Top 1200 Nothing Makes Sense Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Nothing Makes Sense quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
We have to be serious and consistent if we believe the European Union makes sense. I believe it makes sense.
Nothing in Death Hunt makes a great deal of sense, though the scenery is rugged and the snowscapes beautiful.
Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution. — © Theodosius Dobzhansky
Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution.
Ignorance makes for weakness and fear; knowledge gives strength and confidence. Nothing surprises an intellect that knows all things with a sense of discrimination.
Life is nothing until it is lived; but it is yours to make sense of, and the of it is nothing other than the sense you choose.
Just as music is noise that makes sense, a painting is colour that makes sense, so a story is life that makes sense.
Nothing which is true or beautiful or good makes complete sense in any immediate context of history; therefore we must be saved by faith.
We're living in such a fantasy world where nothing makes sense anymore.
Nature, which makes nothing durable, always repeats itself so that nothing which it makes may be lost.
To choose suffering makes no sense at all; to choose God's will in the midst of our suffering makes all the sense in the world.
Probably the reason it's a little hard to break away from the album format completely is, if you're getting a band together in the studio, it makes financial sense to do more than one song at a time. And it makes more sense, if you're going to all the effort of performing and doing whatever else, if there's a kind of bundle.
The trouble with fiction," said John Rivers, "is that it makes too much sense. Reality never makes sense.
I don't think any religion makes any sense and I think people who are into that are really getting duped, and I don't think Judaism makes any more sense than Christianity, and I don't think Christianity makes any more sense than Scientology. But here's a guy, L. Ron Hubbard, who told all his friends, 'Look, I'm gonna start a religion, 'cause I can't make any money as a science fiction writer.' I mean, he admitted that publicly! At least with Jesus Christ, you can't go talk to the guy.
I have a naive trust in the universe - that at some level it all makes sense, and we can get glimpses of that sense if we try. — © Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
I have a naive trust in the universe - that at some level it all makes sense, and we can get glimpses of that sense if we try.
When nothing makes sense and the world seems upside down, listen to your heart, it will never lie about your true feelings.
When I see people wasting their hours doing nothing productive, nothing to contribute to the world, nothing to build relationships, it makes me sad. Actually, it makes me mad. I want to scream, 'Wake up!'.
Can't you see it all makes perfect sense, expressed in dollars and cents, pounds shillings and pence, can't you see it all; makes perfect sense
What about you? Are you happiest and saddest right now that you've ever been?" "Of course I am." "Why?" "Because nothing makes me happier and nothing makes me sadder than you.
When I look back on everything I've done, it all somehow makes sense to me. But it doesn't make sense when you're actually doing it.
Unless you love someone, nothing else makes any sense.
Port investments entail a lot of money, and having a partner who can share the risk makes a lot of sense. Often, it makes sense to have a local partner.
I'm beginning to think that maybe everything that happens makes sense. Like, if it didn't make sense, how could it happen?
I remember reading in a comedy book very long ago when I first started, a person said there's a difference between a sense of humor and a sense of funny. A sense of humor is knowing what makes you laugh and a sense of funny is knowing what makes other people laugh. The journey of comedy, in a sense, is negotiating those two worlds.
There's a difference between a sense of humor and a sense of funny. A sense of humor is knowing what makes you laugh and a sense of funny is knowing what makes other people laugh. The journey of comedy, in a sense, is negotiating those two worlds.
Nothing makes logical sense in this industry.
To demand 'sense' is the hallmark of nonsense. Nature does not make sense. Nothing makes sense.
I'd rather speak as a student of philosophy. Philosophically it makes no sense, absolutely makes no sense. Why should people inherit evil things when their memories could contain and should invoke good things?
Truth usually makes no sense. If your desire is for everything to make perfect sense, then you should take refuge in fiction. In fiction, all threads tie together in a neat bow and everything moves smoothly from one point to the next to the next. In real life, though... nothing makes sense. Bad things happen to good people. The pious die young while the wicked live until old age. War, famine, pestilence, death all occur randomly and senselessly and leave us more often than not scratching our heads and hurling the question 'why?' into a void that provides no answers.
Nothing in the natural world makes sense - except when seen in the light of evolution
How does it happen that something that makes so much sense in the moonlight doesn't make any sense at all in the sunlight?
I said to myself, 'What show could I be on that makes sense?' And with 'Parks and Rec' being in Pawnee, like a fictitious city in Indiana, I said 'that really makes sense.'
Understand--it ALWAYS makes sense. Sense can't be avoided. If it first seems to be non-sense, wait: roots will reveal themselves.
We Greeks are a moody people. Suicide makes sense to us. Putting up Christmas lights after your own daughter does it--that makes no sense. What my yia yia could never understand about America was why everyone pretended to be happy all the time.” -Mrs. Karafilis
Florida is a strange place: hot, beautiful, ugly. I love it here, and how nothing makes sense but still, somehow, there is a rhythm.
It is time for writers to admit that nothing in this world makes sense. Only fools and charlatans think they know and understand everything. The stupider they are, the wider they conceive their horizons to be. And if an artist decides to declare that he understands nothing of what he sees - this in itself constitutes a considerable clarity in the realm of thought, and a great step forward.
In nature nothing remains constant. Everything is in a perpetual state of transformation, motion, and change. However, we discover that nothing simply surges up out of nothing without having antecedents that existed before. Likewise, nothing ever disappears without a trace, in the sense that it gives rise to absolutely nothing existing in later times.
Fine sense and exalted sense are not half so useful as common sense. There are forty men of wit for one man of sense; and he that will carry nothing about him but gold, will be every day at a loss for want of readier change.
People who have fabulous childhoods have this sense that nothing is ever going to be that good again. With me, I have the sense that nothing is going to be that bad. — © Nigella Lawson
People who have fabulous childhoods have this sense that nothing is ever going to be that good again. With me, I have the sense that nothing is going to be that bad.
Common sense and a sense of humour are the same thing, moving at different speeds. A sense of humour is just common sense, dancing. Those who lack humour are without judgment and should be trusted with nothing.
If you take risks and face your fate with dignity, there is nothing you can do that makes you small; if you don't take risks, there is nothing you can do that makes you grand, nothing.
I remember coming back to the U.K. after spending five months in Charlotte for 'Homeland,' and I just found myself just wandering around London. There's nothing like it - the buildings, the architecture, the sense of history, the sense of culture - there really is nothing like it.
What the hell is pilot season? It's an artificial boundary that makes no sense, and it makes you do things under duress.
There's nothing for getting you good fast like having to be good fast, if that makes any sense.
When I'm on a roll nothing makes me happier or feel more satisfied, like plugging in, life makes sense.
Most of the time, when someone tells you something, and it makes sense, it just makes sense. And that's that. But sometimes it really doesn't make sense.
Nothing makes sense, why should I?
Sorry doesn’t mean anything! Not when you’re still with him. It’s not just that you cheated—it’s that he’s still here, and you’re still with him. It just goes on and on, and it hurts every single time I see you with him. I hate it that he makes you smile, and that there’s nothing I can do to stop this. I can’t think straight, and everything hurts, and nothing makes sense anymore. You’re shredding my heart with one hand and stroking his ego with the other. And it’s killing me, Faythe. You’re killing me. And it’s only going to get worse, now that everyone knows.
We don't know the end from the beginning the way that God does. So when a child dies, sure that is incredibly difficult, and when you are the parent, there is almost nothing anybody can say to you that makes any sense.
With breast cancer, nothing is straightforward. It makes sense for most people to make their dietary decisions based on what it does for heart disease. That's where the data are most strong.
A particular rule that seems to make sense in the individual case makes no sense when it is made a universal rule and applied to all cases. It makes no sense because it fails to take into account the connection between one broken window left untended and a thousand broken windows.
There's nothing like meeting someone's family to get a true sense of them and a reflection of their ethics and personality. It just makes them a more rounded person.
In Japan, you have no idea what they are saying, and they can't help you either. Nothing makes any sense. They're very polite, but you feel like a joke is being played on you the entire time you're there.
I really like gratuitous nudity. I hate when people go, 'I'll only do it if it makes sense for the movie'. It never makes sense. So I like it - the more gratuitous the better.
I like making books but I'm not sure exactly what I'm doing. Perhaps I just try to arrange a bunch of seemingly random drawings into something that makes a vague narrative sense. Sometimes it sort of makes sense, sometimes it doesn't.
God wastes nothing - not even sin. The soul that has struggled and come through is enriched by it's experiences, and Grace does not merely blot out the evil past but in the most literal sense "makes it good."
When you educate a girl, you kick-start a cycle of success. It makes economic sense. It makes social sense. It makes moral sense. But, it seems, it's not common sense yet.
When the writing is good and it suits your character, you don't have to memorize anything, because it just makes sense. You read it and you go, "Oh, that makes sense." And it's easy.
I can't explain it, but spiritually it makes sense - though I don't understand how it does make sense. — © Kevin McDonald
I can't explain it, but spiritually it makes sense - though I don't understand how it does make sense.
Last hopeless chances have got to work. Nothing makes sense otherwise. You might as well not be alive.
I think the Eddie Alvarez fight is a good fight that makes sense - a couple Italian guys throwing down. I've got nothing but respect for the guy.
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