
I'm a normal person, but people see me as this person who's not really real, almost like I don't have feelings. They think they can treat me any way they want to.
There is no normal. I've never met a normal person. The concept is flawed. It implies that there is only one way people are supposed to be, and that can't possible be true. Human experience is far too varied.
I enjoy fame, but I like normal, too. Going out is difficult; you are recognised, and you cannot be normal anymore... you start living in a bubble, and I am a normal guy.
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